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Chapter 1291 Dao ancestor returns!The world is full of pits

Chapter 1291 Dao ancestor returns!The world is full of pits
No one at the scene, including Hongjun, was happy, but Hongjun watched the chef slump and found comfort in his heart, and I will see you at a loss.

Qin Fen really had no other choice, and Tiandao was also twitching in his heart, what should we do?Both guys are thinking about it.Qin Fen wanted to go out. The Dao of Heaven must have an administrator, and now the only one who fits the bill is Daozu, but this guy still hasn't returned to his position?

Heaven was speechless, and began to count the merits of today's chef.

Some people may ask, hasn't the reward been issued just now?That's right, but the world is changing fast, you can't stay the same, Qin Fen's stopping demons and monsters is not the same thing as achieving the six realms of reincarnation.

That's right, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is related to the foundation of the Dao of Heaven. This is a big deal. Just one item can make a god earn a lot of money. Besides, Qin Fen has collected a lot, and now there is another one. of.

The most depressing thing about Tiandao now is that the administrators used to look at what to choose, but now there are no administrators?

Then someone has to ask again, what happened to the previous wish?Wasn't Hongjun also kicked off the assembly line?
Note that there is a sequence here, the time when Qin Fen kills the monsters is not the time when Hongjun goes offline, there is a sequence between the two.

The eradication time of demons and monsters should be calculated according to the devouring ghosts by the demons. The three major demon spirits disappeared, and the last one was trapped in the body of my sister-in-law. I don't bother to look at you.So what about Hongjun's obsession?

That was after the Heavenly Demon merged with the dirty blood, and the chef approached him to talk about work, Hongjun killed the Heavenly Demon and united his resentment and resentment, and becoming a demon was a prerequisite, that is to say, there was an administrator at that time, Hongjun!So now it really doesn't exist.

Tiandao wants to scold the street, what the hell should I do?For the first time, as a rigid system, Tiandao also understood Qin Fen's terrible cheating attributes, even his own people!Thinking about it, he didn't crash once or twice, it was all thanks to Qin Fen.

But the way of heaven is the way of heaven after all, as a rigorous supreme system, he will not be bloated to death by urine.

Didn't Qin Fen not belong, did he not have an administrator?Just in time, I will go through the process now.

With a ding-dong sound, Qin Fen's cell phone trembled, and Qin Fen saw a very depressing message.

It's not the first time he has seen this message, and he has fought with the other party before, but he also understands that this is definitely not a friend, because you can't add it, you can only follow it.

The publisher of this information was the terrible black hand that Qin Fen first came into contact with, the WeChat Tianjie management team.

It is also the most mysterious official account of WeChat, and the message sent by the other party at this moment is very strange.

"Excuse me, what should I do now?" Tiandao's question was very interesting, and there was a position in his subconscious mind. It was a request for instructions. Why did he ask for instructions, because Qin Fen was the administrator.He is the boss.

It's just that the administrator of the Heavenly Dao system can't be done by anyone. First, you must be qualified, and second, you must be recognized by Dao Dao. The first two will block countless people. The third is very simple. .

The way of heaven is fair, and the way of heaven is selfless. If the other party wants to be willing, you can't force it. That's what it meant when Hongjun joined the way.

Now it's Qin Fen's turn. It's hard to tell the truth. You are an administrator. Now you are going to take office. Do you want to do it?
Since you can’t say that, you need to have a strategy, Tiandao also came up with an idea, I ask you, as a subordinate, if you have an idea, then I will implement it, the hidden meaning is that I did it according to your order, so you To be a leader, must be an administrator.

"How do I know what to do? Let me out!" Qin Fen replied fiercely, what the hell are you going to do?

The queen mother was suffering from menstrual pain, looking at the chef's cell phone, she didn't know that the other party was Tiandao.

It hurts even without balls, why don't you play your cards according to the routine?Can you die if you don't cheat?

