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Chapter 1347 When Qin Fen went out, a disaster more terrible than the catastrophe struck

Chapter 1347 When Qin Fen went out, a disaster more terrible than the catastrophe struck
Hongjun is a little at a loss. You want to say that he is possessed by a demon, which is unreasonable. He has already been demonized. The demon is just absorbing his demon nature. It is normal to lose power, but the demon can never control him , it is even more impossible to enter his soul, because Hongjun didn't feel it.

Then it can only be on the side, relying on its own strength, and the opponent is a freshman, the few explosions just now have already blown him away, why come to another one, and his own strength is still losing?
Hongjun couldn't figure this out, his mind was in a mess.As No.1 in the world, Hongjun has absolute self-confidence. At this moment, his strength should be the number one in the world.

He took a deep breath and roared loudly, the whole heaven began to shake, and countless angels were stunned, but after roaring, it seemed useless?
Hongjun was dumbfounded!Unconsciously, he grabbed the Nuwa stone. At this moment, the demon was protected by the Nuwa stone, so he was naturally not afraid of Hongjun's power ripples, so An Anxin continued to suck.

Seeing that his own strength dropped by a quarter rapidly, a flash of light flashed in Hongjun's mind, and he lowered his head subconsciously, "Could it be this thing?" He threw the Nuwa stone in his hand like avoiding a snake. out.

That one throw, the whole world is clean! "It's really Nuwa stone?" Hongjun wished he could slap himself, the decline in his own strength was really heartbreaking.

"Qin Fen, damn it!" Hong Jun couldn't cry even if he wanted to. He originally planned to get his real body back and kill this bastard on the way, but in the end, his own strength plummeted and he had to take a detour.

Thinking about his own experience, Hongjun is suffering and can’t tell. You can say that Qin Fen deliberately tricked him, but he found the Nuwa stone by himself. Can you blame others?
Heart hurts!Hongjun looked at his hands and clenched them tightly, "I won't let you go! Just wait!" He threw away the Nüwa stone, looked at the heaven, and began to look for the way again, anxious, I don't know what's going on with Chi You now, what if Qin Fen kills him in advance?

"Your uncle!" Hongjun's eyes turned blue.The power of divine punishment finally began to erupt continuously. Before Qin Fen went out, the first lying gun was born.

After tidying up Hongjun's WeChat ID, Qin Fen glanced at the Queen Mother.Thinking of Dizang, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is likely to be the catastrophe of the heavens. The queen mother is too weak. Once she said it clearly, the other party would definitely follow.

"What's the matter with you? What's the matter?" The Queen Mother paid attention to Qin Fen's expression while eating noodles.

"It's okay, I'll go out and look at my nursery. I haven't managed it for a long time. You eat first!" After speaking, Qin Fen walked outside the door with his mobile phone. Quiet, took a deep breath.

"I'll blow your lungs!" As soon as the words fell, Qin Fen's figure slowly disappeared by the lake.

"Ksitigarbha, how is the teacher? Have you made contact?" Guanyin looked anxious. At this moment, Zhuxian and Dutianshensha were in a stalemate. The two sides are evenly matched, but it is a pity for the creatures of the heavens, the original lively scene of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is gone.

Flames shot up everywhere, countless birds and beasts howled in the flames, and countless little monsters lay on the ground.

Looking at the surrounding area, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers are almost completely useless, each of them is weak, and it is difficult to even move.

Not only them, the demon kings who came from all walks of life were also staggering, and a large number of immortals were panting heavily, with sweat on their faces, and they were all painfully resisting the blood energy drawn by Du Tianshen.

In the current situation, it seems that no one can suppress anyone, but over time, the consumption of Sanqing will become a big problem. On the other hand, Chi You didn't even sweat a drop, all thanks to the causal power of Pan Gu's real body.

If there is a cause, there will be an effect. Without Pangu's transformation of all things, there would be no heaven and earth and all spirits. At this moment, the creditor came to the door and wanted to take back everything.

Once the time is long, the creatures in the entire heaven will be drained of essence and blood, and everything will wither!
Avalokitesvara's expectation is not bad, not only animals, but even plants are not spared at this moment. Under Chi You's control, the gods and demons are frantically extracting everything. With the breath of death, the entire Earth Immortal World was gray and lifeless.

"We got in touch!" Dizang nodded.

"Then what did the teacher say?" Avalokitesvara looked anxious, and Zhen Yuanzi was also anxious. Hearing what Dizang said, all the immortals, demons and Buddhas who could still move looked over.

How to say?The teacher didn't say whether to come or not, and he didn't say what to do!Ksitigarbha felt bitter.

How do you answer when you call a buddy?

Seeing that Dizang did not speak, Guanyin felt sad, "Could it be that even the teacher can't help?"

What?Not even the Duke of the East?Originally, the words of the old mother in Lishan gave them a glimmer of hope, but at the moment when the hope first rose, that ray of dawn was annihilated!
"Could it be that Duke Dong is timid?" Someone yelled.

The Jade Emperor looked angry, "Qin Fen is not omnipotent, even if the three Qings work together, what can he do as a quasi-sage?"

Now people's hearts are impetuous, the Jade Emperor's words are like a fatal blow, hitting everyone's hearts hard.

"My God! God, do you really want to do this?" A demon king knelt down on the ground with a plop.Full of despair.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that everyone will end sooner or later.

"How can Duke Dong be so cowardly?" A god looked at the sky fiercely, didn't he say that the patriarch was dedicated to the public?
Countless people began to roar, venting their dissatisfaction, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

Before death strikes, the heart has changed, the demon king has become impetuous, the little demon's eyes are red, and it seems that he will not be able to control it, and the god's face is ashen, as if resigned to fate.

"Dongwanggong? Haha, I've been hearing you say it all the time. I remember Dongwanggong is Taiyi. Has it changed now? And a coward?" Chi You sneered disdainfully. How? When he comes, I want him to kneel down and call him grandpa!"

you!Jizo looked angry!
Zhen Yuanzi clenched his fists, Emperor Yan took a deep breath, they didn't believe that Qin Fen would be afraid, he was a guy who dared to poke a hole even in the sky.

Just as Chi You finished speaking, a lonely figure suddenly appeared in the sky, standing in the air.

There was also a crisp sound in the air!

"Is that grandson called Lao Tzu?"

Nima?When Chi You heard the voice, he looked over immediately, and what he saw was a very strange face in a strange costume, just when he was puzzled.

With a bang, countless gods knelt down.

"Welcome to His Majesty the Eastern Prince!"

"Meet the teacher!" Ksitigarbha and Guanyin were not far behind, also kneeling on the ground.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded slightly, nodded and smiled, "Welcome Your Majesty!"

For a while, the whole world was quiet, San Qing didn't speak, Jade Emperor looked depressed, Chi You and Twelve Ancestral Witches were dumbfounded, this is the East Prince?There was such a big commotion, the Celestial Soldiers knelt down and thought about it, and Guanyin Ksitigarbha knelt down with such strength, it can be seen that the person who came was no small matter.

But it's a bit strange for Zhen Yuanzi to do this. They are all old acquaintances, so they naturally know that this guy only respects heaven and earth, not Sanqing, and even Zhen Yuanzi salutes?
"I pay homage to Your Majesty!" Li Shan's old mother lowered her body slightly, obviously bowing her head.

How can it be?That is the incarnation of Nuwa, representing the face of a saint, even the old mother bowed her head!

who is thisChi You's expression changed slightly, "Who is here?"

"I didn't say that, your grandpa!"

"Fuck you, uncle! Are you the Eastern Prince?" Chi You understood!

(End of this chapter)

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