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Chapter 1190 No matter if the pipe pit is buried, Lu Ya will be free

Chapter 1190 No matter if the pipe pit is buried, Lu Ya will be free
Is there you?This question is very deep!
The seven fairies gathered together, looked at each other, and really wanted to ask, did you go to see Lu Ya?There was a moment of silence outside Guanghan Palace.Huangdi's wife looked at her girlfriend strangely, "Lu Ya, Nine Heavens Profound Girl, I heard that you visited him."

"Slander, is it a bastard who chews his tongue?" Jiutian Xuannv thought it was a tragedy, her old lady was shot while lying down, she was suffering from human feelings, so she went to Xia Luya and recommended her friend's children.

"Really?" There was a strange retort from around. "Everyone is best friend, what dare not admit!"

I made a grass!The Nine Heavens Profound Girl is messed up, so will she be affected if she has a relationship with Lu Ya?She has no answer, because no answer is needed, listen, 250 ah, this is the rhythm of the lover.

Thinking about it again, not all fairies are qualified to find Lu Ya.

As a result, Nine Heavens Xuannv began to suffer from myocardial infarction.

It's not just the fairies talking about it, the biggest topic in the heavenly court this afternoon is, does your family know Lu Ya?

The female fairy is for gossip, to see if the national husband's evil hands have entered her circle, and the male fairy is even more uneasy. The single dogs scolded fiercely, "Bastard!" with envy and hatred on their faces.

Those who have a family are intriguing, Li Jing looked at Kui Mulang speechlessly, and then Mu Zha of his family ran over, "Father, please tell Lord Lu Ya that my wife is not going! "

Well, Li Jing is so embarrassing. I don't want my old face, so I asked Lu Ya, and now I have to go back on my word. Does this count as shameless?But what Mu Zha is for, everyone knows that Lu Ya is at the same level as the old Wang next door at the moment, no, it should be said that the manager Lao Song is at the same level.

Kui Mulang was even more embarrassed, but he said that Lu Yaren is good, is this also good?Day defense and night defense are hard to guard against, so fire, theft and land pressure are at this moment!
If you say too much, you will be in tears. Wen Quxing still thinks that it is good to hand over his daughter to Lu Ya. Now that I think about it, isn't this sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?

"Is there some misunderstanding?" Wen Quxing made an excuse for himself, most of these people thought about it.

The three righteous gods felt melancholy, and many male immortals felt that the top of their heads was green, and they couldn't see the red light above the heavenly court, and they were anxious all over.

Lu Ya was even more melancholy, you are messing around, can't you understand human words? "Your Majesty Dong Wanggong, don't misinterpret my meaning."

"Haha, no, don't worry, I understand, because of love! If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night?" Qin Fen laughed.Seeing Lu Ya's reply, he felt better.

You did it on purpose!The Queen Mother wanted to cry, but Qin Fen would not pay for his life.

Are you still so stupid?Lu Ya's heartbeat accelerated, it had already exceeded [-], and he was so angry.Especially the following poem, doesn't it fit very well?We are affectionate, but we can't be together, and we can't force it.

"It's not what you think!" Lu Ya was speechless.

"I know, it's not what I think!" Qin Fen learned a word haha, and Lu Ya wanted to die even more, you are still imitating me.

"If you love her, you have to understand her! Daojun is grand!" Qin Fen said affirmatively.

Damn it, doesn't that mean that I cheat every day?Lu Ya smashed the table with a bang.

Atmospheric you Marcobi!Li Jing became irritable, and Kui Mulang's heart ached. No wonder his wife was so happy today, saying that she finally had something to do.

"Your Majesty, can we have a normal conversation?" Lu Ya felt that Qin Fen was not a human being, you can't play like this with a human being!

"Isn't it normal? Daojun is so lucky. Not only is he handsome, he has high strength, he has a good foothold, he has many magic weapons, and he is also popular. Once he arrives in the heaven, he is very popular, isn't he?" Qin Fen asked immediately.

What Lu Ya said above sounds awkward, but the last sentence is the truth. He has a good relationship with the neutral faction and Chanjiao.

"You're being polite! It's all friends who love you." Lu Ya responded lightly. He swore that he never knew that so many people were paying attention. Otherwise, he would definitely be silent.

This is the default, I am popular and popular, male god.

But the meaning of the word popularity is not the same in the ears of the surrounding gods.

"Fuck you, uncle!" Kui Mulang went into a rage.Doesn't this mean that the uncle gave away his daughter?

"Lift your sister!" Wen Quxing, who is so well-bred, also swears, his eyes are red.This bastard eats what's in the bowl and still thinks about what's in the pot. My daughter, I absolutely can't go to work anywhere.

"You're humble, aren't you?" Qin Fen thought for a while.

Lu Ya became anxious, "Your Majesty, let's not talk about anything else, how about those candidates first?" He wanted to achieve today's goal first, and wait for Qin Fen to make a move. The chef's remarks, while building momentum for himself.

"Okay, but let me ask a question first, how do you say to please girls?"

You bastard, Lu Ya wanted to scold someone, but for his own purpose, he could only pinch his thigh speechlessly, I forbear it.

"That's hard to say. Some need stimulation, and some need care. You can't generalize." Lu Ya told the truth that he didn't have much experience, but he had never eaten pork, and he had seen pigs run.

"Gao Lun, you are an expert! No wonder, no wonder." Qin Fen smiled.

No wonder so many women like it, and countless single dogs suddenly realize that they are the best of the best.This is called adapting measures to local conditions!
No wonder your brother-in-law!The trust relationship is messy!An expert said that their heads are greener!

It really makes sense when you think about it, some families are either too plain, and the excitement is the adjustment, and some family men are too busy, and the caring is the melody.

Looking at it this way, **** Lu Ya!This is everyone's conclusion.

Lu Ya was about to cry, "Your Majesty, we don't bring such things."

"I understand, I understand very well, keep a low profile and keep it secret! I'm not a gossip, I won't gossip around, don't worry."

I will have a dog!Lu Ya felt that this shit basin was buckled, and it would not be so easy for him to remove it, bastard.Why did he choose a sinister trick to design the chef, and at the same time he got involved with Yunxiao? In addition, in order to pretend to be mysterious and forceful, he brought a sentence of you and the Queen Mother. Now Lu Ya feels that he is jumping into the Yellow River. Can't wash.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's nothing!" Lu Ya got a bad breath stuck in his neck.

"Well, okay, let's not talk about it, everyone understands it!" Qin Fen nodded.

Heart your grandma's legs!Lu Ya felt his throat was itchy, you can't say this stuff, you don't want to be angry.Who are you?Jinwu, the only one, seems to have no advantage over Qin Fen in terms of status and strength.

Hongjun cried, "It's not just you, I don't have any advantage in the way of heaven, even in the past, it's unreasonable for this guy to be crooked!"

"Now we can talk about the placement of personnel, right?" Lu Ya let out a deep breath and adjusted his mood. Anyway, no one knows, and no one will misunderstand.Let's settle the accounts after the autumn, and Lu Ya asked his own question with a fiercely gloomy face.

"You have submitted too many people, 250 for one!"

What the hell are you still here?Lu Ya Fang!
(End of this chapter)

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