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Chapter 1126 That's right, your uncle

Chapter 1126 That's right, your uncle
Qin Fen didn't say a word. If he didn't say a word, did he acquiesce?Conscience of heaven and earth, the chef has started to make shells, this is a very serious matter, he has no time to joke.

Although he doesn't think it's a release, he communicates with everyone in the spirit of learning and discussion. What he wants to express is just to promote the inheritance of his ancestors, which is not pretending.

From Qin Fen's silence, the faces of the students around him were flushed, as if they had been slapped with chicken blood, "Could it be that the teacher really let the water go?"

"I don't think so. If it's water, why are you just cramming now?"

"But how do you explain that we directly advanced to the top sixteen?"

Well, it turned back again. The program team was promoting Qin Fen. The students who were puzzled stopped talking, blinked and watched Qin Fen measure the size, and then drew a picture on the side.

As soon as the chef was silent, the space became quiet. The queen mother didn't speak, and she was watching for fun. Lu Ban was Qin Fen's apprentice. She knew it clearly. On the serious face of the cook, the Queen Mother blushed and became inexplicably hot, and cursed, "Naughty!"

My sister-in-law doesn't know why, she is also attracted by Qin Fen's state at the moment, what kind of man is the most attractive and cool, don't care if he is in pants or underwear, in short, Qin Fen at this moment is not only cool, but also has a hint of mystery .

The two of them who came to Cengfan didn't speak, and the students next to them naturally didn't dare to disturb them.

It seemed that everyone acquiesced to what the Queen Mother said, regardless of Qin Fen's willingness or not, Shuimu's team leader quit.

What is water release?Let me see if you put water on this wood?The disdain on his face grew stronger.

Seeing Qin Fen start to prepare, there was an unquenchable anger in my heart. Some came from individuals who thought it was unfair, some came from Qin Fen's indifference, and some even came from friends who were criticized.

At this moment, Qin Fen's attitude made him even more aggrieved. As a doctoral supervisor and a dignified expert at Shuimu University, he was being bullied by a carpenter at this moment?Still bullying to death, is this still human?

Others could bear it, but he couldn't. Since ancient times, there was no first place in literature, and no second place in martial arts. As an academic, it was inevitable that he would be somewhat dissatisfied with Qin Fen's lack of tone, so he leaned over.

"This is Professor Qin from China Three Gorges University! Hello, my name is Wang Zhiqiang, and I'm the leader of Shuimu's team!"

After listening to the other party's introduction, most people will definitely stand up and have a good communication with the other party. These are all contacts, and they are from prestigious universities.

It's a pity that Qin Fen has a pissy personality. When he does things, he must be serious. Whether it's cooking or doing things, in one word, he is serious.This has nothing to do with emotional intelligence, it's entirely a matter of character.

The other party came over to do some chores. The chef sat on the stool and continued with the blueprint in his hand. He just raised his head slightly and said hello, saying hello. I know it. As for the other party’s name, I don’t have much comment. Zhiqiang Well, when you hear this tune, you are not young.

"Hello, I'm Qin Fen. Nice to meet you!" After finishing speaking, Qin Fen buried himself in his work and didn't take an expert seriously at all.

Wang Zhiqiang didn't take it to heart either. People nowadays are quite proud and arrogant, and he himself is too. Naturally, he doesn't take it seriously, but he feels more and more contemptuous in his heart.I couldn't help but joked, "Master Qin can also be a carpenter?"

"Ah!" Qin Fen replied without raising his head, he was thinking of making some kind of robot right now.

Ah, this sound was very flat, neither happy nor sad, the chef didn't care, but the students next to him were a little annoyed, what do you mean by being a carpenter?This is mechanism art, well, besides, what happened to the carpenter?That is also a blue-collar, technical job.

Wang Zhiqiang glanced around, "Hello carpenter, he was very popular in the early years!"

This is not nonsense. In the past, our country's industrial foundation was weak, and woodworking was the mainstream.But this remark, inside and out, is full of suppression, as if to say, you are a dignified professor, what field do you think, and feelings are a carpenter?Is this a radio robot arena?Not a Trojan horse?
The hearts of the students are even more unhappy!My sister-in-law intends to retaliate, what do you eat when farmers don’t farm the land, where can you find a sense of superiority?
The Queen Mother held him back. As the woman who knew Qin Fen best, she thought it would be all right to watch a play. Don't guess when Qin Fen cheated.

When the queen mother pulled it, the sister-in-law looked puzzled, but she held back.

Qin Fen nodded, "Yeah, I'm doing some carpentry when I'm free at home!" The chef didn't feel ashamed of it, as the saying goes, it's better to do it yourself.

"My uncle was also a carpenter before, but it's not the same as you, Xiao Qin. He only knows how to do simple carpentry. I heard that you are the successor of mechanism art. It's fresh. You two have one thing in common, that is, you like to fiddle with everything. Take a moment." Wang Zhiqiang didn't use magic, let alone surprise, a freshness, he expressed his attitude towards the so-called mechanism technique, except disdain or disdain.

"Really? That's okay, but we need to communicate. There are fewer and fewer people learning this now!" Qin Fen said the truth. Many of the ancient crafts have disappeared in the long river of history and been replaced by modern assembly lines. It is inevitable for economic development.

But Qin Fen doesn't think they are worthless, but reflect the hard work and wisdom of a nation.

"Yes, I think he and you must have a common language!" Wang Zhiqiang said calmly, yes, both carpenters must have a common language. As for the mechanism, haha, is that a joke?If there was such a technology in ancient times?That Yanhuang must not fly out of the solar system!
Qin Fen was concerned about his blueprint now, and didn't understand the other party's meanness.

He didn't hear it, and the students thought it was wrong.

"My uncle always likes to tell me that there is a lack of one, and he is amazing. He also said that after learning this skill, he will be jealous of God and be punished by God, so it is called lack of one!" Wang Zhiqiang is an expert after all. That's a lot, talking about the legend that Lu Ban lacked one.

"Yeah, but this thing is easy to learn but hard to master!" Qin Fen seeks truth from facts. Any skill that reaches the extreme is no small feat. It looks like an alien, which is called skill!
"You really know how to do this?" Wang Zhiqiang changed his style in an instant, changed the topic, and seemed to be asking, since you know how, what do you lack?I don't see that you are disabled. If the legend is true, where is your defect?No defect, does it mean you are bragging?Legends are just legends and cannot be taken seriously.

This is a rhetorical question!It's a pity that Qin Fen didn't care at all. He was stunned and raised his head, "Didn't your father tell you that too?"

Wang Zhiqiang's forehead went black, can we still chat happily? "It's not my father, it's my uncle!"

Qin Fen nodded suddenly, a little embarrassed, "Yes, your uncle, didn't your uncle tell you about it?"

My sister-in-law blushed and was overjoyed. The conversation between the two of you was so joyful. The classmates around looked at Qin Fen strangely, and roared in their hearts, "Teacher, can you guarantee that you didn't do it on purpose?"Professor Qin is mighty!Dare to face the bleak life, dare to face up to the dripping blood, dare to face all ghosts and monsters!
Numb to you, your uncle!Wang Zhiqiang almost vomited, you f*cking curse, I can't even talk back, damn it!

(End of this chapter)

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