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Chapter 617 Fishing in troubled waters, heaven is so lively

Chapter 617 Fishing in troubled waters, heaven is so lively
Thinking of what he said just now, the Jade Emperor was really caught off guard. Thinking about it was so sad. I actually praised my dead enemy and wanted to drag him into the heaven for my own encouragement. Is there any more idiotic idea than this?
Even if the natural Taoist agrees, he will never be able to do it. If no one hears this, it's fine. The key point is that he is still arguing with Taibai Jinxing, defending it hard, he is a pig!His own slap knocked out his own teeth.

The kind of sadness from the bottom of my heart began to permeate the Jade Emperor's heart, why is it him again?Why can't I get out of his shadow?

The emperor was so aggrieved, he vomited blood smoothly and naturally, and sprayed it all over the table.

The frightened Taibai Jinxing immediately stepped forward and shouted at the top of his voice, "Come on, tell the imperial doctor Sun Simiao that the Jade Emperor has fainted again!"

Looking at the Jade Emperor with a face as white as paper, Taibai Jinxing felt dizzy in his heart. He had fainted before, but he understood that it was just that. Fake.

Seeing that my heart is sore, with a big mouthful of blood, Taibai Jinxing is speechless, who told you that you were so arrogant just now, I have reminded you several times, and you still can't pull it back, now you are playing off?

He wanted to say that he deserved it, but it was inappropriate, so Taibai could only sit on the sidelines and worry.With a movement of his hands, a paper crane flew out, sighing faintly, the Jade Emperor was definitely not the only one who fell into the pit this time.

Naturally, as a Taoist, most people can't handle him.

The Jade Emperor vomited blood, and the star officer on duty who received the letter from Taibai was about to die. Looking at the scene, he was also at a loss. Where are you going?When these two things are combined, he will peel off his skin even if he is not dead!

"You too, why don't you know how to work around, return the author's name, or don't want it at all!" The paper crane turned into Taibai, the old guy was infinitely sad, why are there so many pig teammates?
The star officer on duty felt bitter, "It's not that I didn't want to. I didn't directly handle this book. I passed the land of the Immortal Grass Garden. As soon as I went to get it, a large number of people came, pharmacists, Du Kang and others. They all have one set, and it’s useless even if I change it, anyway, they can copy it.”

"Then there's nothing we can do. Naturally, it's more difficult for a Taoist to take advantage of his loopholes!" Taibai was speechless.

Qin Fen was very hurt, and he gave the land because he could translate. Damn, you don't want to blackmail me.It's a pity that he was still watching movies, and he didn't even know that the chaos in the heaven was about to end.

"Then what should I do?" The star officer on duty was at a loss.

"I couldn't think of it at once. In short, there should be no problems in the library. Otherwise, you would have given His Majesty a chance to make trouble. Who was the unlucky one at that time? I don't need to remind you!"

It's me on the cliff, the star official on duty is determined to die, if I don't see the good things I promised, I'm unlucky first!Naturally, Taoist's murder was perfect this time!The star officer on duty thought about it back and forth, he was going to be tricked if he was a fairy, and it was not his fault.

Taibai's phantom disappeared, and Tangtang Xingjun was stunned in an instant. With a thought, he had to untie the bell to untie the bell, and he had to settle the bad things in the library first.

"Naturally, senior, we don't bring such things! I'm doomed now." The star officer on duty also had nowhere to go, so he could only ask for help from the instigator.

Qin Fen watched the movie, it was unbelievable, but he was not very fascinated by it, and the mobile phone in his pocket moved, which was annoying.

"What's the matter? Is there a phone call?" the female ruffian asked, grabbed the popcorn, stuffed it into her mouth, and handed it to Qin Fen, "You don't want to eat?"

Shaking his head, he would gain wisdom by eating a pit, and definitely not eating this during movies, especially when he still needs to watch WeChat.

"Well, then I'll eat it up!"

"Whatever you want." The chef took out his mobile phone, well, the information is going crazy, constantly playing, most of the friends in the heaven are almost in a state of chatter.

There are those from the Queen Mother, those from Emperor Yan, those from Guanyin Zhen Yuanzi, and even those from Taoist Haitian. Anyway, Da Neng posted a message, and the chef swept it away. I'll go. You are also watching Tinkerbell?
This book is already going crazy!Qin Fen never expected this to happen.

Looking at the information of the star officer on duty, this is a comedy to a tragedy!The listener is sad and the hearer sheds tears, God can move his face, and clearly reflects the mental journey of a victim of being deceived.

"What's wrong?" Qin Fen typed three words. The environment was really bad, so he could only be simple and direct.

What's wrong?You are really embarrassed to ask, people are shameless and invincible, don't say this is not a game you set up, the star officer on duty swished his nose, his eyes were so blurred, at least the other party responded, at least it is better than not being able to find anyone, just contact Naturally, his sadness erupted in a flash.

"Go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing! Senior Naturally, the cause you planted must be resolved by you. This time, you may not be able to harm me!"

"Don't tell me, I didn't mean to hurt you!" Qin Fen was telling the truth, he just earned some merit, so he didn't know that things could go awry.He is a victim himself.

not yet?Do you have this face?The star officer on duty is not convinced, do you think he is a fool now?But don't tear yourself apart, because he still counts on the chef to solve the problem for him.

"Okay, seniors are invited to act now. The library is overcrowded. Once something goes wrong, it will not benefit the Heavenly Court, and I will be blamed for it. The Jade Emperor makes trouble, and the days of the little gods are really coming to an end." The star officer on duty took on a tear , You can’t do it without crying, begging someone who cheated you, it’s so sour, it’s more uncomfortable than gallbladder breaking, and you have to grit your teeth and get over the hurdle of reluctance.

"A lot of people?" Qin Fen looked around, moved to the side, clicked on the video, and I went. Is this the first incense stick for the New Year at the temple fair?so many people!

He still underestimated his influence, and the chef couldn't say anything, "Then let them go back!"

"My words don't work!" This is what the star officer on duty is struggling with. Once the Jade Emperor wakes up, I will go. There is no chance.The situation is imminent.

Oh, Qin Fen understood, he was also stunned, he had no such experience!

The two of them were very silent, and the Lingxiao Palace was also very silent. The waiters around all retreated, and the Jade Emperor woke up after a while and stared at Taibai with big eyes.

"No, this book can't be widely distributed." The Jade Emperor was annoyed, so many people like to read it, what will happen in the future?

"Your Majesty said yes."

The Jade Emperor nodded, "Where's the star officer on duty?"

Too white and sluggish!Then with a wry smile on your face, you still can't hide it, "He can't come now!"

"Why?" Jade Emperor was very depressed, it's all this grandson, why can't he come?
"Because, because he is now trapped outside the library." This matter cannot be hidden, clairvoyance and wind ear are there.Taibai speaks the truth.

The Jade Emperor raised his brows, okay, it's not just a book, naturally Taoist, you wait for me, the rare leisure is gone, the Jade Emperor is full of fighting spirit now, come on!
"Tell Li Jing, let him take someone to the library and solve this matter for me on the spot!" Jade Emperor narrowed his eyes.

"Your Majesty, calm down, you don't have to worry about this matter. Although it is a disturbance caused by a natural Taoist, it still depends on you!"

The Jade Emperor calmed down and felt much better. "That's right, I'm still in charge of this heavenly court, so he is naturally a Taoist!"

(End of this chapter)

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