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Chapter 601 Advanced mechanism technique!

Chapter 601 Advanced mechanism technique!
Qin Fen opened the door, holding Nian in his hand. As soon as he entered the house, his parents looked at him strangely, "You're back? Are you going to stay at home for a few days?"

This sentence stumped the chef. It seems that children should do it when they go home often. "Stay for two days, and then go to make money. If I have nothing to do, I will go home for dinner on weekends. Of course, I will do it!"

The mother nodded contentedly. In fact, her request was not high. She just wanted to see her son more. She didn't care about anything else. This is the mother.

"Qin Fen, what are you holding?" Dad asked.

Um?Qin Fen subconsciously threw it on the ground, bang, the ball bounced up, and caught it with his hands, "Bouncy ball!" The chef would never think that Nian's eggs are fragile, it's God's will to make a joke, touch it It shattered like an egg, so he was very calm.

Dad rolled his eyes, he's such a big man, how can he still play this?
Qin Fen greeted him and walked into his room with the ball. After washing up, he fell on the bed. "I will start the teahouse in a few days. It seems that I have never paid attention to it." Indeed, the chef has recently , It was too easy to get money, and he basically forgot about his earliest career.

Whispering, there was a knocking sound in his ears, Qin Fen got out of bed, opened the window, and the fiery red starling was standing on the window sill, combing its feathers.

"What's going on tonight?" Qin Fen smiled strangely. It seemed that the gang of thieves really had a purpose. No need to guess who they were, Chameleon's accomplice.

"Caught a thief!" Starling shook his head, Qin Fen smiled, took out a handful of peanuts from his purse and threw it to it.

Miao Miao happily started to eat. While eating, she looked at Qin Fen. As soon as her eyes swept over the other's left hand, the feathers all over her body stood up, "Qin Fen, what are you holding in your hand?"

When the chef saw this scene, he smiled in his heart. It seems that Nian is not useless, so I look forward to it.

"Fitness ball!" Qin Fen was so generous.

You fart, Miaomiao looks at her master speechlessly, do you dare to fuck up a little more?Fitness balls are paired, so why don’t you become a starling on Baidu?That special divine beast aura is definitely not comparable to their descendants.

"Is this a unicorn or something?" Miaomiao asked strangely.

"I don't know either, guess what?" Qin Fen really didn't know, Nian was very famous, but what did he look like?It is estimated that no one knows.

Miaomiao didn't bother to care about this guy, "You don't want to know what happened to that person?"

The corner of Qin Fen's mouth curled up, and he lit a cigarette, "You caught it. According to your virtue, you should guard it, play along the way, wait quietly for me to go home, and then claim credit for the benefits, but you came back early. , The person lost? Or not lost, you followed, so Xiao Douding is not guarding the house, but guarding the opponent's den.

Go for the long line and catch the big fish so you can't wait to come back and claim the credit because it was your idea, right? "

"Maybe your guess is wrong?" Mynah looked at the chef with contempt.

Qin Fen grinned and blew out smoke rings, "I didn't come back to report the arrest in advance, because the credit is half of that of Xiao Douding, but you were the one who came up with the idea of ​​digging out the other party's behind-the-scenes, so the credit is great. With your personality, how could you not?" Come back early?" You like to show off, Xiaodouding likes to grab territory, these are instincts.

Are you a person too?Miaomiao was very angry, and originally wanted to give Qin Fen a surprise, but she didn't expect this guy to know about it.It really wants to say that no girls will like you like this, it's not romantic at all.

Qin Fen glanced at it, the wave is enough, the word behind it is not.

"So what do we do now? Don't you want to know the situation?"

Qin Fen shook his head, "I don't want to know, just wait and see!"

Starling looked at him strangely, "Wouldn't it be nice to catch them all at once? With the strength of the three of us, we can solve their problems in minutes!"

"Little devil, are you still crooked? Don't think I don't know. The person caught was taken away by the other party! This seems a bit complicated." Qin Fen patted its forehead.

How do you know again? "It's unscientific, you guessed it?" Miaomiao was very annoyed, and originally wanted to suppress the chef, but there seemed to be no chance.

Qin Fen raised his head and glanced at the night sky, I am not afraid of gods, and I can still be deceived by a little spirit beast like you, how about a little snack, "Because the time, the time is too short, it is impossible for the other party's accomplices to find out that something is wrong and come to save people. Only a few hours? Such a time difference can only mean that there are still a group of people, did they abduct them by accident?"

Miaomiao has the heart to die, she can die if she doesn't pretend to be forceful.

Pretending to be your sister, who told you to deliberately test me, Qin Fen is not convinced.

The starling could only nod depressingly, "You're awesome, that thief was indeed captured by a man named Lao Qiang. We also know the location, in a farmhouse in the suburbs, next to an orchard. "

orchard?Qin Fen frowned, "It's too far to go, it's late, I want to sleep, that place is basically in the opposite direction from ours."

Your uncle, do you know the location?

Nonsense, there is no orchard here, only on the other side of the city, you are a fool for being a chef.

Miaomiao looked at Qin Fen with a look of horror. It seemed that this was the first time she knew this master. No wonder you played so well in Heaven, and all the gods knelt down to you. Do you dare to be more wicked?

"Then what should we do? It's not good to have a pimple in the throat!" Miao Miao's group of guys are basically bold and ruthless.

"It's okay, I haven't achieved my goal yet. Wait a minute. These are just scumbags. Xiaodouding is not suitable. Tell him to go back to watch the house. You can do the surveillance!" Qin Fen stubbed out the cigarette butt, and calmed the sea god. He had to get the information about Zhu, and there was no reason to say it.

"You are in charge, you are the master!" After speaking, Miao Miao nodded, flew out, and disappeared in the night sky in an instant.

Qin Fen rubbed his nose and took out his mobile phone. He recently had to design costumes, not only for Tianting, but also to help Jay Chou. Now he feels that there is not enough manpower, and it is not good for him to strengthen his own skills. , "It's better to do it yourself, it would be great if there is a mechanism, it's so convenient!"

Thinking of this, Qin Fen turned on his phone, clicked on WeChat, and stared at a skill he had wanted for a long time, but was in a daze because of insufficient merit. Lu Ban lacked one skill, which was the legendary advanced mechanism technique, a real supernatural skill .

This is a truly qualified oriental book. It has been lost long ago, leaving only legends, but the chef has never learned it. Apart from the expensive price of the three thousand merits, there is one more thing. Pain, according to the legend, there will be no good death, Nima—an egg!
If you really want to learn, either you are disabled or you are going to have an accident. Qin Fen didn't believe it before, but now he believes it, because all the gods in the heavens have appeared, and missing one is nothing.Looking at the photo, he was confused, should he order it or not?
(End of this chapter)

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