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Chapter 186 The Eye Must Sing Conquer

Chapter 186 Clairvoyance Must Sing Conquest
This is the most disgusting thing about Chef Qin. Although he has no strength, he can make people hurt.The queen mother has a deep understanding. Whether you want to hear it or not, the voice directly enters the forehead, and cannot be blocked or filtered. You can only accept it passively, unless Qin Fen is in a good mood, turns off the phone or is busy with other things. If not, then congratulations, Listen, you still have to listen when you hear egg pain.

Clairvoyance is about to kneel to Qin Fen. How can he answer this? Could it be that I can see it too? The Queen Mother often sees it. Lao Tzu's eyes can see through. How dare he say that?I dare not, not to mention that the innate ability of clairvoyance is not a passive blessing, it needs to be activated, and I dare not use it in normal times.

There is a big circle of all the immortals, plus the Jade Emperor, clairvoyance can be blind, so he can’t actually see, at least he can’t activate his ability when nothing happens, but this is so uncomfortable to hear, especially after adding A South Sea Purple Bamboo Forest, let me go, until now he still can't figure out when a great power is a man and when it is a female incarnation, how to say this.

Clairvoyant wants to die, and today I met someone who is not open, it's all a mess of problems.Can you stop asking such a tricky question.

He was very melancholy, after some calculations, he almost vomited blood, the bastard who made fun of him had unfathomable cultivation.

Immortals are not idiots, clairvoyance can understand everything when you think about it, this is the sound transmission of the soul, not someone hiding nearby, master, but this is the first time he has seen such a strange master, can the words you speak accumulate some virtue ?
"Then do you watch it when you're free? There are many fairies in heaven. Don't you watch it when you're bored?"

Just stop talking, "Who the hell are you, talking nonsense here, be careful, I will report to the Jade Emperor, take you down, and walk on the immortal platform."

"You don't know who I am." Qin Fen typed cheerfully, no one is afraid of anyone chatting online, if you have the ability, you cross the border and catch me.

I'll fuck your grandma, clairvoyant has a bitter look on his face, this guy is not afraid of threats.

threaten?It's a joke, Chef Qin will be afraid of this, the one who belongs to the donkey, will not go away and fight backwards.

"Okay then, let's not talk about that."

I thank you, my clairvoyant glanced around, I saw a lot of places, but I didn’t see anything strange. This is his method different from ordinary immortals. In addition to weird and unpredictable calculations, he also has a talent for supernatural powers, which is comparable to Buddhist celestial eyesight. .

It's a pity that there is still no hanging, and even if he is killed, he will not know that the person talking about him is from the world, and there is a big watermelon there.

"Why don't you tell me about your past, you were a demon clan before you became a god, then have you ever looked at Elder Sister Fairy?"

Fuck you uncle, clairvoyance can't take it anymore, "Come out, I'm going to fight you one-on-one, today I have you without me." There are flies buzzing around this ear, not only the mind is provoked, but the key is that The problem of goods is too disgusting, it is not a son of man.

"Have you beaten me?" Qin Fen chuckled, it wasn't really a game anyway.

Well, clairvoyance will stop talking, this question is of great research value.

The other party knows how to transmit voices from the primordial spirit, and if he can't detect his own innate supernatural powers, then he is no ordinary person. He also came out to play during the Conferred God period, and his abilities are well-known. After being discovered, it was Yang Jian who changed into the camp and finally revealed his identity.

It can be seen that his celestial eye ability is absolutely terrifying, but he didn't see it like this, so it can be inferred how terrible the strength of this idle bastard who makes fun of him is.

That's right, I can't beat it, clairvoyance is scared, this is the most preconceived misunderstanding of immortals, too obsessed with cultivation.

Depressed clairvoyant walked back, he had long forgotten the movement of the Ksitigarbha Puja, he didn't even pay attention to seeing a few little demons looking around, and directly ignored the group of fine ghosts. With his means, these changes cannot be hidden from him.

It's a pity that Chef Qin, the super shit-stirring stick in the heaven, is playing WeChat again. This time, he still finds him. Now he can't care about anything except clairvoyance, which is so annoying. The originally muddy water is even muddier.

The Ghost Festival has also become more confusing, and no one knows where it will go.

Passing through Nantianmen, Qianliyan lowered his head and kept talking in his mind. Now he admires this person very much. Your questions are not repetitive. It takes a lot of ferocity to do it.

This is the charm of the Internet. As a chef who has been posting for a long time and playing with water groups, Qin Fen really has no pressure. He can chat for another hour, as long as he is fine.Is he okay?
Yue Lao can only say that clairvoyance is very lucky. Naturally, the Taoist didn’t cultivate merits today. Then you are finished. This guy is actually very leisurely, because he only needs to call every time. If he is not cheating merits, this guy is almost exist.

They definitely don't know that Chef Qin's mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day, and wechat is not offline [-] hours a day, that's right, that's how it is.

"Qianliyan, why are you alone, where is your good partner?" A guard on duty immediately asked him, his eyes were a little strange, today Qianliyan has diarrhea?Impossible, everyone is a fairy, and their gastrointestinal functions are good.Why is his face pale and ugly.

Glancing at the other party, where does clairvoyance come from?

"Brother, how far can you hear with the wind ear."

"far away."

"Then how far can you see?"

"One mile."

"Then can you zoom in?"

"It can also shrink." Clairvoyance said weakly, and he was sure through the glance just now, the sound transmission of the primordial spirit is still the kind with sharp methods, and so many immortals around have not found anything abnormal, so it can be seen that the person who posted him is a ruthless person .

"Didn't perspective see all the skeletons?"

"You can watch whatever you want."

"That's very hanging."

Walking along the way, the two chatted all the way, after a while, Clairvoyance walked into his yard listlessly, and when he saw no one, he closed the gate.

"Shangxian, tell me, what do you want to let me go?"

"Come on, let's chat for a while." Qin Fen looked at Chi Chi's villa and suddenly didn't want to go in. God knows if the dead fairy will play with moths, so let's observe.

"We've been chatting for a long time, please, please, let me go." Clairvoyant knelt down, coaxing super fast, his mind was bombarded by planes, ten people couldn't bear it, the key was that the other party couldn't stop, Qin Fen's typing speed was quite sharp, and with all kinds of boring and tricky questions, he really wanted to knock himself out.

But what if the other party waits for him to wake up?

Grandma, what do you want to say? I will never play tricks. As long as you shut up, Clairvoyance has already made up its mind.

"Then what can I do, I just said it vigorously, why don't you take a break and drink some water, and we will continue."

you sir!
(End of this chapter)

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