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Chapter 1325 Ziwei wanted to cry but had no tears, so she dug a hole and buried herself

Chapter 1325 Ziwei wanted to cry but had no tears, so she dug a hole and buried herself

"That's right, we need to be down-to-earth!" Qin Fen emphasized his point of view again.

When Ziwei heard this, she could only be described as being in high spirits. Listen, Prince Dong agrees with her, who else is not convinced?With the Jade Emperor and Gou Chen silent, do you have any other opinions?

"Yes, that's the way it is!" Ziwei also made up the knife!

Want your sister to do this!Qin Fen is not convinced, so let's just say something different!

"Everyone needs to communicate more and get closer to each other!" Qin Fen said again.

"That's right, that's what I want to say! Dong Wanggong said it so well, everyone applauds!" After speaking, Ziwei took the lead and clapped her hands.What do you call cooperation if you don't support yourself?Ziwei understood, and subconsciously glanced at Qin Fen, with a smile on her face, the meaning was obvious, buddies cooperated well, right? I understand, you are helping me create momentum.

true and false!Gou Chen cursed inwardly.Bah, the Jade Emperor was not far behind the two villains, they glanced at Qin Fen and Ziwei at the same time, and looked back at the wine glass tacitly again.

Ziwei took the lead and clapped her hands, Beidou immediately responded, and all the 28 constellations present wished her boss, Qin Fen was with the boss no matter what, and said before seeing Ziwei, is this all his idea?Must support!
As soon as they responded, the other Xingjun supervisors naturally refused to lag behind, and no one wanted to talk to Qin Fen at night.

The chef is very depressed, Ziwei, you are a fart, we say that one size fits one size, and you can't pee in a pot, so don't put gold on your face.

"In addition to the gala, this Spring Festival Gala is mainly about interaction." If you don't interact with these low-level contacts, how can you be grounded?Qin Fen emphasized his opinion again.Pay attention, party, party, party, important things are said three times.

"It's in my heart, but Dong Wanggong understands me! That's what I mean!" Ziwei once again staged a perfect assist. To put it bluntly, he helped Qin Fen to help himself. It's not tiring, even if it's exaggerated He can do it too.

Although flattering Qin Fen might seem a bit shameless, in the final analysis, she was in a position to benefit, Ziwei weighed it very clearly.

He waited for Qin Fen to finish speaking, and immediately raised his wine glass, "I support Dong Wanggong's opinion unconditionally. Come on, everyone raise your wine glass and toast Dong Wanggong."

Shameless!The Jade Emperor and Gou Chen didn't move, and they didn't want to move, you two flew up, they were so depressed that they wanted to play with you, stop dreaming.

Gou Chen's eyeballs were red seeing Ziwei killing her in one gulp, little Chi, you and Qin Fen are colluding, no doubt you will be in bad luck if you seek skin from a tiger!

The Jade Emperor's eyes turned blue, he never thought he was in this field today, what a ziwei, but let's ride a donkey and read the songbook and wait and see, Qin Fen is a good thing?That's a cesspit, if you go all the way with him, sooner or later you will fall into the pit, I will stare wide-eyed at your end now!

"Support Duke Dong!" Yuelao responded immediately.Li Jing got up after him, never falling behind.

The Eight Immortals stood up, followed by the Department of Fire, the Department of Plague, the Department of Thunder, and the Department of Duty. Finally, all the departments of the Heavenly Court stood up and held up their wine glasses in unison, "Don't worry, Prince Dong, your subordinates will never lose the chain!"

This is where the hell is going on, Ziwei, are you sure, what I'm talking about is your idea?Qin Fen's egg is broken!
"Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books. Every time I communicate with His Majesty, I get something!" Ziwei is still making up the knife.

Look at your discoloration!Gou Chen and Jade Emperor collectively despise.

