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Chapter 148 2 kills in the underworld, Yuelao assists again (ask for a monthly ticket!)

Chapter 148 Second kill in the underworld, Yuelao assists again (ask for a monthly ticket!)
Watching Sun Yating leave, Qin Fen looked around and saw that he was alone again, so bored that he took out his mobile phone, this seems to have become a habit of modern people.

Turning on the mobile phone and pulling out the circle of friends, it was harmonious. Qin Fen couldn't help but sigh, the matter of the Weaver Girl should have ended, and the bridge of magpies will become an absolute legend in the heaven. Although the world is still alive, Qin Fen still has a sense of accomplishment. It has accomplished things that people dare not imagine for thousands of years.

WeChat automatically filters out all news related to the Dao of Heaven. Qin Fen doesn't know, and he doesn't have time to think about it now, because a message from an old acquaintance caught his attention.

Lu Juan from the underworld.

Qin Fen leaned back and stood alone in the corner, being a quiet and lonely handsome man. He smiled unconsciously when he saw the message, but he was confused when he was concerned. People always panic when they are helpless, but when there is improvement , and always get entangled, and then continue to cycle, and I am the straw to save my life. It doesn't mean that the gods can't think of it, but their thinking has always been limited, and it takes time to break through and stand up.

Time difference is often the invincible way to do business, information determines wealth!

"Lu Pan asks to see the God of Nature, and asks the God to give him advice." Lu Pan said silently in his heart over and over again.

Yue Lao next to him looked at him very strangely. Once upon a time, he was so foolish as to jump into the fire pit.

Hey, Yuelao sighed, "If you don't die, you won't die. Why didn't you understand what you said just now? Tell you to think about it yourself, work together, and expand your thinking. With so many people under your command, you have never heard of three stinky people. Is the cobbler as good as Zhuge Liang? Once you figure it out, your thoughts will flow like a spring, which is good for you. If you don’t understand this, you deserve it, you are so stupid.

Qin Fen clicks on the video. Now that he is a rich man, he can consume the video completely. The reason for opening the video is simple. Seeing the other party's environment and appearance is helpful for making judgments.

"The video is connected, and your balance is 8277."

Qin Fen frowned, Qixi opened twice, adding the current one is [-], why is [-] less?Is it an expression?
Qin Fen's face darkened, his expression was so exhausted, just like Xuanguang Technique, your sister's operator must be too dark.

Is it the same as chatting, typing does not cost data, but posting pictures is very annoying?Qin Fen was a little confused. If you say awesome, it’s only around fifty, which is really not much. It’s the same as sending an item. If you talk about parallel imports, fifty is really a lot, and it’s really a bit dark.

Now that it was posted, Qin Fen didn't bother, it was only fifty anyway.

He watched the video that popped up on the screen at this moment, quietly observed, and suddenly found a familiar figure beside Lu Pan, why is Yuelao here?

Qin Fen was overjoyed, could it be the same as last time, this guy assisted again?You are so alive.

This is Qin Fen's mental activity, Yuelao doesn't know, otherwise he must not be convinced, I clearly reminded him.

After all, things still have to be done.Qin Fen fiercely typed out a line, "What's the matter with you?"

A voice suddenly appeared above the heads of Lu Pan and Yuelao. This is the power of the Mysterious Light Technique. It can directly send information to the scene. How should I put it, Qin Fen has a very visual sense of watching the video.

The two characters in the screen froze for a moment, and a subtitle floated above the video. Although the operator was black, it was still very sharp. It turned out to be a barrage function.

Yuelao was stunned for a moment, this fellow finally came, and when he turned his head, seeing the instant change of Lu Pan's spirit, Yuelao's mouth was bitter, isn't this himself some time ago?There is no help.

"Shangxian, Shangxian, you have finally appeared!" Lu Pan shouted.

Yue Lao frowned, "Damn, this sentence sounds so familiar.Need to be this excited?You are so happy even though you know it's a cesspit, but if you don't know this guy, maybe he just came up with a bad idea, so you don't want to be driven crazy by then.

