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Chapter 1122 Conferred God Reappears!i am god

Chapter 1122 Conferred God Reappears!i am god

Qin Fen's calm voice echoed in the toilet, luckily it wasn't the radio, otherwise the whole heaven would have vomited again.

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come!" Qin Fen said a sentence full of philosophy, expressing an optimistic attitude towards life, with a little, no, a huge emotion that made the gods speechless, and it was very natural.

Tiandao is very depressed. Although the chef has killed himself in the invisible future, he still feels pain in his heart when he sees the fragments of the list of gods floating all over the sky. That is one of his achievements, and it is gone today.

"Let me see how you play in the future?" Tiandao was very angry. As an existence that was supposed to be the ancestor of Dao, he could bear such things as being robbed of his title by a chef.At this moment, his eyes are on the future. Qin Fen is out of the trajectory of his destiny. Once he gets out of control, hehe, "At that time, even Daoist will not be able to protect you! Let me see how you die!"

Hongjun severely cursed this bastard.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he found something wrong, a strange change appeared in the background, I went to Nima, this time there was no blue screen, and the system shut down.

He thought that there was a malfunction in the program that caused the shutdown. This is not unexplainable. The rules of Fengshen and Qin Fen's reforms have all been broken, and the system must be updated.

He turned his head and gave Qin Fen a hard look, and began to wait for the restart of the Dao of Heaven. At the same time, he lost control of the chef.

Qin Fen's ring lighted up strangely, "If you don't go with the old one, you won't get the new one!" This sentence made countless gods vomit blood, and Da Dao also vomited blood.

Because in the ring of the chef, there are three wishing stones of Nima.

With a bang, a wishing stone was shattered strangely, and the words came out with words, golden words!The great prophecy started again.

The fragments of the list of gods in the sky slowly disappeared, and countless gods were heartbroken to see it, but it was going to rain, and the mother was going to marry, and they could only look at the ocean and sigh.

"Go back, let's take a step forward!" These are Yuelao's original words. There are many gods who hold the same attitude as him. Over time, everyone gradually dispersed, but today's incident will always remain They couldn't get rid of it in their hearts, and once Qin Fen came out, the idea of ​​Wanfa retreating escalated again.

It used to be a creature, but now it has become a rule. Even the rules of heaven have to give way to the chef. It's hard for you to remember.

Watching the video on his mobile phone, Qin Fen decided that everyone should go after the meeting.The affairs of the underworld can also be alleviated in the near future. People who are heartless and can't figure out where the problem is, naturally won't dig into the horns.

But before he opened his mouth, the void in front of him changed, and a strange black mass appeared, and a large number of fragments floated out of the vortex, spinning continuously in front of him.

Chef Qin's eyes froze in shock, and the phone fell to the ground with a thud.

There is a huge barrier of rules in the world, Qin Fen knows, but what the hell is this miraculous scene?

He didn't know what it was, it looked like a rag!
Purple gas floated out from the hand, the majestic purple gas contained the rules of cause and effect, and the fragments of the Conferred God List were the rules of heaven.The two have the same root and origin, once combined at this moment, it will be a big fortune!
Qin Fen's hand sank, and a book appeared, with a few large characters on it, "Emperor's self-cultivation!"

What the hell is this?Look at the author's name again, "Eastern Prince!" When did I publish the book?Qin Fen was a little confused.

What's happening here?Open the book and look, damn it, it's empty, there's nothing there!
Turning the book over, Qin Fen felt pain from the publisher behind him, "33 Tianwaitian Independent Publishing House, the only batch printed by Fengshentai!"

Fengshentai? "What does that have to do with the Conferred Gods List?"

Qin Fen picked up the phone speechlessly, and the two strange items in his hand jumped.

With a ding dong, a reminder appeared in the chef's mind.

"Upgrade your WeChat personal account and become an exclusive member. The group owner function is enabled. Refer to QQ for the usage mode. Members are welcome to explore all functions by themselves!"

What the hell is this?Another new feature?Today, the frantic sign-in member got suspended on the list of gods, what kind of cheating thing is this member?
Qin Fen is in charge of any work meeting in the underworld now. He clicked on the trade union group, and there was no bubble. He found that in addition to setting up administrators and kicking people to silence, there is another strange but familiar function.

"The member level system is activated, and the group owner can set the membership level by himself! Young man, you have more and more capital for messing around, so go play with confidence!" Out of business?
Qin Fen was speechless. As for the level of group members, he knew that as long as there was water, the level of water would be high, but this is the Tianzihao version, so it must not be that simple.

Looking down, the chef is happy! "Exclusive title setting for group members, this thing is very interesting!"

Interesting, where is it interesting? It's not like Qin Fen has never played before!

The chef doesn't care, it's just that there are two more functions. As for the effect, he doesn't know yet, anyway, just try it slowly!
He looked around, with a weird smile on his face, and pulled the Queen Mother into his group, then skillfully clicked on the Queen Mother's information, and opened it to the title inside.

"Hey, buddies have played with this thing before, and changed it secretly. I don't know what will happen to the God of Cookery when he sees the title of Queen Mother?"

The chef is like a weasel who steals chickens. He started typing, and soon a weird title appeared on the prefix of Queen Mother.

"East Prince's family!"

Hehe, Qin Fen quit the group management cheerfully, just like a kitten who successfully ate a fish after modifying it.

This is the moment.In the endless void above the 33rd Heaven Realm, a strange stone slab lit up. It was not a stele of merit, nor a list of gods, but a platform of gods. In fact, it also had a name, the book of heaven!

What is a heavenly book?The rules of heaven!There is no rule without rules, since the open sky has appeared, and the world is self-contained, there are naturally rules and rules, and this rule has a name, the law of heaven and earth!The source of all things, this is the foundation of everything, the root of destiny.It determines the formulation of all laws in the world, as long as it is written down, it is a rule of heaven!

A line of words suddenly appeared in the book of heaven, three marriages between heaven, earth and people, and heavenly marriages!

The king of the east, the princess of the west, and the queen mother of the west, follow the edict of heaven, and the marriage is determined by heaven!

With a ding-dong sound, the Heavenly Dao system restarted, and when this text message was received suddenly, Hongjun spewed blood on the monitor!
"Qin Fen took away the right to formulate the rules of heaven? Damn you!" Hongjun's face turned pale, and he didn't recover for a long time. What constitutes power? to say.

Only Hongjun understands that within the Heavenly Dao system, there are actually only two people with authority, one is him and the other is Qin Fen. Qin Fen had no ability at first, but later took away the authority of merit and virtue. This is Nima's financial power , now that even the power of conferring the gods has been taken away, doesn't that mean that he doesn't even have the power of personnel?

"Then how can I mess around? Be a front desk operator? Your uncle!" At first, I thought that Qin Fen would be unlucky in the future, but now that he can become a god, you think the gods would be virtuous if they knew about it?I made a big move, it must be kneeling and licking!Hongjun was in a bad mood, and his dreams were shattered in an instant. Qin Fen was the one who cheated, but his grandma had Easter eggs!He is God!His will is God's will!Conferred gods belong to him and not to the way of heaven. It depends on how Qin Fen wants to play his duties and so on!

Is there still a king's law?

(End of this chapter)

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