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Chapter 41 Life's sailing starts from Longtan Lake

Chapter 41 Life's sailing starts from Longtan Lake

Sun Yating's heart twitched suddenly, as if it was the first time she met Qin Fen, and it was the first time that the other party showed such a serious expression to her. What made her even more horrified was that in an inadvertent moment, in less than a second, she figured out everything.

It's no wonder that Qin Fen was unhappy, he didn't want to reveal the ginseng thing too early, and he didn't expect something to happen just after giving it to her after warming it up for a few days.

Seeing Qin Fen's expression change, Sun Yating walked up immediately, "Why are you upset? Are you tired? I'll give you a couple of pinches." After speaking, she put her hand on Qin Fen's shoulder.

It's true that I'm a little tired, but that's not the point, big breasts, Qin Fen's serious expression changed, the goblin said, "Tell me, what's going on, I'll decide whether to get angry or not after I finish talking." Qin Fen quietly took a step back, avoid each other.

Sun Yating is old and sophisticated, she has seen a lot, and she has seen a lot. When she changed her mind, she would not be clear, "Don't worry, I didn't say your name, and I didn't disclose any information. I'm a middleman. You bring me ginseng, real estate, etc. I will find someone to do it for you without leaving any trace."

Qin Fen shook his head, "You have planned for me, he really doesn't know how to define the relationship between the two, it seems that she is really nice to him, but why?He couldn't think of it, the woman's heart was pinched, he couldn't even guess it.If he really wanted to say it, he couldn't figure it out with his brain, because men are rational and women are emotional, so they are not in the same dimension.

"No, just hang your name." Qin Fen said in a low voice.

Sun Yating was stunned for a moment, dead ghost, so you are as smart as a monkey, you are testing me.It's really a good plan, you can test whether I have plans for you, and you can also see if I'm not real, I really didn't see it, you are a lot of fools.

"That's what you said. Put my name on it so that no one else will know you. You're the one who uses it anyway. However, if you feel disadvantaged, I'll give you an idea." Sun Yating rolled her eyes.

"What's your idea?" Qin Fen chuckled, and agreed with you, Xiao Mian, you're trying to play tricks on me again.

"Try chasing me, maybe it will still be yours in the future."

Qin Fen walked out the door without saying a word.

"Hey, wait a minute, aren't you going to see your big villa?" Sun Yating looked at the man who walked away, and punched the empty space, almost suffocating her old blood.

Looking at the back of the elevator who was about to walk into the elevator, she clenched her fists, thinking of her, Sun Yating, who had never seen anyone in the mall, who had never been stepped on by her, but until she met Qin Fen, she felt a trace of sincerity. He didn't approach her on purpose, neither for money nor for sex, unlike the flies around her before, even Qin Fen didn't say a word to her after the encounter in the rain, this guy seemed to have forgotten the scene that day, Don't take it seriously.

Helping others comes from the heart and never pretends, but the more she does this, the deeper her feelings will be.

No matter how funny she is, this guy looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and now he speaks so directly.

Although it's a joke, it's just to tease him, it's not just a joke, but at least you take a trick, what does it mean to leave directly?Thinking of the quick wit revealed at that moment, Sun Yating smiled, "Don't think I don't know, you just want to put a long line to catch big fish.

This is called playing hard to get. "Hey Sun Yating smiled.

"Would you like to go? Let's see my big villa." Qin Fen stopped at the elevator entrance.

"What's yours? It's my name!" Sun Yating quit.

"Did I say it? When did I say it? You must have heard it wrong!" Qin Fen's face changed, he was very surprised, 500 million, he is not crazy, why should he use someone else's name? I thought, it was nothing more than that old man with white hair surnamed Song, and the money was his son's blood. Anyway, the monkey wine was all exposed, and the old mountain ginseng didn't care anymore.

Could it be that he was a bit lucky and found some good things to break the law, but he has plans to strengthen his strength. He will find time in a few days to see who he can knock out and get some good things. Now his reputation is not obvious, the problem not big.

Although old mountain ginseng has good effects, and monkey wine is also a rare item, but ordinary things are ordinary things after all, and they are not so eye-catching.This is not tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

"It's obviously what you said." Sun Yating nodded fiercely.

"Sorry, I don't remember." What Qin Fen said was taken for granted. It's not like he couldn't move when he saw a woman. Don't be stupid, how could he send you for nothing?

Sun Yating was dumbfounded. Sure enough, she didn't know that she didn't know it. It turns out that this man still has such a fucking side.

The moment she followed Qin Fen into the elevator, she said softly, "Brother Shaoqing is an acquaintance, it's okay, I'll tell him to keep it a secret, otherwise, if there are too many monks and too little porridge, it may not be his share, neither is your wild ginseng." Almighty, it can hang your life, live longer, and suffer less, although it is rare, there are similar good things in this world."

As soon as he separated from his father, Song Shaoqing went to the hospital to find Sun Yujie to get the old man's examination report. When he saw this younger sister, he looked bitter and bitter, "Yujie, your sister is so ruthless, her arm Turning your elbows out, for her friend, she opened her mouth to the lion and blackmailed me close to 500 million, not 50."

Sun Yujie could only smile wryly when she heard the other party's grievances. No one can bear her sister's temper, and there is no reason for her to do what she likes.

"Is it really knocking so much?"

"Yeah, my favorite house, for my dad's retirement, was taken away."

"That's really congratulations." Sun Yujie smiled.

"You two sisters are not good people, what are you congratulating me for?"

"Look, Uncle Song's condition has not deteriorated, his body functions have eased, and his kidney function indicators are slowly recovering. Shouldn't I congratulate you, the money is well spent."

"That's 500 million. It's not much, but you know, it's only half!" Song Shaoqing looked depressed.

"Then don't buy it." Sun Yujie smiled.

"When I didn't say it, money is a bastard. If you don't have it, you can earn it again, as long as my old man is fine." Song Shaoqing rolled his eyes, "Yu Jie, your sister keeps mentioning a name recently. It's a man. I suspect that his friend is also a man." A man, think about it, she is usually a few of us, who can accept her, and be a friend."

Poof, "Brother Song, don't worry about it. My sister's affairs have nothing to do with me, and I don't like to inquire about them. Don't try to talk out of my mouth in a different way. I really don't know where the old mountain ginseng came from." I know, even if I know, I won’t say it, there can’t be many of these things, one plant is a gift from God, you think wholesale Chinese cabbage.”

"I just said casually, that's all, report it to me, we will return to the capital in a few days, and then check and check." After finishing speaking, Song Shaoqing flashed away with the report, and the matter was over, and he did not I intend to get to the bottom of it, Sun Yating is not a kind person, she is black-hearted, and she has seen it before when she was a child.

Sitting in Sun Yating's car, the two came to the suburbs. Qin Fen was dumbfounded. It turned out that there was a huge group of villas in this place, and his own was at the farthest side, separated from the large army on the opposite side, not far away. There is a golf course, and the environment is so good that it is scary.

There were green trees everywhere, and it was very quiet when driving into the community. There were security guards patrolling around. When the car came to a lake, Qin Fen was stunned.

My house is close to the lake, and there is a small hill behind it. It can be said that it is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The environment is definitely the best, and it is very quiet, and no outsiders can be seen around.

Standing by the lake, Qin Fen was a little dazed looking at the water waves. This was the place where his dream set sail.

Thank you, mimcoa, xianglay, fireworks, two guns for the rewards, thank you all the friends who support me, I will try my best to write well

(End of this chapter)

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