Chapter 1352

There was once a great opportunity in front of me. I didn't cherish it. Instead, I took it for granted that I could be more powerful. In the end, I found out that I was wrong. In the face of the biggest variable in the world, there is no worst comparison, only worse comparison Qin Fen, I should have killed this grandson first!

If God could give me another chance, I would definitely say, damn it!I will kill you!
Hongjun was in a mess, looking at the options in front of him, he hesitated to make a move, two Pangu imprints, which one would he trigger?Although the probability is [-]/[-], the chance is quite high, but Hongjun can't do it.So embarrassing, so entangled, obviously there is a way to break the game, but I dare not use it!
"What if it's Qin Fen, that bastard who caused it?" Hong Jun said to himself, and this sentence could entangle him to death.If I made a mistake, I'm sorry, there's no need to think about Pan Gu's real body, let alone beheading the three corpses. There is only one result, Qin Fen. Originally, this guy was not strong enough, but he did it like this!
I'll do it, isn't this grandson going to fly into the sky?
Because you can't tell which one is which, you can only rely on luck. For luck, Hongjun can only reply two words, ha ha!
Of course, Hongjun is still confident about his luck. After all, there is a cause and effect in everything, except for Qin Fen, he is the strongest. Yes, he will also say that apart from Qin Fen, Hongjun really dare not bet with this pitfall.

If he assists again, he will become the assist king of the year, and become the king with one shot, and Tiandijian himself will be the perfect assist king.At that time, it won't be him and the chef who are fighting desperately, but he must be vomiting blood and dying of anger.

He hesitated here, the heavens were turbulent and the world was impermanent, the Twelve Ancestral Witches who were so awesome just now turned off their flames!Even Chi You looked like a dead mother, looking at Qin Fen and not wanting to speak.

"Could it be that Dutian Shensha is broken like this?" The barefoot fairy's voice began to tremble.

Sanqing immediately ate a dead fly together, it was broken, it seemed to be broken, look at others, the broken one is called chic!
Zhen Yuanzi Tathagata and others couldn't survive anymore, Qin Fen's methods were really shocking.

I don't believe it, I don't believe it, this should all belong to me, it belongs to me, the Jade Emperor kept shaking his head like he had been beaten with chicken blood, and when he thought of Daozu, his heart ached, and he kept yelling in his heart, Daozu Ah, I am your confidant, I am willing to be your most loyal dog, why don't you take a second look at me.

In fact, he didn't know, Daozu saw it, Qin Fen turned around and glanced around, including him Jade Emperor.

Seeing the Twelve Ancestral Witches gradually becoming illusory, Qin Fen turned his head and did not continue. He still had a bit of a grudge against killing people. As the supreme ruler of the world, benevolence is the right way. Qin Fen is kind after all.

Moreover, Qin Fen felt that there was nothing wrong with the ancestral witches, they could only be blamed on good luck, they were just fighting against the sky to save their own group, there was no one right or wrong, Qin Fen couldn't bear to kill them!
Besides, these twelve have only one remnant soul. Dizang also told him just now that Houtu couldn't help himself. You know, Empress Houtu is not only a kind god, but also an indispensable figure in the history of my Yanhuang mythology.

If you destroy the ancestral witch, then you will destroy the Houtu yourself.Qin Fen felt even more compassionate.

Looking at Chi You, Qin Fen's eyes shone coldly, this is the real culprit!Eliminate the evil and do everything, but the grievance has the head and the debt has the owner. This matter originated from Chi You, so beheading is to behead the head of the evil!

"Chi You, back then, the Wu tribe and the Yanhuang tribe could have been harmonious and harmonious, but you, ambitious and powerful, could have competed peacefully, but you ignored the safety of the tribe and launched a war for your own selfishness. , the world is in chaos, the people are in dire straits, and all souls are in dire straits, I will enforce the law on behalf of the heavens today!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fen stepped forward, walked up to Chi You, opened his mouth suddenly, and the terrible suction appeared again.

