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Chapter 1271 The Sorrow of the Demon God, This Script Is Wrong!

Chapter 1271 The Sorrow of the Demon God, This Script Is Wrong!

"This is the Book of Seven Arrows with Nailheads!" The Queen Mother's voice was very low. Looking at the doll in the hands of the demon, her heart sank. There are only these two things that can deal with these four in the whole world. Qin Fen, a prodigal son, does not know Where did Luo Bao's money go?

Now you also lost the Seven Arrows book blindly, and got it by the ghost, what should you do?

The Queen Mother looked at Qin Fen and started to be on guard. If she couldn't do it, she would fight. With her strength, it was not difficult to deal with the demon, but she couldn't kill or catch it.

"That's right, it's the Book of Seven Arrows on Nailhead!" Elder proudly shook the puppet doll in his hand.

Qin Fen stared blankly, "This?"

Haha, let's be deflated!Elf sneered, "I didn't expect it to be in my hands!"

Chef Qin is infinitely sad, this is just a side product, are you so excited?The original is still in my hands.

Seeing the astonishment on Qin Fen's face, the smile on Yao's face deepened, "Oh, I didn't expect that, haha!"

He really didn't expect that he gave this thing to Tianmo, but he didn't expect it to flow out of Tianmo's hand and into the hands of the demon.

"That's it!" Qin Fen wanted to say, was it given to you by the demon?
It's a pity that he finished half of what he said. From the point of view, Qin Fen was surprised, with a trace of uneasiness mixed with infinite regret. Look at his face, it's not good!Watching Qin Fen suffer is the greatest happiness.

So he immediately interrupted Qin Fen, "That's right, I got it from Heavenly Demon!"

Heavenly Demon, who was standing on the side and invisible, breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, you didn't say that Hongjun gave it to me, otherwise I would be dead. Heavenly Demon suddenly laughed, buddy, is this considered meritorious service?Daozu may reward me when he is happy.Thinking of the good person card last time, Tianmo was excited.

This time the benefits are much better.

It's a pity that Xie doesn't know what the demon said or did, and he doesn't care now. With the Dinghai Shenzhu and the doll, there is no longer any worries. Who else?Can stop my pace?

"Heavenly Demon gave it to you?" Qin Fen didn't know what to say.

"Didn't expect it, God will help me now!" Xie squeezed the doll fiercely, his eyes glowed coldly, and a strong killing intent permeated the venue.

"Qin Fen, let's work together, we must trap him, otherwise the world will be ruined!" The Queen Mother looked serious.

Qin Fen hadn't opened his mouth yet, but Xun got excited.

"Trapping me? What a big tone. Although I am not as strong as you now, I am very talented. With the doll and the Dinghai God Bead, I can destroy it with the bead. In this way, no one in the world can stop it!" I?"

"You!" The Queen Mother was in a bad mood, and what Xi said was reasonable, he took advantage of the right time and place.

"What do you want?" Qin Fen was still very calm.

Fuck, it's all like this, why are you still pretending?Elf has a displeased face, don't you know that you are going to be unlucky today?

The mercenaries couldn't understand it at all, but Yan Bing, who was lying on the ground, had his eyes shining, Dinghaishenzhu, Dinghaishenzhu, I knew that this is not a mortal thing!
"I want you to be tortured and suffer in the world. I will not kill you easily. I know that it is not easy to deal with you now. You are strong, but it is useless. Without these few things, you can still defend yourself." I want you to watch me torture them to death with your own eyes, as long as your heart hurts, I will be happy!" Xie said fiercely, after what happened to the boss and the second child, his heart was full of resentment.

The intangible fit with Pangu's own grievances was all aimed at Qin Fen. It was the same with Pangu back then. Now that he is in harmony with each other, his strength is still improving, and the wounds on his body are also healing rapidly.

"Really? I'll give you back this sentence, as long as you dare!" Qin Fen hated people threatening him, especially those who used his friends and relatives, and he began to feel annoyed.

