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Chapter 542 How Do You Sell This Ancient Painting?

Chapter 542 How Do You Sell This Ancient Painting?
Qin Fen's words to shut up opened the beginning of painting, and at the same time left an indelible impression on the hearts of the two.

Awesome people just don't care about details. If you say you wear an awesome watch and drive a luxury car, that would be embarrassing. If you decorate your home with antiques, it will be even more embarrassing.But Qin Fen said shut up and teach you how to be a man every minute.

They are antiques that are used for consumables. If you don't accept it, you won't explain it at all, and you don't care about it. It doesn't matter at all.

Feeling everything Wu Daozi brought to him, Qin Fen moved the brush in his hand, and began to brush like a dragon, and soon a landscape painting was quickly formed on the paper.

Qin Fen didn't know what to say about how the painting was. Anyway, he followed his feeling and thought it was okay.

Fu Qiang was already dumbfounded. He pointed at Qin Fen and asked Song Shaoqing, "He really knows how?"

Song Shaoqing was also speechless. This guy really can't be treated with common sense. He had never seen Huahua before, so he knew that he was free to play Rubik's Cube. "It seems to be!" Boss Song couldn't laugh or cry. You pretended to be aggressive, but you didn't expect it. The other party really knew it, and it seemed that the painting was not bad.

After finishing the painting, Qin Fen put down the pen and flexed his wrist, "That's it, I'm an amateur, it's impossible to expect me to draw well. Take it if you like it!"

"Yes, why don't you!" Song Shaoqing smiled, no matter how well you draw, just for this rice paper, you must have it.Pick it up, a burst of fragrance hits the face, Song Shaoqing's face changed, shit, you are not only ancient rice paper, but also your uncle's ancient ink, there is a strong fragrance of Chinese medicinal materials in it, and the smell makes the body and mind feel comfortable, and modern That pungent taste is quite different.

Is this still amateur?Song Shaoqing's muscles were a little cramped. His old man played calligraphy when he had nothing to do. Of course, he was no stranger to the Four Treasures of the Study. Looking at it now, he was an amateur.Those are all good things he bought through hard work, but compared with Chef Qin's equipment, it's sad.

Qin Fen didn't feel it at all. He didn't pursue ancient ink or rice paper. Anyway, Haitian City has a lot of them, so he can have as many as he wants.

"Give me a pair too!" Fu Qiang also wanted it.

"I'm tired today, I want to sleep, I'll draw to see how I feel!" Qin Fen muttered, shouldn't you two grandsons go to your awesome nightlife? "Originally, the painting is mediocre, but if I'm in a bad mood, the painting is even worse!"

Song Shaoqing was very happy to get a painting, "Yes, take a good rest, there will be opportunities in the future, although you are not a famous artist, but Qin Fen, you can draw well, at least better than me!"

Qin Fen gave him a strange look, he is much better than you, this is the skill experience of a painting saint, what are you?

"I'm so dizzy, I want to sleep!" Qin Fen fell on the sofa and closed his eyes, which means you can get out.

Song Shaoqing pulled Fu Qiang and flashed out.

Looking at the painting in his hand, he sighed, "This kid is actually not bad at painting!"

Fu Qiang rolled his eyes and couldn't see Song Shaoqing's embarrassment. He lost the bet today, "Why don't you go upstairs and have a look and let everyone comment. Let's not say who painted it. If the evaluation is high, I will send you a hundred , the evaluation is low, you owe me a hundred!"

Song Shaoqing rolled his eyes, "I heard that you asked Qin Fen to buy wine. I don't want money, but I will pay off the debt with a bottle of wine!"

"Don't dream, I have plenty of money, just one piece of wine!" Fu Qiang was not convinced, "Unless you also use Qingquan dew to pay for it!"

"Just play, you think I'm afraid!" The two cursed and got on the elevator.

Taking out a membership card, Song Shaoqing put it on the elevator. There are several floors where the elevator cannot reach. Unless you are a member, there is a very special club here, which is basically closed to the public. They are regular customers here because of the quiet environment. Well, the people who come and go are not waiting for nothing, so Song Shaoqing arranged the hotel where his regular activities are, to the chef.

