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Chapter 30 You Are My Enemy Sent To Play With Me

Chapter 30 You Are My Enemy Sent To Play With Me
The sound of the alarm clock awakened Qin Fen from his sleep. The weather had gradually increased. Due to the weather, the prefabricated house on the roof was extremely hot and unbearable. It was like being in a steamer. A lot of sultry feeling, as a young man who graduated from high school and came out to break into the society.

Qin Fen's income as a security guard is not high, so renting a house is also renting a penthouse. Because it is cheap, it is almost impossible to install an air conditioner in this hot summer, so he feels uncomfortable all over when he gets up together. The greasy layer, when he walked into the bathroom, he prepared to take a shower habitually, and when he had money in the future, he must change to a better place.

After tidying up, Qin Fen walked out of the room and stood on the roof of the building. There was already a little bit of sun in the sky. He pushed down the basin from yesterday to a place close to the water room. The mung beans were basically soaked. Qin Fen threw these swollen little things on the yellow mud with his own hands. After processing, he covered them with a useless empty sack.

"It's done, ready to go to work, another busy day." Qin Fen twisted his neck. For now, he is not in a hurry. He can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Earning merit is still a step by step. With the circle of friends in Tianting, hey , he has plenty of opportunities.

After getting dressed and getting ready to go out, the phone rang, hearing the voice from the other side, Qin Fen had a strange expression on his face.

"What? Let me go to see Zhang Ye on behalf of everyone, you are right."

"No, I have something to do these two days. One of my father's comrades-in-arms is here. I want to take care of the store. If you have time, you can take care of it for me. If you don't have time, you can take a holiday. There is never enough money to make." Sun Yating lightly He spoke softly, his voice seemed a little anxious.

"But I don't know much about it. Besides, there are not enough people in the store now, so I have to help with the cooking." Qin Fen was a little reluctant. I didn't make a mistake. I went to see Zhang Ye. Did that kid target me? It's been a day or two.

"Show your camaraderie to colleagues. By the way, let's see when he will be discharged from the hospital. A cold turned into high blood pressure." Sun Yating was also a little annoyed. Zhang Ye is usually used to pride. This time Qin Fen exploded, probably he This is angry.

"High blood pressure?" Qin Fen's face darkened, he couldn't handle it, and his temper was too small, didn't he just embarrass his apprentice?
"Go, bring some fruit, and I'll reimburse you." After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

Qin Fen was a little dazed holding the phone. Will he turn from high blood pressure to cerebral congestion when I go?

Riding his own little sheep, Qin Fen went to the city center hospital and bought a bunch of flowers and fruits. He had long forgotten about the heroic deed last night and didn't care. He called the police. He dared to call the police afterwards. Well, no one would believe him when he said it, and it was impossible to expose Qin Fen's special side.

I asked the nurse, and pushed open the door of the ward. Zhang Ye was joking with a little nurse. He was talking and laughing, talking about his stunts and income. Great, how much money does it make.

"Sister, I'm not bragging. The wax gourd cup I made is good for the skin. I eat it once and think about it twice."

"Really. You are so powerful."

"Of course, let me tell you, I am actually the best at knife skills. I have studied for many years, and my master is a former top chef. It's not my bragging. If it's not that I don't want to leave home, this place really can't afford me. My master's hand-carved tofu is the best in the country, and he even appeared on TV, and even foreigners put their thumbs up and said, oh, God."

"Really? Then can you know how to carve tofu? It's amazing, that one will shatter when you touch it."

"No, this is a unique skill passed down from our ancestors. Of course I will. Next time, I will take you to eat my special dishes and show you a show. I am a person who has always put my heart into it. Learning to cook, I don’t have time for love, so I’ve been single.”

While Zhang Ye was talking, he was joking with the nurse. When the other party connected him with the drip needle, he deliberately touched her little hand.

When the nurse heard this, she covered her mouth and smiled lowly.

He was bragging, and when he turned his head, he saw a person he didn't even want to see.

Qin Fen was holding flowers and fruits and watching him quietly, the conversation was real.

Thinking of the other party's knife skills, Zhang Ye's face is very unnatural. Damn it, I was dating a girl here, but an enemy came. As the saying goes, colleagues are enemies. When Zhang Ye saw Qin Fen, his displeasure came from the bottom of his heart. , an evil fire burst out.

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?" Zhang Ye was excited, he raised his hand, the nurse pulled, and the needle flew, followed by a cry like a pig being killed.

"Oh my hand."

"Who told you to move around? See if you have pierced through it." The nurse frowned immediately, but she didn't look embarrassed at all. You did it yourself.

Laughing at your sister, Zhang Ye looked depressed. Looking at Qin Fen's smile, he felt very cheap. It would be no good to meet you. You must not have been sent by my enemy to play with me.

"I came to see Chef Zhang on behalf of everyone. I didn't expect to hear about your glorious deeds." Qin Fen put down the flowers and fruits on one side.

"Thank you, why don't you just run around, is it okay if no one is watching in the store? How many times have I told you to do things seriously." Zhang Ye began to speak in front of the girl.

"I know, I'll go back later, isn't it too early?" Qin Fen glanced at the other party.

"I heard that you made winter melon soup? Don't make this dish if you don't have experience, so as not to ruin my signature. You should cut vegetables honestly and practice first."

The nurse looked at the two of them strangely, and was going to give Zhang Ye another shot. The dressing was changed just now, but now he had to do it again, but from the words of the two, it could be seen that Zhang Ye looked at this new young man very much. dislike; despise.

Qin Fen raised his brows, you don't need to suppress me to pick up girls to show your superiority, is it interesting to pretend to be aggressive in front of girls?I am not your apprentice.

"I will." Qin Fen didn't bother to argue with him.

"It's good to know, young man. The sky outside is very big, and there are mountains still high. Don't think that if you have learned some skills and are valued by the boss, you can ignore the seniors. I have the final say in the kitchen." Zhang Ye said. Looking at the girl, he thought very clearly, I just suppressed you, Qin Fen, anyway, no one knows, it doesn't affect my image, anyway, I can deny it at any time.

There is one thing in front of the person, another thing behind the back. Chef Zhang has been playing very well for so many years in the rivers and lakes. As for catering, he has to practice a few faces.

"Sister, this is the chef in my kitchen. He is here to see me. Leave him alone. Next time, I will take you to our restaurant and prepare delicious food for you. When you are free, please leave a WeChat message."

The nurse girl was about to speak, Qin Fen chuckled, we are pissed, "Master Zhang, your wife called yesterday and asked when you will go back to your hometown, the child is going to school, ask your opinion, go to In town or in town."

Zhang Ye's hand trembled, the girl frowned, and the needle stabbed down hard.

I'll go, when did I have a wife, Zhang Ye looked back at Qin Fen fiercely, and there was a sharp pain in his hand, bastard, you bastard.

Thank you Brother Shan, 3168 for the reward, thank you for your recommendation votes, click to support, without you I would not be able to reach the homepage, the score is half of yours, thank you everyone
(End of this chapter)

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