Chapter 488

After eating and drinking enough, Qin Fen quickly adjusted his mood. An optimistic person will never have too much trouble. Only in this way can he face everything with a peaceful mind. He brought Chef Xiaodouding back to the hotel and slept peacefully for a while. Why do you forget your worries?Just fall asleep.

Early in the morning, as soon as Qin Fen opened his eyes, he heard a knock on the door, "Who is it? I don't have any acquaintances in the capital, except Song Shaoqing, but the other party should be with him in Shanya. Who could it be? Is it a blessing? Misfortune, misfortune cannot be avoided!" Qin Fen narrowed his eyes, come on, can't we escape?

After getting dressed, Qin Fen opened the door, and there were three old men standing outside.One of them was Cheng Jianshe, and as expected, the visitor was not kind.

Looking at the sleepy Qin Fen, Cheng Jianshe smiled awkwardly, "Xiao Qin just woke up!"

Nonsense, I definitely can't compare with your seniors, you get up at five or six o'clock.Qin Fen stepped aside and let the three of them in.

Greeting the other party to sit down, Qin Fen lit a cigarette, and the old man in the middle frowned, very upset.

"What's the matter?" Qin Fen asked.

Hehe, Cheng Jianshe smiled wryly, "What happened yesterday became serious." The other two looked at Qin Fen and said nothing.

"It's a big deal? How big can it be? Martial arts competitions are commonplace. That's what he, Chen Muyuan, said. Plus he sneaked up on me, how big can it be? I lost face!" Qin Fen didn't care, and justified himself.

What else could Cheng Jianshe say? This is also a stubborn donkey.

"Young man, there are some things that depend on the overall situation, and the whole body can be affected by a single hair, we are a country of etiquette!" The old man in the middle said.

"It's true that the state of etiquette is right, but when the rich wolf comes, he has a shotgun and friends have good wine. According to your opinion, I should be attacked?" Qin Fen sneered disdainfully, the golden mean is not what you mean!
Good fellow, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, the old man in the middle froze suddenly, unable to continue, this hat is on, how dare you accept it?If you dare to pick it up, you are a softie, and you have the nerve to say that you are a warrior!
"You know, when you make such a fuss, we are very passive. We must know that many people's invitations are from the martial arts association. This time the other party's injury is serious, which will affect the reputation of our martial arts association. Also, do you know? Chen Muyuan's master It's night, and the future of his closed disciples is worrying, God knows what's going on, it's not about you alone, but a big event for the Chinese martial arts circle!" Another old man's tone became more and more serious.

"Then what if one of Xingyi's disciples is injured?" Qin Fen stepped forward!
"The other party is only allowed to hurt people, so we have to tie our arms and legs when we are discussing? Then why do we have to compete, display?" Qin Fen took another step.

"So what if his master, Chen Muyuan, is here? I'll follow!" Qin Fen let out a puff of smoke ring, "Don't bother with the Martial Arts Association!"

Qin Fen was very angry. Do you have any reason?Is there still a king in the world?Now it's not like before, when a foreigner comes, we will serve as uncles, if you like, you go, I don't mind!
"You, what are you talking about?" The old man was stunned, and he had learned the lesson. This guy's teeth are really good, and he occupies the commanding heights everywhere, and his hat is fastened. It is righteous and reasonable. Very wronged, please don't black him.

The last sentence is even more righteous, you don't want trouble, that's fine, Qin Fen is not afraid of him!
Is this called human talk?This is not to say that they are afraid of Park Zhenxun, you are not afraid, I will go, what are you as a martial arts association?
That's right, Chef Qin is so pissed, people don't offend me, I won't offend others, if you dare to try, I will cheat you to death!Is it true that his background as a professional fool in heaven is fake?This does not require a degree, it depends on talent.

The old man was so angry that he almost didn't hold back.Cheng Jianshe couldn't laugh or cry, what he said was over.In this way, the Wuxie's fear of Park Zhenxun's words can be regarded as solid.

Are they afraid?I am not afraid, because there are countless masters in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the celestial dynasty, and there are strange people among the people.I'm afraid it's because the martial arts association can't deal with it.Many masters have faded out, or idle clouds and wild cranes, or even far away from their homeland. In the current martial arts association, there are masters, masters?That is a rare item.

Now when Park Zhenxun came, he was caught off guard, and he didn't know where to find someone, so according to their thinking, it's best to turn this matter into a big one and a small one, everyone.

But if they are all good, someone needs to take the blame and someone compromises. Every idiot knows this candidate, Qin Fen.

Why?This is what the chef thinks, he has already seen it clearly.

Madness!The old man in the middle is the president of the martial arts association. As soon as Qin Fen said it, Cheng Jianshe knew it was going to be bad.

"Don't forget that you are also a member of the Martial Arts Association!" the old man said.

What?So fast?Qin Fen knew about this, but he didn't have a clue yet?Why did he skip the formalities? He hasn't gone through it yet, and he understood the other party's intentions, threats, or generals.Shameless!
"Really? Why don't I remember!" As soon as Qin Fen said this, the three old men held their breath at the same time. They had never seen such a shameless person before.

Xiaodouding had a good time, I am so strong, I am Chef Qin.

With a click, a stack of documents was thrown on Qin Fen's desk. "Look for yourself, the procedures have been completed, you are also a member of the Wushu Association, as a member, you should do something for the Wushu Association, we are not forcing you, young man, I know you are talented and have a bright future, but There are some things that need to be compromised, just after the break, take a step back and open up the sea and the sky!"

Qin Fen shook his head.

The three of them blushed at the same time, well, it's really a donkey temper.

"I have a question? I have never understood why such a big concession was made? This is the Celestial Dynasty!" Qin Fen stared at the old man intently.

"Because the state of etiquette, because we need image, because we want to go abroad, because we want to promote Chinese martial arts, because we need friends, the world is so big, it is not as simple as you imagine, in the global village, so you can't be too individual, you need Being in a group is the only way to develop steadily!" Qin Fen understood what the old man said.

But I can hold my breath in my heart, many things are like this, but why do you have to go online for a small dispute?

Why? Still with this sentence, Qin Fen felt that he was right. Facing the pressure from the three of them, he felt terribly aggrieved. This was a member of the Martial Arts Association trying to force the palace!But he was right, he was right, he traveled all over the world with reason!
"Understood!" Qin Fen lowered his voice.

Seeing the young man take a step forward and pick up the materials on the table, Cheng Jianshe was very relieved, bear with it, you will encounter such a situation again, sharpening the edges and corners is good for you.

The other two old men breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Qin Fen passed this test, then there would be no troubles in this matter, so let it be.

But then there was a piercing sound, the piercing sound tormented their eardrums, watching Qin Fen tear the data into pieces, the three of them were stunned.

"I'm sorry, I slipped my hand. Look, I'm not a member of the martial arts association now. Park Zhenxun wants to come to ask for an explanation. Tell him to find me! Don't give it away!"

I made a mistake, Cheng Jianshe's eyeballs are blue, you are cruel!
(End of this chapter)

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