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Chapter 1283 We meet again!Tianmo and Hongjun want to die at the same time

Chapter 1283 We meet again!Tianmo and Hongjun want to die at the same time
Looking at the expression of the demon in the picture, Hongjun sat down quietly, his face was gloomy, and there was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth. "Be moved, anyone will be moved, let alone you."

Hongjun smiled somberly, he was born of the demon, so he is naturally familiar with the character of the other party. This guy is born rebellious, so he is not a good person. This is determined by Pangu's resentment, so he has been doing dirty work and becoming the ultimate villain.

Hongjun took advantage of this mentality, turned against him, and saw the ambition of the demon.It is also the wish of the Heavenly Demon to be under one person and above ten thousand.

"You've already been hooked, so it depends on when you do it!" Hongjun suddenly discovered that the future is indeed full of countless possibilities, and the future is indeed full of countless possibilities. Heavenly Demon, but it doesn't matter, the same, as long as it can cause trouble for Qin Fen, Heavenly Demon can still do it, and even disrupt the heavenly world. Now Qin Fen is the God of Heavenly Demon.

If something happens, it's not my responsibility!Hongjun laughed, "Haha, when the east is sunny and the west is raining, no one would have thought that I still have a chance! The Heavenly Demon was enshrined by you, Qin Fen, you are duty-bound, Heavenly Demon, mess up, the more chaos, the greater the responsibility of Qin Fen !"

Tianmo lowered his head and suddenly became a little shy. At this moment, his heart was surging, thinking about the bright future, Hongjun's words were like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, pointing out the direction for him.

Watching the chef secretly, he also discovered that this guy is actually a quasi-sage, and his strength is not that strong, so he needs to consider whether he is pretending or hiding his strength.

Tianmo began to calculate the strength comparison between the two sides. Qin Fen is indeed powerful. He has the heavenly book and the Pangu axe.

Looking at the comatose woman, Tianmo laughed even more strangely. Preventing thieves for a thousand days is not a solution, even Daozu sometimes stumbles.

The chef didn't know that the Heavenly Demon made up his mind to betray in an instant.

Even though there is a god in front of him and the law of heaven protects him, the heavenly demon is not a safe guy and dare not face Qin Fen, but he didn't say he couldn't face mortals, did he?

This is a side-kick, as long as he doesn't openly confront Qin Fen, he may not have a chance.

As the originator of the world of betrayal and the idol of the world's traitors, Tianmo began to beat Xiao Jiujiu.The expression naturally became a little unnatural, and it's not his fault. Usually, such old fritters are acting school, but Tianmo was really cheated by Qin Fen, and he was a little crazy.

Looking around, the demon intends to withdraw first, and find an appropriate time to make a move, "My lord, since this matter is over, I should go too!"

Hongjun smiled knowingly when he heard Tianmo finished speaking, "Qin Fen, you are going to be in trouble!"

He knew what the demon was thinking, and was going to play tricks and attack Sun Yujie.

Qin Fen didn't think much about it. It was indeed over. It's not appropriate for this guy to stay here. It's too supernatural. After a while, arrange for the Queen Mother to wash away the memories of mortals.

Chef Qin nodded.Hongjun wanted to click 32 likes, "Perfect! This time, you will not be lucky, this is your own death! One must not be defensive!"

Tianmo was also very excited, it seems that Daozu didn't doubt or even guard against himself!Let me just say, I am lucky today, who else?Happiness came so suddenly, why do you call me embarrassed?Heavenly Demon is beautiful in his heart.

"In that case, you can go!"

"Thank you, my lord!" Tianmo stood up and saluted, his heart beating fast.

"After you go back, do your job well!" Qin Fen thought for a while, as a leader, he still had to say some things, "I like you!"

The latter sentence is just a polite way of saying, it is to calm Tianmo's heart and do things for me in the future.

The Heavenly Demon immediately beamed with joy, I'm so fucking destined!
This sentence is not something that can be said casually. If the Jade Emperor is here, he will cry and tell him that it will be a history of blood and tears!
It's a pity that Tianmo doesn't think so. Today he is really lucky, and he can't stop it. Naturally, he can't be on the same level as Jade Emperor.

But Nima really can't speak nonsense.

"The little one must devote himself to death!" Tianmo must have answered Feiqi, who wouldn't say nice words.

Qin Fen nodded, "Go!"

Tianmo was excited, and disappeared with a shake of his body, but he didn't know that at the moment he disappeared, Tianshu suddenly lit up, Tianmo was a model worker, what is a model worker?A model worker, serious in doing things, plus what the chef said just now, go back and do your job well, Tianmo also agreed, vowing to do his best and die.

Then, what the destiny belongs to really cannot be said nonsense.

What is the Omen's job?Everyone in the heaven knows, Dao Xin!

The Heavenly Demon disappeared, and he smiled, Hongjun had a big smile on his face, screaming!
But at the moment when the two were happy at the same time, Hongjun's Hongmeng Hall instantly became gloomy and cold!

Tianmo's body solidified and he suddenly realized that the surroundings were so frightfully familiar, but he was sure that this was not the human world, "That's not right!"

It was indeed wrong. He just wanted to disappear in front of Qin Fen, but he didn't intend to go far. What the hell is this?

Hongjun also thought so, and then the demon would play a sneak attack, so as to change his fate against the sky, and he would not give up this good show, but where the hell did this guy go?
Hongjun was a little dazed, and Tianmo was also confused.

Both subconsciously raised their heads at the same time, the corner of Tianmo's mouth twitched, the whole person was in a bad mood, damn it, Hongjun!
Why is Lao Tzu here again?The demon wants to cry!
Hongjun also had a face full of pain, why did you bastard come to me?Shouldn't you sneak up on that woman and fight Qin Fen?I'm going to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Tianmo looked at Hongjun, then at himself, his heart was so cold, he found that Hongjun's Taoism was gone.Fuck!
That doesn't mean that it's time to do things by yourself, no, it's time to do things, and concubines can't do it, and they are about to surpass a saint, which is not the same as surpassing a saint!
Hongjun looked at Tianmo, then at himself, and understood, this is something to do!Still fuck me!

My heart is gone!

When the Dao heart is gone, there will be a heart demon. This is the mission of the birth of the heavenly demon. In addition, although this guy has not surpassed it, he has already stepped in and absorbed Pangu's dirty blood. In addition, the pangu's resentment has infinitely approached his own. Stage, and he Hongjun is Pangu, this bastard, to put it bluntly, is Pangu's heart demon!

Getting him now is absolutely inevitable!
You paralyzed Qin Fen!Hongjun vomited!It's shameless for you to ask the demon to mess with Lao Tzu!

Tian Modan waved his hand in pain, and said hello, "Long time no see!" He was about to cry.

Damn it!Hongjun was even more disgusted!
The Heavenly Demon is also disgusting, he agreed to set foot on the pinnacle of life, where is the auspicious star shining?This is to kill me!Lord Daozu, please stop digging a hole, okay, I'm doomed now!

PS: A lot of readers ask me when will this book be finished, I can only say that it will be soon, and ask me if I will write it, of course I will write it, the next book will be a companion chapter or even a sequel to this book, the idea has changed, but the taste Still, when will the book be released, I will notify you about this book, or the group, the official account, it should be after the Chinese New Year
(End of this chapter)

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