"I see, just talk a little bit more today, and let us open up our minds!" Putting down the wine glass, Ziwei gave Qin Fen a meaningful look, as if to say, buddy is a good teammate, right?Cooperating with me is so cool, cooperating with you, buddy is also cool today!Much better than Gou Chen!
Qin Fen was speechless, "Do you really want to say it?" Qin Fen originally thought that he and Ziwei had communicated before, so they were teammates. Since there were conflicts in thinking, it was better to communicate in private. This was also to take care of each other. Face, who said that the chef's emotional intelligence is not enough?
"It's rare that everyone is united today, so happy, tell me!" Ziwei didn't care, it's all done, and I'm afraid of shit, I'm lucky today, there is no change.

"Then I'll just say it!" Qin Fen hesitated.

"Tell me, they are all from my own family!" Ziwei was very happy.

"This Spring Festival Gala, since it is a joint marriage, it must be the main program, so how to be down-to-earth? I have an idea, that is, while inviting all parties to participate, I also recommend some talented people. , or mortals, as long as they have unique skills, talents, and real materials, they can participate in performances, and even the gods in the heavens can form a team, so as to get closer to each other and allow the gods to teach them in some fields.

The theme of the gala is to welcome the Spring Festival. I don't want to make it too formal, do some lengthy and cumbersome content, and don't want to talk about some big truths. I don't want to make any reports.In fact, many of them can be integrated into the program. In this way, it is not only easy to understand, but also educates the living beings, how wonderful! "

"Okay, well said!" Ziwei clapped reflexively and began to cooperate.

Beidou is sluggish, and the report will be waived?Isn't that the same as disagreeing with the boss's proposal?

What the hell is this?Yuelao thought he heard it wrong, Qin Fen disagreed with Ziwei's words?What's so good about him?If it was because she was dazzled, Ziwei seemed very happy.

Li Jing's forehead was covered with cold sweat, today is evil enough!Is the Duke of the East playing the way of long-distance and short-range attack today, and then unifies the six kingdoms?
The Eight Immortals looked dumbfounded, 28 Xingxiu looked stunned, all the immortals held their foreheads and were speechless, since they were all wrong, Your Majesty Ziwei, what did you do just now!
How the hell did I know what I was up to, Ziwei came back to her senses and looked, damn it!
Aren't you from the same country as me?Thanks to myself for being so cooperative with you!What are you talking about?disagree?Forget about the report meeting, let’s pay it back, how dismissive you are!

It's already disgusting to run up to kneel, lick and flatter, but I didn't expect it, are you disgusting me so disgustingly?
Ziwei's face was ugly, "Dong Wang Gong, you!" Ziwei wanted to ask, didn't we agree that the host will be handed over to me, and you will assist, did you make a mistake?

"Thank you Majesty Ziwei for supporting me. Needless to say, it's all in the wine. I also thank everyone here. Don't say anything, just do it!" Qin Fen grabbed the glass and drank it down.

"Go ahead, please rest assured, Your Majesty, we must support to the end!" Yuelao led Li Jing and the Eight Immortals and others immediately waved their flags and shouted.

They did it happily, and the rest of the major parts will naturally not be inked.

The last one that was more embarrassing was 28 Xingxiu, who belonged to Ziwei.

But when he thought about what Ziwei said just now, it all went into his heart, so naturally he thought this way too!Maybe, maybe it's just a different focus, besides, Ziwei said that Dong Wanggong is her own, and she unconditionally supported him. If there is any difference, it must be easy to communicate.

Thinking of this, 28 people immediately stood up, "The subordinates will definitely assist His Majesty with all their strength!"

Fuck, you guys who eat inside and out, Ziwei cried, and the blood in my heart was rushing, I would have known that I would not have made such a fuss, let me ask a question!I thought you, Qin Fen, were helping me, but in the end, you dug a big hole and waited for me to jump in, you beast!It's cool to cooperate with me, but if you're cool, I'm so sour!
(End of this chapter)

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