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Chapter 1222 Conferred God!Jade Emperor's Ambition

Chapter 1222 Conferred God!Jade Emperor's Ambition
Faced with Qin Fen's playful expression, the Jade Emperor wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, but it would be very difficult to take back the water that was spilled when he said it. I can't guarantee it, how will this damn get it back?
The Jade Emperor thought about it for a long time, and came up with a sentence, "I was bored just now, so I told everyone a joke to entertain the atmosphere, in fact, I wanted to tell everyone that I am not a very serious person, but also have a cheerful side, haha! "

"Hehe!" You said I would believe it?The corner of Qin Fen's mouth twitched.

The Jade Emperor closed his eyes and looked at your contemptuous little eyes.

Taibai and the star officer on duty are suffering, not to mention Qin Fen despises them, as the parties involved they all despise the Jade Emperor, aren't you insulting everyone's IQ?

The Heavenly Soldiers couldn't take it anymore, looking at the Jade Emperor, they just wanted to say, do you brag that you never make drafts?
"I don't know why the Eastern Prince came back to find me?" The current situation of the Jade Emperor is very ugly. On the one hand, he has to deal with it, and on the other hand, he has to think about what he will do next if Qin Fen gets upset.

If the chef rejected his proposal, or tried to win over Ziwei Gouchen, then everything he had done before would be in vain.This is the most unacceptable for the Jade Emperor. He must complete the confession of the Taoist ancestor, become a saint?What is not wanted is the pig.

what to do?The Jade Emperor couldn't think of a good way, so he could only find a topic to ease the current embarrassment.

"I just thought of asking Jade Emperor to give me a list of team members to see which departments are involved, and at the same time I want to make sure of one thing, that is, the new department must be independent, and it is best not to choose from the original Zhengshen Firstly, the change of office position is not a good thing for the current Heavenly Court, and secondly, since it is a new department, the new personnel and new style of work should give some leisurely backward gods a chance!" Qin Fen did not ink the topic just now, but I just explained it in advance.

"I think so too!" The Jade Emperor didn't object, one was because he was really too embarrassed now, and the second was that he didn't want any continuous changes, although the Conferred Gods were broken and there seemed to be a new round of Conferred Gods, but The old ones have not undergone fundamental changes. In order to stabilize the overall situation, the Jade Emperor will naturally not subvert them.

"In that case, I'll go back first!" Qin Fen slowly disappeared with a smile on his face.

The Jade Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, "He didn't lose his temper?"

This question is a little weird, Taibai doesn't know how to answer, the star officer on duty looks contemplative, it seems that according to Dong Wanggong's urination, it doesn't seem to be the case, but why there is no direct conflict?
The Jade Emperor thought of a possibility, "This guy probably needs to play tricks!"

"Your Majesty is wise, I think it's better to plan this matter early!" Taibai Jinxing was a little worried, the more calm it was, the more it meant that it was the eve of the storm, the Jade Emperor, an idiot, fully revealed his purpose, Qin Fen had no idea.

"Yeah, paper can't contain fire, and now we can only be one step ahead. Our biggest advantage is time. The Eastern Prince seems to appear quite rarely. From the humble minister's point of view, he seems to be bound by something!"

That's right!The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up, "You monsters, do you still remember that the money from Luobao was confiscated by the Eastern Prince!"

"That's right!" Taibai Jinxing nodded, the conflict between Qin Fen and Tongtian was obvious to all.

"Does that mean that the escaping of the ghosts and monsters may have something to do with the Eastern Prince!" The star officer on duty figured out the key.

In fact, Chef Qin is not because of the four demon gods, but because the travel expenses are too expensive and it won't last long!
"It should be like this!" The Jade Emperor's face suddenly changed, good!Good thing, the embarrassment just now was gone, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and there was a reminder, or a majestic voice!

The Jade Emperor blushed and clenched his fists, and the effect of the scroll of conferred gods appeared!I want to be a god!
With a movement of his hand, the Haotian Mirror stood upright, and the Jade Emperor put his hands behind his back and looked at the sky quietly, "As long as the Taoist ancestor supports me, I still have a chance!"

"What Your Majesty said is true!" Although Taibai and the star officer on duty didn't understand why the Jade Emperor was so confident, they immediately flattered him. It fits so perfectly.

