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Chapter 201 Chef Qin is very particular, the hell is kneeling

Chapter 201 Chef Qin is very particular, the hell is kneeling
Many people have seen Lei Fa, and everyone is familiar with all kinds of fire, whether it is water or ice, everyone is actually very familiar with it, but this big black lump looks painful, it seems to be made of iron, is it of the gold type?But fire isn’t gold, what is the fire primer on it?

What they don't understand, if they have experienced a little devil, they will definitely know that this is the famous iron watermelon!
For a while, no one knew what kind of tricks the mysterious Taoist of nature was playing. The one who knew the most was the Queen Mother. As the Queen Mother, how could she tell a dog.Could it be that that guy is very evil, you have to be careful, by the way, he is often tiao Xixi!
It is estimated that these words cannot be said with the arrogance of the Queen Mother.

Now Di Ting took a step back in a nervous mood, it doesn't matter if you don't take this step, once you step back, the firecracker will burn very fast, like a low-quality product, it will burn out in an instant.

As if he had his own radar, Di Ting's eyelids twitched, feeling uncomfortable all over, and he waved his hand. The original plan was to sweep it away, but the direction happened to be the four judges.

You are so poisonous!The four judges froze at the same time, wanting to tear apart their eyes. If thousands of sentences were turned into knives, they could stab Di Ting into a sieve.

The three Yan Lords also looked tense, and Taoists are naturally unpredictable. It is better not to speculate on such methods, and be careful.

Everyone was on alert at the same time, but Qin Fen just smiled, scan me for a look.

Gangfeng came out of the gate and rushed towards the iron watermelon, but it was clearly a real entity. With a sway of the big bomb, Gangfeng could penetrate it with a single touch, just like the wall-penetrating technique.

Everyone's eyes blurred, what's going on?What are you doing!Could it be illusion.Everyone was sweating profusely, it was too realistic, everyone was fooled, this one was so good at playing, it was so fake that he didn't even notice it.

He listened for a while, then laughed out loud. "I thought it was something, it turned out to be an illusion!"

The laughter was quite harsh in the air, only two people started to gloat, one was Lu Juan and the other was the God of Cookery, sweating profusely at the same time, you are doomed, you can predict the methods of the seniors.

As soon as he finished thinking, the iron watermelon that was supposed to be an illusion exploded, and the whole sky lit up. The idiot knew that no matter the sound, the light effect, or the airflow that burst out at the moment of the explosion, it was not an illusion at all.

"It's so weird!" The Celestial Master was stunned.

"I can't figure out what kind of spell it is."

"Look, what's that? Sanqing is the best, it's the real fire of Samadhi from Tushita Palace, it's a big game now." Yan Luo yelled, and everyone consciously looked to listen to Di.

The white-haired dog's heart reached his throat, did he make a mistake!It's obviously a phantom, so it's impossible for Samadhi True Fire?
Qin Fen shook his head, "That's not right, the expressions are not time-sensitive, and they are not lethal. How could it be the true fire of Samadhi? Even monkeys can't hold that thing."

It is indeed not very lethal. There is a key word here, it is not very lethal. He is useless to use lightning. eat.

It's a pity that the stupid Di Ting was burned by the flames.

A huge flame shot up into the sky, and the scalps of the ghosts around were numb, and their hearts twitched. If they were exposed to it, it would not be sour.

Hiss, all the yin gods, Yan Jun, took a deep breath, and looked at Di Ting, who was wrapped in flames, sympathetically, that was the true fire of Samadhi.

Shhh, Fuhuya Huazi is in pain, I didn't expect that a more ruthless one will come, and it will be the real fire weapon of Samadhi.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shouts came out from the flames, and Qin Fen clapped his hands, "Is this expression so embarrassing? Impossible, it's only [-] traffic charges, it's unscientific, your shouting so loud is fake okay."

fake?Di Ting doesn't think it's really Samadhi True Fire, that's right, how to put it, it's not as scary as imagined, it seems not powerful, but please note, even if it's not powerful, it's still Samadhi True Fire.

The burn on the body is not serious, but it hurts, it hurts deeply, especially the fire seems to be abnormal, not only like having eyes, but also unable to resist, all magical powers seem to lose their effect, and can only stay alive inside It was painful to see his clothes being destroyed, but he was not seriously injured.

Damn, this guy is messing with me!

Chef Qin doesn't know the whole thing, he hasn't tried it, and he doesn't know how powerful this expression is. As far as he is concerned, it should be a strong outsider but a good one. are much more expensive than this.

There were pig-killing cries coming out of the flames, and no one could see what he was listening to, but it was scary to look at the big fire next to it.

The method of Shangxian was really unimaginable, Lu Pan and God of Cookery nodded, and the Yin Gods around were speechless for a long time.

Fu Hu on the side scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, clasped his hands together, and made a Sanskrit sound, and the golden cross flew away thinking about the flames.

Bang, an object is sent flying.

Everyone was happy, and Fu Hu's eyes bulged. It turned out that it was Di Ting who flew out, and his black eyes turned red. What happened today?
"Fu Hu, why did you attack me?" Listening to Mao, his heart was burned by the flames. He didn't expect that there was a gunshot from behind. The one who hit him was actually a companion. Today, the real Nima encountered a ghost, but it wasn't a ghost Well, there are many mountains and wild places here.

"I don't want to do this!" Fu Hu panicked, and was about to do it again, brushing, and a large flame flew to Di Ting's body again, and the sound of killing a pig sounded again.

Or autopilot?Qin Fen was happy, but the way he looked and listened was just a skin trauma.

It's a pity that I couldn't hear it, otherwise I would definitely say it. The main thing is the psychological trauma.

Whether to fight or not, Fu Hu was hesitating, what if it was Di Ting again, he couldn't guarantee that the guy wouldn't go crazy and trouble him later.

Sharp, several Yan Jun looked at each other, and nothing happened. If there is something wrong with Di Ting, they can't find nature, but they are unlucky, and they have to face the wrath of Ksitigarbha.

Thinking of this, the three of them also bowed their hands to the sky like Lu Juan, "Senior, please calm down. The emperor didn't do it on purpose, but it was just because of his temper. Please, senior, let him go."

Qin Fen nodded, you'll do it if you don't say anything, pure men who are pissed will get revenge, and they will never let go of any opportunity to attack the enemy, but the time is coming.

Nodding grandly, Qin Fen started typing casually. Others don't know, but he still can't figure it out. Although this WeChat is a mess, it really doesn't have much power. It's better to accept it when it's good. Kind people are particular about it!
"God has the virtue of good life. It's your first offense, and I will let it go. Accept!" Qin Fen finished typing and looked at the screen. Damn, it's not time yet.

The light and fluttering sentence is undoubtedly the sound of nature in everyone's ears. It's better not to expand this matter. Fu Hu, who was worrying about it, heaved a sigh of relief, and listened to his body for a moment, but, didn't his uncle accept it?What the hell is this?

What the hell is this?The three Yan Jun collectively knelt down to Qin Fen, senior, you are a brother, what did you agree to accept?

(End of this chapter)

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