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Chapter 1273 The demon wants to make a contribution, so he appears shamefully.

Chapter 1273 The demon wants to make a contribution, so he appears shamefully.

Qin Fen began to get nervous. Facing the demon at this moment, it reminded him of Kunpeng back then. Both of them were quasi-sages. No, although Kunpeng was a quasi-sage, he became disabled when he came to the world because he was hacked by Zixiao. However, the strength is far worse than the sprite at the moment, and he is in a full state.Besides, the Quasi-Saint level looks like a first level, but it is far from it.

Because at the quasi-sage level, there are still three checkpoints, but the Nirvana catastrophe does not count as touching the door of the saint.

Kunpeng naturally does not have it, but Elf does not, because it is the resentment between Pangu heaven and earth, which is terrible in itself. Once it is united, it is a saint level.

Back then, Patriarch Styx spent thousands of years planning to control Shura Dao to refine the sea of ​​blood and infiltrate the six realms of reincarnation. In fact, he followed the same path of Pangu's resentment. It can be seen that there are three resentments in the sky and the earth, and between heaven and earth. St.

What if the three ways are in one?The heavenly demon, the four gods combined, plus Pangu's blood, is the three complete!
Looking at it this way, the demon at this moment is far more terrifying than Kunpeng, and his strength has also surpassed the Queen Mother, and he is holding a tattered Sea God Orb, which is by no means comparable to a big fish.

Seeing the demon getting more and more frightening and the pressure increasing, Qin Fen had a drop of sweat on his forehead. He immediately took out the book of seven arrows and pointed it at the demon.

"Ghost!" Qin Fen said in a deep voice, the queen mother saw that the chef was going to kill him, so she also took out the measuring ruler and the five square flags to respond.

"Hahaha, have you thought about it now? It's too late, so what if I promise you? Do you think I'm Zhao Gongming's trash?" Jack sneered disdainfully. He is very confident in his own strength now.

Answered!Qin Fen immediately looked down at the doll, and sure enough, as soon as the name was spoken, the other party responded, and the nail-headed Seven Arrows book immediately became strange, with an extra talisman paper on it.

Regardless of whether he would play with this thing or not, Qin Fen pulled out seven steel needles, aimed at the doll and inserted them hard.

"Ah!" Elf immediately saved his head.Look pained.

effective?The corner of Qin Fen's mouth cracked into a smile, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, the Book of Seven Arrows is indeed the only magic weapon to deal with evil spirits.

With a good chance, the queen mother watched the demon roll over with her head in her arms, struggling in mid-air, and immediately raised her arm, and the golden hairpin transformed into a sharp golden blade rushed towards the opponent.

"Is it done?" Seeing that the huge golden light was about to stab the demon, the Queen Mother's heart tightened.

This sudden change also attracted the hearts of Yan Bing and the mercenary, so the guy who hangs up, is he going to hang up?This is unscientific, at least you have to fight Qin Fen to hurt both sides!
Sun Yujie's eyelids moved slightly, and she looked at the scene in front of her half asleep and half awake, already at a loss for what to do.

With a bang, the golden light was shattered by the black mist, and the golden hairpin flew back upside down. The Queen Mother stared at the air with an ugly face, "Is he okay?"

Qin Fen looked at the doll, looked at the figure wrapped in the black mist, and didn't quite understand that a rookie is a rookie.

"Hahahaha, yo, it still hurts a little bit!" Xun covered his face with his left hand, his right hand shook, and he used his body to directly resist and break the measuring ruler. In his opinion, it seemed that he had only done an insignificant thing.

"That's impossible! The Seven Arrows Book was able to deal with the quasi-sage Zhao Gongming, so it didn't hurt you at all?" The Queen Mother stared, as if she couldn't believe the facts in front of her.

"The Book of Seven Arrows with Nailheads can indeed kill Zhao Gongming, but I also said that he is just a piece of trash!" Yao laughed, his cheeks twisted, and he looked like a madman. A series of blows had already made him crazy.

The demon at this moment is a mad dog that may hurt people at any time, and is even more unpredictable.

"But for me, it is no longer a threat, because my strength is far stronger than him! I have absorbed the true spirit of my brothers, and I have already surpassed the gods. I just saw Qin Fen wanting to play, so I cooperated. That’s all, hahahaha! Now, the Book of Seven Arrows with Nailheads is useless to me, not to mention the treasure money, Qin Fen, are you disappointed, your expression is really wonderful, I said, today, you must die!”