The power of cause and effect is irresistible, even if Chi You has already formed Pan Gu's real body, he is not Qin Fen's opponent.

This is what all creatures owe him!
"No!" Chi You roared, feeling the passing of power, even if Pangu's real body protects his body, and the solemn dharma behind him, he can't stop Qin Fen's footsteps.

not good.Hongjun felt that something was wrong, the two Pangu avatars suddenly became unbalanced, one strong and the other weak.

So how do you choose now?Hongjun thought of a question, Qin Fen is the biggest creditor in the world, so Chi You is definitely not his opponent, how to judge which real body is Chi You?It's very simple, the strongest must be Qin Fen.It's reasonable to say that everyone thinks so.

Hongjun felt it and was ready to make a judgment.

The heavens were also full of jubilation, Chi You's tall body began to shrink as if deflated, seeing the other party's painful and disbelieving expression, the surrounding fairies were about to show happy smiles.

According to this rhythm, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth should be able to pass smoothly.

Chi You was a demon god of a generation. Facing Qin Fen at this moment, he felt unprecedented pressure. Even the Yellow Emperor and the Nine Heavens Xuannv back then, with the help of the Taoist sect, never made him so embarrassed.

Gritting his teeth, he remembered what Hongjun said when he handed him the soul seal.

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, don't detonate the soul seal. Once it is activated, it will absorb the twelve ancestor witches and condense the real body of Pangu." The real body is different from the real body. The latter is equivalent to the Dharma. Of course, in the real situation, it is impossible for Hongjun to tell Chi You that it is not as simple as absorbing twelve ancestral witches to create a real body, but actually it is cutting three corpses!
Once the three corpses were completed, Chi You must no longer be Chi You, but the incarnation of Hongjun. The reason why he didn't tell the other party was to ask Chi You to be cautious. After the completion of Thousand Worlds, rush back in time, and then everything will be decided by himself, and Chi You can't help it.

Unexpectedly, just because of this kindness, even if he wanted to contact Chi You, he would not be able to do so now.

Seeing Qin Fen spoiling himself so much, the majestic China's number one demon god is like an ant.

Chi You's cruel heart exploded!He gritted his teeth fiercely, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and stared at the chef.

"You forced me to do this. Do you really think that the Dutian Shensha formation is as simple as you know? Haha, Sanqing doesn't understand, let alone you! Now, it's time for the rise of the witch clan, and you are all going to die! I want Blast you to pieces!"

Chi You pressed the center of his eyebrows fiercely.

Xuanming and Houtu, who were already weak, shouted loudly, "No!"

Not only did Chi You not listen, but his expression became even more ferocious.

This is?Sanqing noticed something was wrong, and Zhen Yuanzi frowned.

"Stop him, once he triggers Pangu's soul seal and absorbs us, when the time comes to achieve Pangu's body, the true god descends, it will be a real catastrophe, a Pangu who has no consciousness but only killed by Chi You, who in the world can stop it!"

With Houtu's loud roar, Tongtian launched Zhuxian in a hurry, what the hell, unconscious Pangu?The murderous Pangu?

So who can deal with it?
All the creatures were dumbfounded, what the hell, are there still variables?
Qin Fen was also at a loss, didn't he solve it yet?
At the moment when the chef was speechless, he burped because he sucked too much one after another just now.

When he was so delayed, Hongjun's eyes lit up, and drops of blood and sweat began to appear on Chi You's body. Every pore, like a black hole, swallowed everything around him, and the terrifying suction enveloped the world. And the gap between a child and a soldier king.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches had a painful expression on their faces, and their bodies flew towards Chi You involuntarily.

"I know that is Chi You!" Hong Jun's eyes lit up, and he pointed at Qin Fen's real body!He didn't know that there were two bloody characters around his body that were invisible to the naked eye. The curse of heaven was so eye-catching, and the heavens and the earth couldn't tolerate it. It would be a ghost if you could choose the right one!The real power of the blacklist is at this moment.

"Hey, you are such a pig, there is no hope!" Another voice came from the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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