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Chapter 560 Eight Qi Orochi Cholera Kyoto

Chapter 560 Yamata no Orochi Cholera Kyoto
Kyoto, no, Tokyo is in dire straits right now, Mount Mimi, no, Mount Fuji is trembling in flames, even from far away you can see a huge black snake wandering among the mountains, patches of trees Being overwhelmed, as the huge body passed by, it left a deep mark.

The huge and ferocious black snake head is like a train, and its body stands up like a huge stone pillar reaching the sky. The snake is actually not scary, but what if it has eight heads?Just ask if you are afraid.Have you ever seen an octopus? If all eight claws have eyeballs, it would be so awesome, plus eight tongues added one by one, it won’t scare you to death directly, but disgust you to death first.

This snake is very famous in the island country, Yamata no Orochi. As for how it came out, Qin Fen doesn't know, he doesn't know anything at all.

"Is there a snake?" Qin Fen still replied, could it be your neighbor's pet?These days the woods are big and there are all kinds of birds.

Standing on the height of the imperial palace, Mitsui, who watched Yamata no Orochi begin to wreak havoc, was about to die.

Opening his mouth tremblingly, "Everyone, who can tell me what to do now?" Facing such a monster, Mitsui could only cry blindly, what can I do to love you, eight heads!

"I don't know, but I have informed the monks of Koyasan and Sensoji Temple, hope!" Before the minister finished speaking, he saw a big snake screaming in the distance, and countless monks wearing bamboo hats flew around.

"Is that what you said?" Mitsui was stunned, did you grow up to be a sweetheart?That's not the past as cannon fodder.

Seeing that the big snake was about to rush to the edge of Kyoto, he was anxious.

"Weichen also invited a psychic, who is said to be very sharp in driving ghosts and gods."

"Go away, stupid mortal!" The big snake screamed again, and four or five men in divine robes and seven or eight spooky monsters were thrown into the air.

Pointing to the distance, Mitsui was speechless, "Is this the psychic?"

The baby is suffering, the minister is afraid to speak, so you guys can't hold on for a few more seconds.

"Your Majesty, that is the legendary Yamata no Orochi. According to the records of our royal family, this is a creature created by Izanagi. It is the ultimate monster. If you want to deal with him, you must ask the gods of our country to take action." Another minister While wiping sweat, he said loudly.

"Then please." Mitsui felt bitter. His subordinates are a bunch of pigs. This is imminent, so you can't introduce me later.


"What is it?" Mitsui looked over fiercely.

"But now you have confirmed the new god. The basic temples of the gods in our country have been sealed. I suspect that this has offended the gods!"

Mitsui Dan looked at the other party in pain, "That?"

"Amaterasu God!"

Mitsui stopped talking, Amaterasu is very good, that is one of Izanagi's three noble sons, representing the sun, the first god of their local mythology, only under Izanagi, but the latter has not been rumored for many years It has also been gradually forgotten by people, and now it is mainly the gods created by him that are above all living beings.

In the past few days, because of Dongre's relationship, Mitsui has made a lot of effort, changed the national flag, established the capital of the country, and made national policies. It can be seen how much he is devoted to Chef Qin, and Amaterasu has long been forgotten by him.

"Then what should we do?" Mitsui muttered.His face was calm, "As a god, shouldn't he take care of it?"

Fuck you, it's all your fault, all the ministers are very depressed, meeting such a badass emperor is simply a nightmare.

Mitsui in Qinfenkeng is dying, and Mijingkeng's own country is dying, and now something big has happened.

That's right, Mitsui's method is too cruel. It only took a day or two to start promoting Dongre in an all-round and all-weather manner. Not only did a large number of shrines and shrines change their names, but even the emperor's list was posted everywhere, comparable to Haitian City small ad.

This time, it touched the interests of some people.

Above the clouds in the sky, there are two people standing, one is of medium stature, with a golden sun behind him, and the other is tall, with a big sword on his back.

The big tall man looked down and said to his side: "Amaterasu, I think it's almost the same. This time the mortal emperor has done too much, and dare to underestimate our Guojin God. Just teach him a little lesson."

"Susano, I just want him to be in pain. I remember it deeply. What kind of bullshit is hot? This is the country of our Kunitsu gods. The Tianjin gods of Yamata no Orochi can only crawl under our feet. Here is our paradise." Amaterasu looked down coldly.

"But once Yamata no Orochi enters the city, there will be huge casualties. That's not what we want to see. Population, incense, and worship all complement each other!" Susanoo drew the long sword behind him. Awesome, there is a name, what is Tian Congyun!

"Wait and see, as soon as Yamata no Orochi breaks through the city, we'll clean it up!" Amaterasu glanced down hard, Mitsui was remembering to turn around, hurry up, wait until we show the miracle.

Mitsui's body froze suddenly, and a sentence appeared in his mind, Dongre Tianshen finally answered, and now he is saved.

"Then call 110!" Qin Fen said very naturally.

Mitsui coughed violently, almost coughing out his lungs. "beated."

Qin Fen was stunned. Could it be that calling the police was useless?Suddenly it occurred to me that the small book might not be 110, maybe it was 999.
"But we can't go up and hit it a few times, and people are not afraid!" Mitsui was about to cry. The soldiers under him were cabbage, and they were picked up before they went up. No matter how hard they hit, they even hit 110 times.

"Try calling 999." Qin Fen reminded.

I’m a mother, God, let’s not bring such a thing, “Don’t say it’s 999, even if it’s hit, it’ll burn the incense!” Mitsui was very depressed, “Can you make a shot?”

Qin Fen opened his mouth wide, I can make a phone call for you, call the Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry or the zoo, but I don't know how effective it will be, we are not on the same boundary.

Also, who is responsible for the long-distance telephone charges? Where is your unit that handles this matter?Qin Fen almost cursed, you must be short-sighted.

"Call the police if you need something!" Qin Fen despises it very much. Now that our children know how to deal with emergencies, you are not so backward. You are still a developed country, and the chef despises this group of small books to death.

police?Mitsui seemed to be grasping at straws, and shouted behind him, "Hurry up and call the police!"

The ministers were collectively stunned, and Qin Fen who read the reply was also stunned, but the reaction was different.

Chef Qin slapped his thigh, you are finally smart for a while.

The minister slapped his forehead, His Majesty the Emperor is really crazy!What the hell are the police?Can deal with Yamata no Orochi, never heard of that god called the police?
(End of this chapter)

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