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Chapter 1365 Cause and effect are cut off, Hongjun is drunk

Chapter 1365 Cause and effect are cut off, Hongjun is drunk

Everyone shuddered for no reason. Hongjun's words were like a cold north wind, not only cold, but also blowing into their hearts, and the whole heart felt a little stuffy.

"Teacher, it's the right time to turn around. Although we don't know what you've been through and what kind of quarrel you have with Taoist Ancestor, there are no hurdles in the world that you can't get through. Stop it!"

Nuwa is in a dilemma, she doesn't want to fight with Hongjun, not only him, but also Sanqing. The road of enlightenment, without him, the saints would not be able to go today, without him, this world does not know what chaos it would be like.

Now listening to Hongjun's words, it seems that he and Daozu have a deep blood feud. Once the two make a move, they don't know which side to help, one is their relatives, and the other is common people.

Since Hongjun helped Chi You, he would definitely not be on the right path, because of emotion and reason, no saint should stand idly by.

But now?Sanqing did not speak, Tathagata remained silent, and even the Twelve Ancestral Witches fell silent.Only Nuwa, because Hongjun felt sorry for this female apprentice back then, she advised her.

"No, you don't understand, you don't understand either!" Hongjun sighed, how could he be willing to go this far.

"This seat has no way out!" Hong Jun closed his eyes, from the moment he transformed himself into the Dao of Heaven and Qin Fen Honghuang established the Dao Gate, today is already doomed, Dao Dao has already arranged for him, and he can't help himself!

"No, it's ok, Taoist ancestor is very talkative, if you stop now, let's pretend that we don't know, and everything will go back to the past!" Nu Wa did not give up, and still kept a glimmer of hope.

"No, I can't go back to the past, because in the past, it was a mistake, a conspiracy, and a dead end. If I don't fight, I can only die. If I fight, there is still a chance of survival!" Don't regard Qin Fen as a simple opponent anymore, because behind him, there are still a pair of terrifying eyes.

There is no turning back when he starts work. When his Dao heart is not broken and he does not make monsters and monsters, then there is still a chance to stop. But now, he is down as an administrator, and he is helping Chi You to be born. The common people have no way out.

"I don't understand!" Nuwa was anxious, it seemed that Hongjun was determined to do something that no one wanted to see.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you know, the catastrophe of heaven and earth has just begun. The catastrophe was born and ended by me. Because I am Demon Hua Hongjun!"

The real catastrophe?Demonized Hongjun?Is the teacher obsessed?How can this be!

Sanqing wanted to scold the street, it was already scary just now, okay, tell me now, it was just a cold dish?The main course hasn't been served yet?

Chi You and the Twelve Witch Ancestors have made all the saints helpless, so what about Hongjun now?
Are the two comparable?What is Chi You's identity and strength, and what is Hongjun's identity and strength?
One day and one place are good, Chi You caused chaos, and Taoist ancestors came out to solve it. If Hongjun, the incarnation of heaven, is going to destroy the world, who will settle it?There is no help now!
They didn't know that Hongjun had been laid off, and they subconsciously thought that it was the Heavenly Dao General who would fight against the Daozu. This was already the highest-level dispute in the history of the Heavenly Dao.

There is simply no comparison between the group fights on the Conferred Gods List and the confrontation between two people who surpassed the saints.

what to do?Laojun was anxious, he glanced at Tongtian, Tongtian lowered his head, what else could he do?You can't beat him again and again, do you think Hongjun is Chiyou?The Zhuxian Formation can still resist.

Tathagata had already given up resistance, no matter what Hongjun appeared to do, he didn't intend to make a move, because it was meaningless at all.

Seemingly seeing what everyone was thinking, Hongjun smiled, "It seems that you have already known everything and made a choice, very good, then next, I will devour the twelve ancestor witches, condense the body of Pangu, and truly body, because I am Pangu!"

Pangu!Sanqing was dubious at the moment, the reason why the teacher came to the fairy world was for the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

"You!" The twelve guys who had just come out of the prison seemed to have become hot cakes at once. Chi You wanted to take a bite, Qin Fen took a bite, and now it was finally Hongjun's turn.

"Aren't you still doubting? When you become a part of me, you will understand that what I said is true. I will not lie, and I don't bother to lie. Strength is above everything. My words, It's golden words!" Hong Jun took a deep breath.

Sanqing's face turned ugly in an instant, but what could stop him?
"Correct, if you didn't trigger the wrong Qin Fen's imprint, you would not have stayed in this world, and you would have been swallowed by Chi You, I came late, maybe it was really nothing.

God is going to kill me, but you fucking killed me, now, I am wrong, okay, okay, Dao, open your dog eyes to see if I am a pig! "Hongjun smiled sullenly.

As long as the Twelve Ancestral Witches are still there, he hasn't lost yet, and still holds an overwhelming advantage.

"Qin Fen, it's time for your death. When I devour the Twelve Ancestral Witches, even if you hide in the ends of the earth, you will not escape death. Dao, once Qin Fen dies, you will be next. I will break the way of heaven and let you be annihilated! I Is it a pig? Let me show you today, whose hands did you die in?"

Hongjun turned around abruptly, and faced the Twelve Ancestral Witches with a strange expression.

Seeing the other party's vigilance, Hongjun smiled instead of anger, "Resist? Haha, that's a joke. Facing the real Pangu, how can you resist!"

Hongjun opened his mouth and took a breath.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, the sun and the moon dimmed, and a huge wind suddenly hung from the sky!
It's over, Sanqing closes his eyes in pain, this is Hongjun's power!The coercion is so heavy that it is almost no longer under the law of heaven. It is very difficult for them to even stand up now, let alone make a move.

With a whoosh, a huge burst of golden light erupted from the Dutian Shensha formation, the stars in the sky shifted, and rays of light sprinkled from the starry sky.

"The combination of Du Tian Shen Sha and Zhou Tian Xing Dou? This is Qin Fen's handwriting. It's not bad, it's creative, but unfortunately, so what, even if you add the Zhuxian Formation, you can think that you can stop the old man from taking everything back? Ridiculous Extreme!" Hong Jun said coldly.

These two formations, single and enemy saints, combined, are by no means as simple as one plus one equals two.

However, facing the former incarnation of Heavenly Dao, this is not enough to look at.

But just after Hongjun finished speaking, he closed his open mouth abruptly. He looked at the twelve witch ancestors in the big formation stupidly, and the images of those twelve became very weird now!

Rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, chicken, dog, pig, monkey!

The moment Hongjun saw it clearly, then, then, there was no more!
"What the hell is this? Twelve zodiac signs?" Hongjun was drunk and couldn't absorb it!

Karma is not there!Qin Fen turned it into the twelve zodiac signs, and forcibly cut off Pangu's cause and effect with his own cause and effect.At this moment, Hongjun no longer owed the chef anything, which was originally a good thing.

But Hongjun couldn't be happy at all, he had an urge to hug his head and cry! "Pit ratio!"

(End of this chapter)

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