"I just want to ask, what do you want to do with your attainment of the Hungry Ghost Path of the Six Realms of Reincarnation this time?" Tian Daozhao said bluntly.

Qin Fen understood, but what's the point?You either give me merit, promotion, or magic weapon. Don't think I don't know, I have experienced it several times.Merits have been deducted from me, promotion?Are there still upgrades?As for the magic weapon, Qin Fen didn't want it at all, he had too many!

"How to deal with it? What should be done is still to be done!" Qin Fen said depressedly, didn't you come from the Supreme Lord?Do you want to take advantage of me and still get kickbacks?Hongjun, I won't let you succeed!

Qin Fen is very depressed now. He didn't know that Hongjun had been laid off long ago. He thought that the other party was still there.
From Qin Fen's point of view, how could Hongjun, the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, be laid off?Did you think it was a temporary worker?However, as the ancestor of Taoism, I can also say a word, and I can't be cowardly. Hongjun is messing with me this time.

Tiandao is excited, do you count as issuing a request?
"How?" Tiandao was straightforward.

I'll go, you have the nerve to ask me!Qin Fen was a little weird, "This is what you asked me to say." Since you are asking for my opinion, then don't even try to read my jokes, demo.

"Of course, rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and order will be restored as soon as possible." Qin Fen emphasized the previous sentence, if you ask me how to reward later, my buddy will definitely ask for another wish, and I can go out by myself.

The queen mother understood that it was really another village.

Tiandao understood, and began to analyze. It was necessary to clearly distinguish between rewards and punishments. He didn't plan to withhold Qin Fen's rewards. Now he was calculating the latter sentence, restoring order as soon as possible. Who said that!
Admin, you still have to listen to Daozu's words!
Tiandao trembled violently, and a golden light shone down. Qin Fen shook his hand and found that the Dinghai Shenzhu had disappeared.

Fuck you, uncle, this is your reward?Feelings are my magic weapon against you!
The queen mother is also unclear, so it seems that this is not a wish!And why is the magic weapon missing?
She looked at the chef with a questioning face, and Qin Fen was very angry, "Bastard, the reward he gave me was to change the shape of my magic weapon in a different way. I have experienced it once. This bastard, he didn't give me a chance." .”

Is it really?Now what?The Queen Mother is heartbroken. She thought there was a turning point, but it turned out not to be. Then how to get out now, the way of heaven can only be solved by the way of heaven.

"Are we really unable to get out?" The Queen Mother was a little frustrated. The heavens and the earth are the greatest, so you can't reason with him and won't let you go out, but you have been rewarded, and you can't refute that the heavens are not perfect. male.

It was fine if the Queen Mother didn't say anything, but when she opened her mouth, Qin Fen was filled with anger. For a long time, he didn't want to complain about the magic weapon, and now he couldn't help it anymore!

Qin Fen made a frenzied gesture, pointing to the sky and showing his middle finger, now he can't care about anything, he cursed and said, "God, fuck your grandma!"

Hongjun smiled, the way of heaven is so hard, what's the matter with him?Why are you scolding me?You are an administrator!Besides, the magic weapon of change is a must. Dinghai Shenzhu is a god, and there is a conflict of laws in the world, so it can only change, and this time the three thousand worlds are starting to repair, and they need merit, so they can only be deducted from Qin Fen. This is normal program ok.

This person lying on the ground with a gun, if the way of heaven is humane, he will vomit blood like Hongjun. "This is obviously doing what you want, isn't it? Why are you scolding me? You can't cheat people like this."

PS: I don’t know how to write, and I don’t know whether it collapsed or not. I have been following my feelings. Recently, I am very tired from writing. Because of conjunctivitis, I cry while writing, especially when I laugh, my eyes hurt when I laugh. This book is coming to an end, thank you for your long-term support, and thank you for your tolerance.Recommend a friend's book, friends who like "Gourmet of Another World" can read it, it is well written, I am not bragging, because I don't know how to brag, I don't know if you will!

(End of this chapter)

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