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Chapter 1201 To follow or not to follow?

Chapter 1201 To follow or not to follow?
Become your uncle, that is my mother’s magic breast pad, do you understand, magic, inner enlargement, you idiot!The chameleon is speechless, you can touch it as soon as you touch it, how can it explode?
It's hard not to be noticed now.

I'm going, it exploded, it's so exciting!Qin Fen almost lost his eyes, and immediately stood up, stretching his neck to watch.

My mother, the pressure is so great, the chameleon wants to cry.She approached Qin Fen secretly, and once she was recognized, nothing good would happen, at least the other party would have a defense.

I do!Wang Zhiqiang is also having a hard time, why did he touch a living person, what do you want to do?Could Chameleon tell him that I am also here to spy on Qin Fen, so naturally I have to find a place to avoid it, you have a good angle here!

The angle is good, but Wang Zhiqiang and Qin Fen are used to playing hide-and-seek, so they subconsciously touched with their hands, and naturally touched places that shouldn't be touched.

In addition, the chameleon was in a hurry to get away, not wanting to be discovered by Qin Fen, so he drew his mouth wide open, directly blinding Wang Zhiqiang, and when he exerted force in his hand, there was a bang.

Facing the chameleon at this moment, he really wanted to ask, if you can do magic, how can you fake it?The counterfeiting is also a bit technical, okay!What should we do now?
Squeeze it and it explodes. Looking at the silica gel in his hand, Wang Zhiqiang has the urge to hit the wall, because Qin Fen has already started to watch strongly.

Wang Zhiqiang's heart moved, and he immediately turned his back to Qin Fen and started to fight, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" The most important thing now is not to be discovered by the chef, so he immediately wiped the other's upper body with his hands. This silicone is really awesome. nonsense.

For Wang Zhiqiang's anxiety, Chameleon looked into his eyes and kept it in his heart, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay!"

I made a big mistake and knelt down, are you all right?Qin Fen was dumbfounded!

The surrounding clerks were all terrified, so it was okay, but it exploded, bang!
It was like throwing a spring thunder in the water, it exploded shockingly!

"Are you really okay?" Mei also froze, your body exploded, are you not an ordinary person, he roared in his heart, Boss, we have an opponent!
"Beauty, are you okay, my friend is a doctor!" Qin Fen yelled, as an enthusiastic and quick-hearted person, helping others is nothing to worry about.

What are you afraid of?Chameleon wanted to die, but was still entangled by Qin Fen.

My sister-in-law also came from the fitting room when she heard the movement, "I'm a doctor, do you need help?"

"No need!" Chameleon said with certainty, she just wanted to get out now.

"No, you'd better take a look." Wang Zhiqiang decided to hold the woman back because he wanted to run away, "Or, I'll go out and call 120!" This way Qin Fen won't find out.

"No need, stinky rascal, you're still touching!" Chameleon couldn't find a way out, and slapped Wang Zhiqiang on the face again, telling everyone that this is a beast and still touching!

With a snap, the glasses fell off, and Wang Zhiqiang felt miserable, what the hell!With no eyes, you're going to be worn out now. There must be something wrong with this woman. Her breasts are blown out. You're fine.

"I said, did you do it on purpose, buddy, it's not good for you!" Qin Fen walked over.

Wang Zhiqiang was very nervous, he felt a suffocation behind him, and was about to fight hard to get rid of everyone, when the words of the boss came to his ears.

"Second, be careful, this guy still has the Donghuang Bell, it's hard to deal with!"

Nima!Wang Zhiqiang's heart is so cold and cold, he can't do anything, and he can't be found out, you are so worried about me!Wang Zhiqiang was very embarrassed, in a dilemma, and it seemed that things were getting more and more wrong.

Chameleon was even more embarrassed, his chest exploded, Qin Fen came and couldn't leave, this grandson kept pulling her!It wasn't that Wang Zhiqiang wanted to pull, there was really no way, two people pulling, at least it could be used as an excuse for cover.

Once you stand up straight, you really want to cry but have no tears!

At that time, the situation is even more delicate now. Qin Fen was wearing earphones. It was very difficult for the Donghuang Bell to kill the ghosts and monsters, but it was still very easy to become disabled. Don’t forget that Qin Fen still had the Haotian Tower in his hand. It's really stress-free.

"Sister, that's really not the case." Wang Zhiqiang was about to cry, even if he was a demon god, but there were two scary guys behind him, the Queen Mother, and this unknown person, so he didn't dare to activate it.

Sting, pulling with the chameleon, a camera suddenly fell out of the clothes.

Wang Zhiqiang lowered his head, I was fooled, you really have a lot of things inside.

The clerks and customers nearby were also stunned. What's going on?
The chameleon wants to yell, my old lady has a bad year today!The monitoring equipment fell out. She put it well at first, and most people would not notice it, but Wang Zhiqiang pinched something, and the equipment loosened, and the button-shaped camera placed on the chest fell to the ground suddenly.

"You actually brought this into a women's clothing store!" The boss saw that something was wrong!

"Catch her, maybe this person came to the fitting room to secretly take pictures." Someone shouted from the side.

The chameleon knew it was over, and running first was the kingly way, so she immediately kicked Wang Zhiqiang.Shaking off the oppression of the opponent, he ran towards the outside of the store.

it hurts!The second child experienced the difficulty of being a man for the first time. He is indeed possessed, but he also has feelings. It is only because his body is too weak. When the opponent kicked a key part, an uncontrollable pain immediately spread. Full body.

Sad, Wang Zhiqiang knelt on the ground with his hands covered, and when he looked up, he found a man looking down at him.

"Yo, isn't this Professor Wang?"

In the end, I still didn't hide it, shit, Wang Zhiqiang felt that he was a tragedy.

"Hehe, isn't this Professor Qin?" Wang Zhiqiang couldn't smile even if he didn't smile.

"The weather is nice today. I went to a women's clothing store by myself and caught one who came to secretly take pictures. Professor, you are really anxious for justice and hate evil!" I knew that someone was peeping at me. Qin Fen confirmed his deduction. But why is the other party?He didn't want to understand.

hehe!Wang Zhiqiang smiled wryly again, you really think I want to.

The Queen Mother came up, "Why is it him?"

Wang Zhiqiang became even more nervous!
"This guy has a special smell!" The Queen Mother wrinkled her nose and couldn't tell.

Haha, Wang Zhiqiang smiled awkwardly, "Perfume, the perfume on the other party, I didn't expect that woman to be such a person!"

"Really?" Qin Fen's expression became even more strange. He pulled two girls to pay and then walked away. When he walked outside, he turned his head and glanced at the corner. A woman with yellow hair lowered her head suddenly.

Chameleon, don't think I don't know!It is said that someone is watching, and there are more than one wave!It's getting more and more interesting, Wang Zhiqiang, Chameleon, no, no, Yan Bing is also added, so at the last moment, it was decided that the Sea God Orb was also nearby?

With the two girls, Qin Fen happily walked past Chameleon, "Hall No. [-]? Let's go to the movies!" After speaking, he narrowed his eyes and looked ahead. Are you following or not?
(End of this chapter)

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