Chapter 629

The whole small shop was very quiet, the boss looked at Qin Fen stupidly, everyone was familiar with the neighbors, and many people knew the chef, but now, Chef Qin standing in the small shop changed instantly. extremely strange.

The female ruffian just wants to say shit, you shouldn't be a security guard, you should be a policeman, it's a waste of your talent, it's too weird.But what was even more weird was that she looked at Lu Yihang foolishly, with a wonderful expression on her face.

This is what you want him to see.Well, Qin Fen still pretended to be so forceful, and the female ruffian was speechless. Qin Fen's ability is really super weird, but he still likes to keep a low profile. If Lu Yihang didn't force him, he would really You know, he can still play this, it's definitely the basic deduction.

"Isn't this Qin Fen? Are they making a movie?" An aunt didn't understand at all.

"I don't know, but the conversation seems to be very in-depth!" An old man nodded.

The ugly look on Lu Yihang's face not only has depth, but also length and thickness!Well, this is bullshit, and as for what happened to him and his students, he said he didn't want to recall it.

This kid is really a genius, that's right, this genius came too suddenly, Lu Yihang couldn't accept it for a while, because this process was based on his pain, and he was ashamed.

Seeing Qin Fen talking freely, the master of metaphysics was very sour.

"Then do you need me to continue reading and talking?" Qin Fen walked back to his seat.

I thank you, you don't need to do so much for such a good person and good deed, really.Lu Yihang's heart twitched, and he continued, "It's enough, I already know your situation!"

The eyes of the female ruffian are very wandering, and the eyes of the surroundings looking at Lu Yihang are also very wandering. Sitting here, it is not clear that he cheated last night and is a ****.

There are seven hardships in life, everyone knows it, and I won’t repeat it here, but there is another kind of suffering, that is, the suffering of vomiting blood by oneself. Lu Yihang wanted to see Qin Fen’s insight, but unfortunately, he lifted a stone and smashed himself feet.

As a master, he is also an expert in observing words and demeanor. Since Qin Fen doesn't believe it and disdains it, he has to take targeted measures to frustrate the other party's spirit. Unfortunately, Qin Fen is just like that.

"I really don't need to say any more?" The chef asked.

"It's really unnecessary!" Lu Yihang's expression turned ugly, and he asked you to continue talking.

The female ruffian almost pissed off laughing, it seems that this morning's trip was worthwhile, such technical contention is rare.

Well, Qin Fen continued to eat without even looking at the other party.

Lu Yihang rushed forward again with a sigh of relief, "Young man is very talented, how about you, follow me to learn, metaphysics is a branch of metaphysics, broad and profound, covering a wide range, you are very talented."

The female ruffian froze, the other party was really capable, otherwise the old man wouldn't have invited the other party to arrange the study and flower garden.Sincerity makes spirit.But I didn't expect that in just a few minutes, the other party would love talents.

"I don't want to study, I don't have time!" Qin Fen really didn't want to study. How busy he is, how could he have time to study that? This knowledge was passed down from his ancestors. It's a good thing, and it even involves geography and astronomy. Unfortunately, The chef's discerning eyes can't see it. If you really want to learn, it is the kingly way to follow the heavenly court and learn from others?He doesn't even think about it.

Lu Yihang has been observing Qin Fen since just now. He has a delicate mind, a flexible mind, and a rare talent for observing the details.

"It doesn't take too much time, and it's a high-paying job!" Lu Yihang began to explain the facts.

"It's not bad. I don't have ideals. If I can live my life so easily and carefree, I'll be satisfied. If I don't make money and don't need to work, that would be the best." Qin Fen didn't even look up. Drink soy milk.

The corner of the female ruffian's mouth twitched, she also wants your wish.

It's not just what she wants, Lu Yihang wants to say, his biggest wish when he was young is also this, but is it possible?impossible.

"People live in this world, they can't help themselves, you really don't want to learn?" Lu Yihang sat up straight, looking at the other person without blinking.

"Do you know that there is a saying that things are impermanent?" Qin Fen smiled strangely. Just now, he thought of the function of this game.

"I know!" Lu Yihang nodded.

Qin Fen pointed to the door, "It's raining now!"

The female ruffian was also a little strange, her brows were frowned, not knowing what kind of tricks Qin Fen was going to play.

"Yes, today's weather forecast is light to moderate rain! It is estimated that it will rain for a long time, intermittently lasting for a few days!" Lu Yihang was also very surprised by Qin Fen's words.

"The world is impermanent, maybe the sun will shine in the next second!" Qin Fen suddenly smiled, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and called out, "The boss pays the bill!"

This is impossible, Lu Yihang doesn't believe it, the female ruffian is sluggish, what kind of tricks are you going to play.

The boss came over with a smile, "Xiao Qin, it's true that things are impermanent, but it's really raining today, and it won't stop for a while. You didn't bring an umbrella. I think you're going out. How about I lend you one? "

The female ruffian shook her head, "Thank you boss, I have a car, I'll give it to him!"

The boss gave her a strange look, Qin Fen is a promising kid, and knows such a beautiful girl.Since the other party spoke, he didn't say any more, walked aside with a smile, and started busy with his own affairs.

"If you have something to do, don't bother you. I'll go back by myself and take a walk!" Qin Fen shook his head, rejecting the female ruffian's proposal.

"It's raining now, how do you go, not afraid of catching a cold?"

Lu Yihang narrowed his eyes, this kid is a bit interesting.

"The world is impermanent, who said it will continue to fall, master, you say so!" The chef put his backpack on his back and went out the door.

The two people behind them also got up and followed quickly, "It's really raining!" The female ruffian said with concern, this guy, why is he such a donkey temper, is this arguing with the master?I remembered the phrase Yintang is black.

Qin Fen shook his head, and took a step forward in an instant, "The world is impermanent, since it is unpredictable, why guess, looking forward and backward will only increase troubles, do what I want to do, watch what I want to see,
I want to be safe, it is sunny! "After finishing speaking, Chef Qin's heart suddenly brightened, and he has been entangled with Tiandao, WeChat, and even because of the layout of Tiandao this time, and his relationship with the Queen Mother, Qin Fen was very distressed, as if he felt that he was being calculated by others. However, at this moment , he is no longer confused, he is at ease with the situation, moves with his heart, why bother to be persistent, it is really destined, it will bear fruit, and it is the same for female ruffians.

He stepped out, stood in the rain, with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hands to meet the raindrops.

The first method that can affect the human world appeared!
A bright light in the sky pierced the sky, fell from a high altitude, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, and the sun rose.

This is the real method of Sun Xingjun. Heaven cannot control it, but the way of heaven can. Everything in the world has its own laws, but now, Qin Fen has the power to change the laws of all things!His real god position is a pachinko game that goes to Nima. If you hit a certain score, you can reverse the celestial phenomenon.

(End of this chapter)

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