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Chapter 1205 Hidden Crisis, Source of Plague Cholera

Chapter 1205 Hidden Crisis, Source of Plague Cholera

"Spirits and ghosts?" Qin Fen was a little dumbfounded, what the hell is going on here, how could such things exist in the world.

"Wait a minute, you said it's from Luobao money?" Qin Fen recalled.

The queen mother nodded, "When the heaven and the earth first opened, Pangu's body turned into all things, creating mountains, trees, rivers, lakes and seas, which contained Pangu's amazing power, and naturally contained a lot of aura. These auras created all living beings, and I am one of them. one."

Qin Fen nodded. It was indeed like this after the opening of the sky. He remembered it very clearly. After the opening of the sky and the earth, he didn't do much work after that. "I know, Pangu was not dead at that time!"

What?The Queen Mother was stunned, "Not dead? Didn't you mean dead? Impossible, this legend has always been passed down forever, Pangu Great God Kaitian died of exhaustion!"

"Fart!" Qin Fen cursed in a low voice, I didn't know that I was on the scene at the time, I opened the sky! "He's not tired at all, I worked much harder than him." It was me who did it, and you must know that the most tiring one was at the beginning.

He is not tired at all?The queen mother felt that this sentence subverted her cognition.Adding Qin Fen's last sentence, the queen mother looked at Qin Fen with elegant eyes, are you more tired than him?What does it mean?Were you there when you co-authored Open Sky?
That was the era of chaos, the beginning of the world.All the creatures in the prehistoric period knew this way, not only that, Hongjun also talked about the opening of the sky, why is there some discrepancy with what Qin Fen said?

The queen mother wanted to say, you are awesome, and you can say such words, but when she thought about the other party's mysterious Taoist identity, she didn't know how to tell it apart.

"However, Teacher Hongjun once said that the prehistoric creatures learned the origin of the world from him, and the teacher is the teacher of saints and the ancestor of the enlightenment of living beings. Everyone firmly believes what he said."

"Hongjun? No, why didn't I know there was another Hongjun? I knew Pangu at that time!" Qin Fen said with certainty.

You really know Pangu!No wonder you have a Pangu axe, the Queen Mother is no longer suspicious, combined with Qin Fen's words, the Queen Mother suddenly realized that she doesn't seem to understand this thing well enough.You are so awesome, you know everything about the chaos period, my God.

Could it be that Kaitian also has his figure? Thinking about Qin Fen's characteristics again, could it be?The Lord of Kunlun suddenly felt a chill, didn't you cheat someone again?

She looked at Qin Fen stupidly, "You participated in Kaitian?"

Well, Qin Fen made a nasal sound. As for saying that the sky was actually opened by me, he really couldn't say it, and probably no one would believe it if he said it.Look at the queen mother, the reaction is great.It wouldn't be nice to say I'm bragging.

This sound of um, it was frantic, no wonder you said that Pangu was not dead, and you were so sure, you must have robbed some of his work, others can't do it, but it's hard to say for Qin Fen.

"You, you, could it be you!" The Queen Mother was speechless. The shock at this moment was far more terrifying than knowing any monsters and monsters. She seemed to have discovered a prehistoric deception. If what Qin Fen said was true, then the teacher There is a balance to be weighed. It is true that the teacher is the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, but Qin Fen is the ancestor of the Dao.

Since Hongjun is the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, it is impossible not to know about Qin Fen, why didn't he mention it before?

Hongjun wanted to cry, but you thought I would!I am Pangu!Your uncle.

"It's not what you think, I'm just helping!" What Qin Fen wanted to say was that no one should know about the fact that he had stolen the Pangu axe. He caused Pangu to fail to complete the task and finally died of depression?He still doesn't know that the Pangu in the past is the Hongjun at this moment. From the chef's point of view, Pangu died in the end, and he must be mad at himself, so I'm going to die.

Give me a hand?Kai Tian can also help?The Queen Mother is even more messy, what you said is so simple.

