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Chapter 496 Qin Fen is crooked again, sideways chapters

Chapter 496 Qin Fen went on a crooked floor again, turning sideways
The progress of the photos was neither fast nor slow, and Qin Fen had a fiery red starling in his hand after a while.

The little bird blinked and looked at Qin Fen. It knew in its heart that the star officer on duty sold him, and now this, well, a mortal is its owner, but it seems that this mortal is a bit wrong.

That's right, looking around, the little starling was dumbfounded, tall buildings and busy traffic.

"Good guy, time travel, time travel, what the hell is this place, is this the world of mechanics?"

It's really chatter, Qin Fen is under a lot of pressure, and when he yells, the surrounding eyes are also very dense, there are quite a lot of people looking at mynah, and there are quite a few people looking at him.

"A non-mainstream bird abuser actually dyed mynah red!"

A sudden sentence came from the side, and Qin Fen's brow was covered with cold sweat, and he finally realized the feeling of a star officer on duty.

His gaze was contemptuous and harsh, but Chef Qin couldn't help it, this guy was born red-haired.

"I said what's your name, can you keep your voice down!"

"Stupid mortal, meow meow!" Mynah despises it, you bought it all, but you don't know what it's called.

Dude, you are so stupid.You are a starling, a bird.Meow your sister!Qin Fen was very helpless, no matter how many people around him were strange.

"I'm asking what your name is. If you don't have one, I'll get you one." You can't call a bird.The writings of Tianchao are extensive and profound, Qin Fen can't say these words.

"Idiot, meow!" Mynah despises you, you must be out of your mind.

"Meow you uncle, you are not a cat!" Qin Fen looked around subconsciously, there were a lot of stray bullets.

"Your uncle, your uncle, my uncle is Luanfeng." The starling was very proud.

A young man passing by with his girlfriend shook his head, "Look at this bird abuser, this bird is crazy! Is it still a human?"

"Say your name!" Qin Fen felt a little stressed, thinking he had made a profit, but it turned out he was losing money.

"Meow meow!"

Well, I understand now, this guy's name is Miaomiao, who is so careless to get this name.

As soon as Qin Fen raised his hand, the starling happily jumped onto his shoulder. As a spirit beast whose blood was stronger than that of Xiao Douding, it was very smart and not stupid at all. The human world and the heavenly court, you must know that now the heavenly law divides the immortals.

This is Da Neng. Looking at it again, it is very contemptuous. The idiot dog below does not seem to be simple. It smells a little bit of the same kind, and it is a descendant.

A heartless idiot, Xiao Douding sticks out his tongue, there is no good fruit for going against Qin Fen.

You idiot, you think everyone is like you and doesn't know how to please people, meow meow and sweep your feathers.

Wang, Xiao Douding yelled, since he is no longer alone and has a companion now, then there must be a priority. As the leader of the stray dogs in the heaven, Uncle Xiao Douding pays attention to first come, first served, the boss must be him.

Haw, Starling is not to be outdone, the meaning is obvious, you are a ball.A hot chicken with low blood pressure who can't even speak.

Wang Wang, which part is yours?Little Douding frowned.

Haw, buddy is a descendant of Luanfeng, which part are you from?

Wang woof, buddy is a descendant of Xiaotian dog!Xiao Douding is very proud, Xiaotiangou is better than you.

Qin Fen has a clear eye and understands a little bit, his face is so ugly, this picture is almost the same as my father is Li Gang.Well, this is the second generation of a group of beasts.

Miaomiao, who was lying on Chef Qin's shoulder, didn't care, what happened to Xiaotiangou?You're still a hot chicken with low blood.

The phone rang, picked it up and listened, Jay Chou called, inviting him to take part in the fashion show.

After reporting the address, Qin Fen thought about it, anyway, things were going on like this, and he was upset, so it was better to relax and calm down, thinking of this, he immediately took a taxi.

He walked away very well, leaving a mess. Not only did the Chinese TV station forcefully resist the radio and television, but the leaders were under a lot of pressure, and even the Wushu Association was the same.

Mr. Dong made a strong attack and supported Chef Qin. The three presidents looked ugly, except for Cheng Jianshe, who was very happy in his heart. Looking at the two old guys who were confused, he said something silently.

"Tell me that there is no one in the heaven? Huh! We are men who are led by warriors!"

Well, the president wants to vomit, what he said is reasonable, a warrior is a warrior, he has no blood, fuck your sister.

But this sentence was a supplementary knife, which made him feel depressed, "Mr. Dong said that Qin Fen wants to promote Hua Tuo's Wu Qin Xi?"

Cheng Jianshe nodded, nonsense, what Elder Dong said could be false?
"Wrong, with a pure heart and one heart for the people, even a great chivalrous man!" The president felt uncomfortable, and Qin Fen taught him to be a man every minute.Why do you practice martial arts?In the past, it was to strengthen the body, and in troubled times it was to defend the country, but what have they done now?
The president's heart was shocked, and his blood began to surge.

When the phone rang, he picked it up with a serious face, "Hi, Director Liu."

"How do you handle Qin Fen's matter? I don't want to see foreign-related disputes!"

"Because of emotion and reason, Qin Fen is right!" the president said sharply, and the other old man was stunned.Cheng Jianshe felt happy, it was long overdue.

"What? That's right, how can I give the other party an explanation?"

"I don't know what else needs to be explained for self-defense. Isn't there any law? This seems to be outside your scope of business. I can remind you that if you have something to do, call the police! What's the point of calling me?"

Crack, the president hung up the phone.

The leaders of the Sports Bureau were dumbfounded.So angry, did this old ghost eat gunpowder today?Dare to hang up on me?

Thinking of such an answer, he was stunned, how could he explain it to others.

That's right, Wu Xiexiong rose up, saying that there is no one in the sky, the president is angry, shit, I am also a man, not to mention Qin Fen has no selfish intentions, you still want to suppress such a person, is it considered a person?

Park Zhenxun waited for old man Dong with a distressed face. The phone rang next to him, and the middle-aged man looked ugly.

"what happened?"

"There is also a problem with the Martial Arts Association. The other party doesn't give face, insisting that Qin Fen is right, and is going to die to the end!"

Park Zhenxun's muscles are a little cramped, how could this be?It's unscientific. Well, based on his understanding of these people, it's impossible to be tough. When did these guys become so bloody?

What are you doing now?Suppressing Qin Fen, in the end the Martial Arts Association was overthrown, and the Tianchao was on the rise. It seems that there is nothing to do with the boy?
"Mr. Park, what should we do now?"

"Then I will do it myself, and the phone will continue. Even if nothing happens for a while, I will put tremendous pressure on the person who helped him out!"

"I understand!"

"You don't understand!" The door was slammed open, and old man Dong walked in with a smile, "You are a fool, if you understand, you won't be ready to do it!"

Park Zhenxun was stunned, and he really came, but he didn't understand the other party's words.

"I don't understand, because you can't beat him, and you go up to deliver food. That kid, a genius, is a monster. You have old arms and legs, and you go up for nothing. You are afraid of the young and strong, and you will kill the old man with random punches." Master never heard of it."


"Ha, do you know what the background of that kid is? Hua Tuo Wu Qin Xi, even if the experience is not as good as yours, his physical fitness, even if you lose ten blocks, it will consume you, let alone he is a monster. Knowing that he learns my gossip How long have you been using it?"

Park Zhenxun was stunned, looking at the other party not knowing what to say.

"Less than 10 minutes!"

(End of this chapter)

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