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Chapter 1376 Surprising change again!avenue appeared

Chapter 1376 Surprising change again!avenue appeared

"Okay, okay, this is what I've been waiting for! Qin Fen, now I'm going to crush you in your perfect state, and let Dao know that his choice was wrong, outrageously wrong!" Hong Jun's face He began to deform, and he has always had an unfathomable obsession in his heart.

That is the choice of Dao, why didn't you choose yourself who was bred by chaos, why didn't you choose yourself as the number one god in the world, and choose an ant!
He is not willing!

"Qin Fen, it's a pity. It's a pity that you didn't complete the six realms. Otherwise, you still have a chance. Let me end you now!" Hong Jun's eyes turned cold, and he looked at the flying Pan Gu ax with an unprecedented look!
The direction of the tip of the path breaking gun is also shattered, and the two have not yet touched, and they have already begun to disturb the laws of heaven and earth.

Rumble!A huge sharp sound resounded in the sky and the earth.

Sanqing felt a pain in his head and passed out, not even them, let alone other creatures.

The chef was at the center of the contact, and in his eardrums, he couldn't hear anything except the sharp roar, and he felt dizzy.It feels like the whole world is spinning.

With a plop, Qin Fen heard a sound coming from a distance. He put his head in his hands, knelt on the void in pain, and slowly raised his head.

The field of vision gradually became clear, and there was an inaudible roar in the distance.

Qin Fen looked in the direction of the voice.There was a huge gash in Hongjun's chest at this moment, the road breaking gun fell to the side, and his Pangu ax lay at the opponent's feet.

"Why? Why did I lose, no, it's not like this!" Hongjun looked at the sky with a grim expression.

"Why did you gather the six realms? Why don't I know?"

"I achieved the animal way a few days ago, don't you know?" Qin Fen stood up unsteadily, and walked towards Hongjun.

Achieved a few days ago?No! "I don't believe it!" Hongjun objected, he had checked all three thousand small worlds.

"Because I am the god of the island country, the sun god, and their world is the world of animals, and the Six Paths have somehow come to fruition just because of my words!"

Are you a god?Hongjun knew that he was doomed, he must have been in contact with that world, but Nima's, he never dreamed that there were no local gods there, only Qin Fen.What a pig I am!If this guy isn't cheating, is he still Qin Fen?
"The supernatural power is not as good as the number of days, not as good as the number of days, you are so stupid, I am convinced, I am completely convinced." Hongjun wanted to cry, no, he really cried, is this all right?
"You kill me!" Hong Jun stared at Qin Fen firmly.

Qin Fen picked up the Pangu axe, and hesitantly glanced at this familiar stranger, he never had any intention of harming others!At this moment, he was shaken!

Just when he was hesitating, the sky shook, and there was a burst of applause.

Clap clap!A figure came from the void, and with every step, the shattered void began to recover, as if the broken glass was being rewound.

"Excellent, very exciting, Hongjun. In fact, I have been waiting for countless years for this moment. I am more impatient than you!"

"That's right, very good, I'm not in vain for cultivating you. I'm very satisfied with your current state! Then, it's time to end everything!"

"Big, Dao!" Hongjun's eyes bulged!When Hongjun called out this name, Tiandao's display dimmed, which also explained why he had a humane performance just now, because the real black hand was about to come out!

avenue?Qin Fen is completely in trouble now, what are you going to do?
The phantom of the human figure turned its head and glanced at Qin Fen, "Do you think it's strange, why do you need to have an incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, and the ancestor of Dao?"

Qin Fen didn't speak. He had thought before that there is no love for no reason in this world. He is not the reincarnation of Dao. Now that he has proved everything, then the other party must have a reason for doing this. A bad thought came to his mind .

"All of this is your conspiracy!" Hongjun went completely crazy.As for the chef, he hated the bastard in front of him even more.

"Yes or no, Hongjun, you are such a pig!" Human Shadow shook his head and smiled wryly.

"It's you, it's all because of your partiality!" Hong Jun refused to accept, if you interfered in the game between the two, I would have done that to Qin Fen.

"No, you're wrong! I'm not actually partial."

"I do not believe!"

"Then you can listen to me tell a story at ease!" The figure shook his head, "Countless years ago, the world was barren, no, it should be nothing, or chaos, I don't know how many years have passed, I have consciousness, more Can create your own body shape, which is what you normally look like, people!"

"It turns out that you love the human race not because of Qin Fen, but because of your preferences?" Hong Jun was shocked, his guess was wrong?

"No, there are also reasons for Qin Fen. After all, he is a human being born in the future. I need him! When I have a consciousness and a body, I am too boring. I want to create a world, a home, but unfortunately, my power It’s too powerful, even if the world is created, it won’t be able to accommodate me. Therefore, I will transform into three cleansers and kill the corpses!”

you!Hongjun felt bad all of a sudden, pointing at the figure, "You, you mean, I am!"