While talking, Elf twisted her neck, uncharacteristically, like a weird BT.No one knew what he was thinking or what he would do.

What is the scariest thing is not a murderer, not a cold-blooded lunatic, but the unknown. A powerful lunatic is far more terrifying than Kunpeng.

That's right, Yan Bing clenched his fists, he still has a chance, he still has a chance, he stared at the demon's hand, Dinghai Shenzhu was his dream for countless years, the first time he came into contact with another world, Yan Bing also lost his calmness, he wanted to get it.

Become a demon, Qin Fen, and that woman, an existence that transcends mortals.

"What should I do?" For the first time, the Queen Mother felt powerless in her heart. The ghosts and monsters are very evil, and now they are even more evil after being united. Even the targeted magic weapon has lost its effect. The measuring ruler is not an opponent at all, so how to deal with it ?She subconsciously started asking, feeling anxious.

how could I know?You are my encyclopedia of heaven. Qin Fen frowned. If he is not good at the level of measuring the sky ruler, then he basically has no magic weapons to use. The Pangu ax can’t be used. This thing is not lethal.

Qin Fen himself is not afraid, the Heavenly Book can protect Zhou Quan, but what about ordinary people?The sprite has gone mad.

Did I fool myself this time?Qin Fen began to question himself, but damn, this has nothing to do with me, it's all done by the demon.

correct!Heavenly Demon, Qin Fen suddenly thought of this guy. He is a real saint, far more powerful than a monster. Where is this bastard hiding?Don't you have the face of a saint?Don't dare to face it?
There is a saying that goes like this, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

As soon as Qin Fen thought about the demon, the demon appeared. Seeing that the demon started to sneer, the demon despised him. You are not a saint, you are so stupid, do you know who that is?Daozu, is that something you can contradict?

You learn from me, Mr. Daozu, you must come like this when you meet!Keep a low profile!

The Heavenly Demon suddenly appeared, and he couldn't wait any longer, his heart began to heat up, the strength of the other party seemed to be his opponent, and he didn't doubt it, why did the four gods become one, and he was not on par with himself?
The demon knew that Hongjun made a move, and he gave the real spirit, so he took it for granted that he didn't see Ling, and he must have been killed by the chef before. He never thought that he was imprisoned by Luo Baoqian, because Xi Zao said that Luo Bao's money is gone, can the other party lie to herself, or to Hongjun?Heavenly Demon is not convinced.

Then there is only one truth, the demon was the first to deal with Qin Fen, and must have been destroyed by the opponent's "Seven Arrows Book". The real spirit himself doesn't know where it is, but Hongjun knows it. What doesn't Heaven know?It must have been given to the demon, and now the four gods are one.

As for the opponent's strength, it's easy to explain. It needs to be digested. You see, it took two days for the demon to digest the true spirit before. Now that he has just absorbed one, it is naturally not complete, and his strength is still improving.

In other words, in order to avoid nights and dreams, one should act before the opponent rises.

In this way, you can not only get the other party's grievances, but also show your face in front of Daozu.Today's benefits, you do the math, this is all the credit of Taoist ancestors, the demon roared in his heart, when it's time to take action, he will take action, rushing to Kyushu in a hurry!
Therefore, he appeared, and he appeared in an unusually low-key manner.With a small nine in his heart, Hongjun said, I don't know what you guys are thinking!He won't take this blame!
Just when everyone was nervous, a deep voice sounded.

"For the sake of love and justice, for the sake of the creatures in the world, punish the ruler, I will never sit idly by and let the world become miserable, accept the trial, demon!" The voice of the demon sounded, and everyone was in pain. What is it?Are you kidding me?

Tianmo has a smile on his face. This is the guidance of Daozu to me. Although it is shameful, Daozu likes this tune.Do what the leader likes, do it, and change what the leader dislikes, do you think you are an idiot? Tianmo is a veteran who has been around for thousands of years, what workplace rules do you not understand?No matter what, you have to come here in a low-key manner to explain your determination.

Qin Fen was dumbfounded, I don't even take the blame for this!So embarrassing!Are you the monkey sent to liven things up professionally?
(End of this chapter)

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