It seems that it is really as expected, this guy cheated someone, as for who cheated?The queen mother is too scared to speak now!Who else was there?
Seeing the menstrual pain on Queen Mother's face, Qin Fen was speechless, and it was true that he had cheated Pangu.But I didn't mean to. "Let's talk about ghosts and monsters."

The queen mother adjusted her mood, "The generation of demons and monsters is the earliest generation. At that time, the prehistoric aura was abundant, and the wisdom of all things was not yet developed. The mountains, rivers, plants and trees naturally gave birth to many creatures, and the demons and monsters were one of them. It's just that they got a little more. Pan Gu's bone marrow naturally achieved a lot.

I don't know if it was because of Pangu's death, he felt unwilling, but at the end he exploded with a great resentment, this resentment went up to the sky, and he achieved Huazi Zizai Heavenly Demon, that is, the inner demon, controlling the seven emotions and six desires.Falling into the ground, condensing the sea of ​​blood to create Asura.

But there are also some grievances in the world, these grievances are absorbed by living beings and turned into evil spirits and ghosts, and absorbed by corpses, they become drought demons! "

That's it, let's just say, when the world was just born, and the creatures were not intelligent, how could there be a distinction between good and evil? It should be like a piece of white paper. If Hongjun was taught well, he shouldn't be able to distinguish so clearly. Now look at it , This is not an acquired problem, but an innate prenatal education.Qin Fen nodded, "You mean these four absorbed Pan Gu's grievances."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly became ill. Where did Pangu's resentment come from? He made trouble!

It's just that this is not a bad thing. From Dao Dao's point of view, the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth are in balance. Without Qin Fen, something will happen.

"You don't know?" the Queen Mother was weird.

"What's the matter with me." At that time, the sky was open, and I had to rush back here, so busy!Qin Fen shrugged.

"That's right, you are the Taoist ancestor, such a trivial matter is not worth your trouble." The Queen Mother found a reason for herself.

You are so resourceful, I am speechless!Qin Fen wanted to say that Lao Tzu was not as good as he is now, a fighter among the five scum.

"So, the ghosts and monsters have come to the world?" Qin Fen asked the key point.

"The first generation of demons and ghosts is extraordinary. Just like the ancestor of zombies, Hanba, they are immortal. They are born with Pangu's resentment and aura. They are in line with the five elements, and they are even more powerful. In the chaos of Yan and Huang, disasters spread across the four continents, and corpses were lying on the ground. Everywhere, there is a part of them, don't underestimate them, the reason why Chi You was invincible at that time was because they provoked the god of fire and water, fought among themselves, and at the same time made undead puppets, these four are the plague and disaster of the world The source, the means are unimaginable."

Undead puppet? "Zombie?" Qin Fen suddenly noticed something interesting.

"It's not a zombie, but a walking corpse, with a copper head and iron arms, and infinite strength." The Queen Mother continued.

Well, strengthen the super zombie!Qin Fen understood, once these guys come to the world, I'll go, the real version of Resident Evil.It's still the kind that has no solution, and something big is going to happen.

"They are in the human world now?" Qin Fen wanted to know this, he couldn't mess around here, he had to stop it.

"Yes, and it is near us! Luobao money is their cage. Money can conjure gods, and money can make ghosts pervert. It is the mantra to suppress them. Using the merits of money, the wealth of the world, and the desires of human beings, will It will be suppressed forever, but when I saw your treasure money just now, I suddenly found something was missing, I didn’t think of it just now, but now I know it!”

Well, I got it too, so I said something was wrong today. It turned out that I had something in my hand to escape from prison, and I still stayed by my side.

Qin Fen was dumbfounded, how can this be broken?
He shouldn't have asked this question, the ghosts and monsters are in a mess right now, everyone wants to ask how to break it up, wait online, hurry up, the third child is still worrying about going to the toilet, the eldest child is running around in order not to be caught by the dog, the second child is already in a daze Forced, the fourth child doesn't know the situation, what really wants to cry is these four tragedies.

(End of this chapter)

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