It was also convenient to come out to play in this way. The two went up to the floor and came out quickly. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they came to a lobby that looked like a tea room.

The decoration inside is very stylish, without the bright lights and hustle and bustle of ordinary clubs, it seems to be far away from the world, and it is extraordinarily quiet.

As soon as the two entered the door, a girl in a cheongsam greeted her, "Boss Song hasn't been here for a long time! Do you still want to go to the private room?"

Song Shaoqing shook his head, he came to gamble today, of course he was busy in the hall, there are many people here.

Looking at each other with Fu Qiang and smiling, the two found a seat near the door and sat down, ordered two cups of tea, and spread out the painting.

Song Shaoqing lit a cigarette, "Tsk tsk, Qin Fen's paintings are not bad!"

Fu Qiang felt a little sour because he didn't have one, "The equipment is very good, the painting is average, after all, he is an amateur."

Song Shaoqing glanced at him obscenely, that's not sure, you don't know that guy, he can play with anything, maybe, you can suffocate yourself to death with this sentence.

"Really, let's gamble!" Song Shaoqing had full confidence in Chef Qin, this is not an antique, and does not need any famous masters.

The two chatted and drank tea, a few people came down from upstairs, saw Song Shaoqing and Fu Qiang came over immediately.

"Hey, isn't this Shaoqing? What's the matter? Are you back from Shanya?"

Song Shaoqing tilted his head and glanced at each other. The two didn't catch a cold, but their identities were about the same.

"Who am I talking about? Isn't this Mr. Chen? Why don't you fiddle with your belongings today and come over to drink tea!"

"Didn't I have an appointment with a friend, why don't I contact some of them today, hey, Song Shaoqing, you also play calligraphy and painting, this painting is interesting!" Mr. Chen looked down and saw the painting of the chef.

Just as Fu Qiang was about to speak, Song Shaoqing gave him a hard look, the meaning was obvious, shut up.

"Yeah, you are an expert and help me see, am I losing money?"

"How much did you pay for it?" Mr. Chen was very surprised, when did you start playing this game, aren't you afraid of punching eyes?

Song Shaoqing raised two fingers. He bought this painting from Qin Fen for 20 yuan. This price is really expensive for amateurs. If it wasn't for the other party's equipment, he would feel that he was being taken advantage of.

The middle-aged man surnamed Chen nodded, picked it up and looked at it, it was a bit strange, there was no signature, no seal, nothing, the most nonsense is that this technique is rare, nonsense, Wu Daozi's paintings are really few handed down .

Although rare, but the technique is very thick, landscape painting has both spirit and shape, the most rare thing is that trace of freedom and ease on the paper.

One word to describe it, grand, unrestrained, with a feeling of being free and unrestrained in the world of mortals.

Taking a breath, Mr. Chen nodded. The paper is good paper, and the ink is good ink. As for the age, he couldn't tell at once.

"Mr. Lan, come here and help me grow my eyes, you are an expert!"

The man next to Mr. Chen is Lan Yibing. He took it over and looked at it with the same serious expression. This paper is an ancient craft of the Tang Dynasty, and it is basically invisible now. As for the ink, it is the same. Weird, it's obvious that the ink is a bit wrong.

Lan Yibing didn't like to talk, so he just talked about the material, because he had a question, so it's better not to ask.

When Mr. Chen heard this, it was very similar to what he judged, but he couldn't tell the age.

"Song Shaoqing, will you sell this painting?"

When the two of them stayed together, Fu Qiang was even more confused, and asked uncertainly, "Do you want to buy it?"

"Nonsense, I won't let you suffer. You bought it for 200 million, but you missed it. I paid 300 million! Because there is no signature, I don't know if it is a famous artist or which famous artist it is. I can pay up to 300 million for this painting." !"

Pfft, Fu Qiang sprayed Song Shaoqing's face with a sip of tea, and then looked at Mr. Chen strangely with the other party, you are so heartless!The energy value of Qin Fen's painting is 300 million?Song Shaoqing opened his mouth wide, how did you know that it cost 200 million?Obviously it is 20!This is still for the paper, and it is completely a friendly price.

(End of this chapter)

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