"The Star Official on Duty is hereby appointed. You lead Clairvoyance and Shunfenger to join the reorganization. In addition to being in charge of the monitoring of the Heavenly Court, the monitoring and management of the lottery is also included in the duty of the meritorious officer." The Jade Emperor said quietly.

"Your Majesty, didn't Duke Dong just say that it is not good to use newcomers and be relatively independent!" The star officer on duty is actually willing, but he can't say that. It will be troublesome if Fen disagrees.

"Since the new department is also a part of the Heavenly Court, it is naturally under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court. The duty officer belongs to monitor everything in the Heavenly Court and is responsible for daily affairs. Why can't he intervene?" Jade Emperor's eyes flickered.

Taibai nodded fiercely, "High, it's really high!" This is just like the world, no matter whether you are a provincial enterprise or a central enterprise, you can't do without supervision, seemingly independent, but you come back again.

It's just that this place is different from the human world, and the jurisdiction of the heavenly court is more intuitive.

"Taibai Jinxing listened, as the person in charge of logistics, you have full authority to coordinate the logistics work of the new department, whether it is a mobile phone or a payment platform, as long as you control the resource assistance of various departments in the Heavenly Court, you can block the blood of the new department. It's amazing, but a clever woman can't cook without rice! The three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first, and you take care of this biggest throat for me." The Jade Emperor's voice became deeper and deeper.

"In terms of channels, that is the sales that Duke Dong said?" Taibai Jinxing was naturally also very satisfied.

"In terms of channels, I have already guessed what Qin Fen wants to do. The land and mountain gods are all over the heavens. With them as a point, we can fully spread the network. In addition, he has a harmonious relationship with the seven great sages of the monster clan. Naturally, it will not It's too troublesome, if he wants to do it, let him do it, what we want is to control the source." The Jade Emperor shook his head, it's not a good thing to push Qin Fen too hard, and what should be given in must be given in.

"What about the other departments?" The star officer on duty understood, "Could it be possible to leave some for Ziwei to discuss, and at the same time to win over the teaching and explaining the teaching, forming a situation of dividing the cake?"

"That's right, the manufacturing department is cut off from teaching, and the bosses of all the mountain gods and lands are basically explaining the teachings. The forces of all parties are mixed. It is difficult for Qin Fen to play tricks. Don't bother about the Queen Mother's affairs. The relationship between the gods and gods in heaven is complicated. It's so complicated, it's not that easy to really go out independently! I just need two things, one supervision, one logistics, and I can choke everyone's neck!"

"Wei Chen takes orders!"

As soon as the two finished speaking, Haotian Mirror shot out a light curtain, and the canonization of the Jade Emperor appeared on Haotian Mirror immediately.

A huge film of light also appeared in the sky above the entire heaven, which can be clearly seen even from a long distance.

"The heavens are full of waste, and the spring breeze of change is blowing all over the earth. The Jade Emperor drew a circle in the Lingxiao Palace, and specially set up a reform leadership working group. The team members have their own division of labor, HR Director Wang Mu, Logistics Director Taibai, Disciplinary Inspection Director On Duty Star Officer, Security Department Director Lei Buzhengshen Wenzhong, Regional Directors are as follows, Five Sacred Emperors, Big Dipper Lord..."

As the sky fonts continued to appear, the gods, big and small, looked at the sky in surprise.

"Is this the start of a new round of conferred gods?" Yuelao's heart heaved.

"It's settled, it looks like we're going to make a big move!" Lu Dongbin didn't find the name of the Eight Immortals.

"No, isn't this matter still being discussed today?" The Laojun sitting in the Tushita Palace looked confused, what did Qin Fen do?It's not like, because anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that most of the team members are Qin Fen's enemies.

As soon as the Heavenly Book changed, Hongjun naturally received the message, "Okay, I didn't waste all my painstaking efforts, Jade Emperor, you finally didn't disappoint me this time!"

PS: It's three o'clock today, the cup's birthday, I feel a little guilty for hacking him for so long!Who told him to always say that he is a masturbator!I am also very helpless!Masturbation is fast, and another reminder, you need to add lubricant.Good news for being gay, you're stressed out.

(End of this chapter)

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