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Chapter 1252 The Jade Emperor Wants to Dig a Pit!Hongjun is frizzy!

Chapter 1252 The Jade Emperor Wants to Dig a Pit!Hongjun is frizzy!
As soon as the Jade Emperor said this, there were countless voices in Lingxiao Palace, and everyone looked at him stupidly.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fen likes to mess around, and the Jade Emperor is not bad. Is it true that those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black?Is it true that after getting along with Qin Fen for a long time, he will be infected, with a trace of jumping up and down?
Yuelao is very weird, seeing the Jade Emperor unable to speak out, the Eight Immortals collectively lost their voices, and things in heaven are so strange recently.

Ziwei Gouchen had a depressed face, didn't the Jade Emperor get enough of it today?In the past, only Qin Fen liked to play tricks, and it seems that the Jade Emperor is not bad either.

"You really think so?" Nuwa's voice became inexplicably louder. She wanted to leave and didn't see Qin Fen, but when the Jade Emperor said this, she became a little interested. He was like her child. , My child is promising, so naturally I feel refreshed.

"Return to the empress, I say every word from the bottom of my heart!" The Jade Emperor was happy, that's right, that's what he wanted to do, why is Qin Fen so awesome?It was because he broke the stereotypes that he was favored by Taoist ancestors. As the next round of training objects of Taoist ancestors, he must not let the chef be more beautiful than before. The Jade Emperor is not stupid, and he started to diverge his thinking. Out.

The flood of thinking began to flood, "Yeah, that's what I think. The lottery is fair and open, and the monsters participate. Naturally, no one will say that our heaven cheats and discriminates against the monsters. Everyone treats everyone equally. What about those mortals who have been doing good deeds and accumulating virtue?" ? Naturally, we can’t treat one more favorably than another, so I think that if we want to be fair, we must achieve great harmony in the world!"

"Okay!" Nuwa said emphatically.

The Jade Emperor is in a better mood. Look, Daozu's thinking is correct. I must persist, no, not only persist, but also carry forward. I can't wait for opportunities, I must create opportunities!
The Jade Emperor is not stupid. A mortal who is promoted is an immortal, and he is also under the management of the Heavenly Court. As the executive manager of the Heavenly Court, are they all his subordinates? As long as you give him some trust and gifts, he will naturally be my man.

The Jade Emperor thought very well, but made a little change invisibly.

"Damn it!" Hongjun was in pain!Isn't this Qin Fen's core idea?If Qin Fen doesn't do it, if you do, it's not the same, the same goal by different routes?Not everything needs to be done by hand.

Hongjun looked at the Jade Emperor and talked eloquently, thinking of hacking him to death, how could you do this?

He planned it well. Once the Jade Emperor puts his own manpower, he can catalyze the other party's ambition, and he will consider his own interests when doing things, thus dragging Qin Fen back. What is Nima's situation now?
Qin Fen hasn't played yet, the Jade Emperor himself played first, it's still the rhythm of the successor, damn it, when the Jade Emperor wants to mess around, it's not Qin Fen who offends others, so is there any point in doing so many things by himself? ?

If Qin Fen came out to smooth things over and the Jade Emperor sang bad faces, wouldn't all the gods have to thank the chef? "You idiot!" Hong Jun cursed at the Jade Emperor's picture.

"That's a good idea!" Laojun also nodded.

Haha Laojun also supports Lao Tzu, and the Jade Emperor is even more excited, as if he has opened up a chatterbox, "Ordinary people become immortals, relying on merit. Now that the lottery is out, it will encourage them immediately. If you add a heavy responsibility, you will be able to lift them up." Trust in Heaven, in this way, both monsters and mortals will do their best to study their studies. At that time, there will be no karma in the world, and the merits will last forever.

All mortals and monsters can participate in it, which will naturally increase the enthusiasm of all gods. Didn't the East Prince set up a responsibility post system in the underworld?I thought that the same can be done in the new department. With the competition of the old and the enthusiasm of the newcomers, the career of Tianting will surely make great strides forward! "The Jade Emperor went crazy, and began to play with the chef's idea unconsciously, because he seemed to see a bright future, Qin Fen could do it, why couldn't he?
Lao Tzu is the destiny!
For a moment, the Jade Emperor seemed unable to suppress the impulse in his heart, pointing the country!All the gods who listened were stunned for a while, looking at the smile of Laojun and the relief of the mother, the Jade Emperor already knew that he had succeeded, and he was the emperor of all ages. No, he was the confidant of the Taoist ancestor. In a word, Qin Fen is a fool, he wants to get back what he lost!Above heaven!Become the supreme being under one person and above ten thousand people!

Haha, when the time comes, Qin Fen will stay away when he sees him, Jade Emperor, you can do it!The Jade Emperor has infinite yearning in his heart.He has been waiting for this day for a long time!

Hongjun was about to cry, "What are you doing? It's not Qin Fen taking advantage of it. He doesn't have to do anything, and his plan will come true!"

Dao Dao will not abandon Qin Fen just because the Jade Emperor perfected the transformation, the credit will be credited to him in the end, and the incarnation of Dao Dao is a certainty.You are paralyzed!
"Have you forgotten your previous thoughts?" Hongjun felt as if he had stepped on a stool.

Indeed, he forgot that just now Jade Emperor planned to deploy a large number of his own manpower to control the lottery and steal Qin Fen's victory, and the benefits will be greatly reduced.

But I had an idea and wanted to win Nuwa over. As a result, my thinking began to explode, and I went further and further, which coincided with Qin Fen's path.It's not the Jade Emperor's fault either, who asked Lu Ya to suppress him, the two guys didn't know that they were actually natural allies, and they both acted according to the will of heaven.It's strange to blame Hongjun for pretending to be Daozu, but he hasn't explained yet.

Now the Jade Emperor snorted and found out what the hell!It turns out that you can still play like this. Qin Fen is like this, so you can do it yourself. At that time, the benefits of the lottery will be nothing. Since then, he has reached the pinnacle of his life. Compared with the balance, the big witch is better than the young witch. The more the Jade Emperor talked, the more excited he became, and he couldn't control it at all.

He spoke freely, and the people in the heavenly court were also in a daze when they heard it. Invisibly, he reminded everyone that the more you work, the more you will get, and you will not be able to eat a vegetarian meal. The emperor is going to change people, and there are many talents. There are no gods, but there are monsters and mortals.

This is the vaccination in advance, and he, the Jade Emperor, even took care of what Qin Fen will do in the future.He was the one who did the bad guys, and Qin Fen took advantage of it for nothing.

It's no wonder Hongjun couldn't vomit.

"What kind of trouble is this?" Hongjun became irritable.

The Jade Emperor was boiling, and the more he spoke, the more crooked he became. "I have decided that after the establishment of the group, I will order the mountain gods and land door gods to publish an announcement in the earth fairy world to tell all living beings the good news." Daozu is optimistic about himself, so we must work hard!Do something serious.

You still want to carry forward Qin Fen's grid?To actually add the door gods into it, this is completely a useful supplement to the chef's channel plan, and even the publicity has been thought out.Hongjun wanted to cry, "What the hell is this?" I didn't tell you to do that!Can't you grow some snacks? This is because Qin Fen doesn't earn merits fast enough!
The grid was created by Qin Fen. If you use this, isn't it a gift?On the stele of merits and virtues, Qin Fen once again made a strong and colorful stroke?
(End of this chapter)

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