"That's right, you are my evil corpse!" The figure tilted his head and glanced at Qin Fen, "Is it strange? It's not surprising. I condensed the three corpses to split my power, so that I can enter the world of my own creation. I was so lonely, I was about to be driven crazy, so I decided to create the world, and the mission of opening the sky fell on Pangu, it should be like this, after his death, the power will turn into heaven and earth , I will be able to enter, and even transform into Hongjun, become Dao Patriarch, justifiable, and then join the Dao, withdraw the power, it will be perfect!" Human Shadow finished.

Hongjun smiled, "You're making up a story, if that's what you intend, then what is that bastard?"

"That's a good question, that's really what I planned, but because you want to open the sky, you inherited most of my power, and the rest of my power will be used as a law to complete the world, so you are doomed to die. Then there is another three corpses Have you forgotten? Because the power was taken away, I let him inherit my characteristics! Invincible luck, because chaos is born of me, and everything you have comes from me, so, as the Dao, I am the master of all things fundamental!"

"No wonder this guy is so badass!" Hongjun glanced at the chef speechlessly, this guy has inherited Dao's spirit!Who can compare with him?

"You guessed right, Qin Fen is my good corpse." Human Shadow said a layout that shocked the world.

"But I don't understand. If this is the case, why do you want Qin Fen to be born in the world, or a later life? Why don't you do it after I open the sky, but help Qin Fen to open the sky?"

The figure's face twitched.

Hongjun understood, "Pit comparison, so you were also tricked? Haha, yes!"

The figure seemed a little manic, "Stupid, do you think I'm so easily fooled?"

You say I believe it or not?Hongjun showed contemptuous eyes, most of your energy is on Qin Fen, he can also cheat you!

"I observed the future and found that human beings are very interesting and have a different path from the immortal way. That's why I divided the immortal world. I wanted to see their achievements. I didn't know if I didn't look at them. Once I saw them, I fell in love with the human world. , he is more interesting than the heavens. Where there are joys, sorrows and joys, joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, in my eyes, it is more in line with the definition of the game field! And I also need the law of technology to constantly improve myself, so as to surpass the Dao!"

Qin Fen clenched his fists, it's just your game, damn it!
"After seeing the human world, I made up my mind to reincarnate Qin Fen, not the witch clan, not the monster clan god, but an ordinary mortal, because of him, I can enter the human world, otherwise the law Rejection also works for me, I am too powerful! You may not understand, the suffering of waiting, and the boredom caused by long-term loneliness, I am already crazy to enter the world! The laws of technology are different from the laws of Taoism, but they lead to the same goal by different routes , I want to be more perfect.

That's why I cultivated him, as my shell to enter the human world, but immortals and mortals can be divided, I must use him to complete the six realms, the world is perfect, so that there is a channel, so you, you can only be wronged, and become my absence, take over The management of heaven and earth, and I also use you to eradicate all uneasy factors that are not conducive to Qin Fen's birth! "

"I still guessed right. Although Qin Fen is also a pawn, you have long since given up the heart to kill donkeys!" Hongjun looked at the other side firmly, and understood why the human race is the darling of the world, and even Qin Fen snatched it. The origin of the opening of the sky was not to pave the way for Qin Fen. Everything Dao did was for himself!

"That's right, you are all from me. After Qin Fen opened the sky, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, but his strength is too weak to eradicate you. In order to balance you, I arranged for Qin Fen to open the sky. First, use the luck of the world to bless yourself Luck, and then continue to guide and promote it to become the ancestor of Taoism, so that there will be balance, and the way of balance is also what I learned from watching fate, human beings are really interesting animals!" Human figure finished speaking.

Qin Fen looked at him angrily, "You made me bigger and lured Hongjun into a demon. It's all in the middle of the game. It's not for the return of the Taoist ancestor, but for us two tigers to fight each other, thinking that Hongjun is my destiny. The enemy is actually arranged by you.

You let us fight each other, and then reap the benefits, because your strength is on us! "

"That's right! If he wants to open the sky, he can't do it without power. The heaven and the earth must be orderly and managed. The heavenly system has exhausted my last strength. The Dao is fifty. I split into one, and the one that escapes is WeChat. First, to enter the human world as me and take over the bridgehead of the Myriad Realms, and second, to help you, Qin Fen, check and balance Pangu, and at the same time collect the laws of science and technology in the world!"

"Okay, good method!" Hongjun was speechless, it turned out that he had been wrong all along. "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Dao has no consciousness, how could it be possible to set up such a far-sighted situation?"

Qin Fen listened to Soi Ying's narration and understood the truth of everything. Lao Tzu is actually a puppet. Damn you!
"Unfortunately, it's too late for you to know. Qin Fen perfected the six realms, the three realms are connected, and the ten thousand realms are perfect. He even became the ancestor of Dao. He seriously injured you. At this moment, the laws of the heavenly dao system are perfect. In the heavenly realm, I am the ruler! Then, the story is over. , actors, it’s time for you to get your box lunch, come on, come back, I’m your destination!”

"Fuck your father, do you want to devour me? Dreaming!" Qin Fen grabbed the Pangu axe, Hongjun struggled to stand up, and for a moment, the two fateful opponents stood on the united front, because they had a helpless The terrifying enemy who resists, the ultimate black hand who has calculated everything, and is irresistible, Dao!

(End of this chapter)

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