"Well, I just watched the Magpie Bridge Meeting and took a break for a while, so I didn't pay attention." Qin Fen skillfully typed out a line.

Yuelao lowered his head, not daring to look up, Lu Pan gave him a strange look, "Yuelao Shangxian, naturally Shangxian appeared, if you don't say hello to him, aren't you good friends?"

I can't afford it, Yuelao knelt down, you didn't go to the Magpie Bridge meeting, and you were the same as me when you went, this guy is too evil, it's best not to mess with him.

My God, the way of heaven has appeared. Thinking that this is related to Qin Fen's layout, Yuelao now feels that he must get used to being cheated. What can you do? The way of heaven has appeared. All five body cast down, but dare not say.

After the Magpie Bridge meeting, Zixiao Shenlei reappeared in the rivers and lakes, and the Jade Emperor was stunned. Now he issued a password order to stop mentioning this matter. The head of the Embroidery Department of the Ministry of Industry.

This is a serious official of the Heavenly Court. It is really salty fish turning over, and it is so weird. The Jade Emperor is facing the Zixiao Shenlei, and now his teeth are still in pain.

Naturally, this guy has a lot to do with this matter, but Yue Lao who knows the news dare not say it, really dare not, what if Zixiao Shenlei is swollen again?impossible?God, haven't you heard Tiandao swearing, that's your grandma.Who would dare to be so unreasonable.

Yuelao thought fiercely in his heart, naturally this guy is Tiandao's own son, with such care, his luck is terrible.

"I've met fellow daoists of nature." Yuelao's posture was very low, let's talk quickly, I'm so flashy after I finish speaking, please stop if you don't want to be a fellow daoist.

"Ask the Immortal, what to do if you get tired of playing!" Lu Pan said embarrassedly, he is upright, this is really not good, the meritorious deeds are his own, but there is no benefit to the Immortal.

"You can play cards, fight landlords, tractors, upgrades, arch pigs, and tie-jin-flowers. It is suitable for all kinds of people."

Qin Fen said a lot in one breath.

When Lu judge heard it, good guy, I have never heard of it, and I feel very powerful.

Yue Lao shook his head, this is his former self.Deeper and deeper.In fact, you can do something else, such as listening to operas, storytelling, and so on, so you don’t have to think about it.

Yue Lao really couldn't bear it, "Don't you have a lot of tricks?"

Lu Pan's face turned upside down, "You can listen to operas or books if you have nothing to do, and you can't get tired of just a few jokes over and over again? Some of these ghosts haven't been reincarnated for a long time, and they've been listening to them for decades."

When I didn't say anything, Yue Lao hurriedly lowered his head.Now he understands that the new things of the natural Taoist are really not boring at once, no wonder Lu Juan is in a hurry, there is really no way out, enough tricks have been played.

"Dare to ask Shangxian, how to play the way you said, and what are the rules, please enlighten me."

Just as Qin Fen was about to speak, a voice came from his ear, "Qin Fen, your food is here, eat, don't starve."

Immediately closed the phone and smiled at Sun Yating.

He flashed, Lu Pan was forced, what happened to Shangxian?
Yuelao let out a deep breath, this routine again, I am so familiar with it.

Qin Fen looked at the food and thought in his heart, this time there is no need for merit. Lu Juan is a straightforward person, more straightforward than Yuelao. Last time, it was three thousand, so let’s take it slowly, build a good relationship first, the customer is God, and pay attention to the long flow of water , Chef Qin also pays attention to people, people respect me one foot, and I respect others one inch.

"Eat quickly."

Qin Fen nodded.

Shangxian?Shangxian?Lu Juan is about to cry, how can I say half and half?
"Yuelao Shangxian, naturally Shangxian is going out to cultivate merits or have other important matters to deal with?"

Seeing the familiar scene, Yue Lao nodded, what should I say, "Ah, he likes to help others, and he does meritorious deeds when he has nothing to do."

So that's the case, Lu Juan nodded, "That can't delay Shangxian's practice, we should pay a little, so that Shangxian can work less."

I really didn't mean it, Yue Lao closed his eyes, why can't you understand pros and cons?

(End of this chapter)

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