"Dare? Haha, I will show you right away, but, as I said, I want to destroy these two things in front of you. They are all congenital. I want you to see it with your own eyes. Let me ruin your only chance!"

"Are you going to destroy it?" What Qin Fen wanted to talk about was the Dinghai Shenzhu, definitely not the doll, he was only missing one thing.

"Haha, you're scared!" Elf said happily, "Yes, that's the expression, seeing you angry makes me feel good!"

"How dare you!" Qin Fen became irritated. My buddy worked so hard to get three, and you are going to destroy the last one. Isn't it impossible to restore those three thousand small worlds?
"Why don't I dare? Now I want you to know how terrible the consequences of offending our ghosts and monsters are, despair!" The ghost yelled loudly, and a happy expression appeared on his face, followed by a big laugh, grabbing Bead, holding the doll with one grasp, forcefully hit it with both arms.

"No!" It was not Qin Fen who said this, but Yan Bing who fell on the ground, his heart ached.

The demon covered his forehead, this old man will not take the blame!Elf, if you want to scold, go to Hongjun.

don't want?Haha, Elf curled her lips, "Despair, it's not just you, I want the world to fall into Avici Hell, and reincarnate in despair forever!"

Putting his hands together, he looked at Qin Fen with the pleasure of revenge, and a trace of rare tenderness appeared in his eyes, "Brother, brother, I want to help you avenge!"

No, the doll's expression twisted in an instant, but unfortunately he couldn't speak!
The facial expression of the charmed doll has been wiped out, and the whole body is twisted into a ball. You can obviously save it, so why do you give up?It's fine to give up, anyway, this matter should be done by Qin Fen, why you, third brother?

Qin Fen stared blankly. He had many magic weapons, but he didn't realize that this grandson really dared to do this. Didn't he know that there was no writing on this doll?The Nailhead Seven Arrows book deals with the charm, then there should be characters!

It's a pity that Yao thought that Mei had already died.Coupled with the fact that Tianmo is hesitating and Hongjun is playing reserved, he has no idea that this doll is not that doll.A strong sense of revenge filled his heart, and he had already forgotten about it.

There is a saying that goes well, extreme joy begets sorrow, this is a bloody lesson.

With a bang, the demon violently smashed the objects in his hands, keeping his eyes on Qin Fen's expression, which was the only source of happiness for him, and at the same time, there was a shattering sound in his ears.

What is that sound that still needs to be doubted?Just destroy it.

Um?The Queen Mother was dumbfounded, is Dinghai Shenzhu okay?its not right.

Qin Fen suddenly realized that the doll was attached, but it was only attached. Although the Dinghai Shenzhu was damaged, it was still one of the 24. It was also made of innate material, so it would be fine for the counterfeit one.

Yan Bing opened his mouth wide, and was overjoyed, but he didn't break it.

Not broken?Wu stupidly looked at the doll in his hand, it was indeed destroyed, the Dinghaishenzhu was fine, hey, I didn't expect it, it was just a good thing, it wasn't destroyed, didn't he have an extra magic weapon?
"Haha, God help me too! Qin Fen, your nightmare is about to begin." He threw away the fragments of the doll in his hand and laughed wildly while holding the beads.

A strange black air rises from the doll and turns into a figure, which is pulled by an invisible force and begins to deform. A blue ball of light quickly gathers in the center of the figure.

"What is this?" Yan Bing was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, what is this?" Qin Fen also didn't understand.

The Heavenly Demon wanted to cry, so he f*cked up and killed another one.

"This is the real spirit, it seems to be the real spirit of the ghosts and monsters!" The Queen Mother's heart was beating wildly, and the comparison was definitely a comparison.I searched everywhere for ghosts and sprites and couldn't find them, but my own people killed one.

That doll seemed to be given to Heavenly Demon by Qin Fen, the Queen Mother laughed and cried!

"True spirit?" Elf came back to his senses, looked at the figure and cried, really crying, "Second Brother, why is Second Brother you? No, I don't believe it! It's fake, it's all fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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