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Chapter 1119 Conferred God Broken!God wants to die

Chapter 1119 Conferred God Broken!God wants to die

Gou Chen had an indescribable feeling in his heart, he wanted to follow Qin Fen, but Qin Fen had one of his biggest characteristics, he would not let his enemies go, even his own people.

Looking at the giant eyes in the sky, Gou Chen felt as if he had knocked over the old vinegar. He felt bad all over his body. Why?It's very simple, he is eagerly looking forward to Qin Fen coming to heaven to mess around, play the welfare lottery, and reorganize well, and he will definitely make a lot of money by then, but when he turns his head, this guy is not in heaven, he has gone to hell. Where to reason.

"Come on! From now on, let Clairvoyance and Shunfenger stare at the heavens all day long, and report back as soon as the Eastern Prince appears!" The Jade Emperor responded.

"All the arhats in Lingshan listen to the decree and pay close attention to all the movements of the Eastern Prince!"

"The disciples of Jiejiao tried their best to find out what Qin Fen said and did, even when he went to the bathroom, he had to report it!"

"The Twelve Golden Immortals will all leave for 33 days from now on!" Commands sounded from everywhere, because of one person, Qin Fen, the heavens were in chaos, not only the gods, monsters, and even the human kingdoms of the earth and immortals. The emperors also began to build temples, and the Donghuang Temple became the standard equipment for chefs in the world of immortals!
All the announcements of Tiandao this year are inseparable from a name, Qin Fen, this name has also begun to gain popularity, it is hard for you not to pay attention, the reform has begun!

A terrible word has entered the field of vision of all living beings. They feel nervous, excited, and even more hesitant, because the future has become confusing!

And everything revolves around one person, that is the number one shit stirrer in the heavens, Qin Fen, the chef is no longer a cesspit, and now everyone calls him a variable.

As long as Qin Fen appeared, nothing would turn out to be troublesome, depending on where he appeared.

Friends are naturally looking forward to it, but enemies are pain in the ass. I don't know if this guy will come to harm me.

At the same time, all the forces almost began to monitor Qin Fen's every move, there was no way, it was really worrying!

This game is unprecedented. If the law of heaven is in danger, everyone will be in danger. Will you be the beneficiary of the change, or the one destroyed?It all depends on your position, Qin Fen will naturally become the center of attention.

Tiandao is very innocent, and Hongjun's consciousness has not participated in this incident. Unexpectedly, he is the saddest. There was a conflict in the background program, and a huge red warning appeared on his monitor.

"I'm going to die!" Modifying the rules of the sky cannot be completed overnight. Even if it is simple, the entanglement of cause and effect involved in it can make people sad. Looking at the final consequences caused by Qin Fen, Tiandao wants to cry, "Isn't it just to sign in and check in?" huh? How did it happen?"

Looking at the passing of the Yinshan Great Hall, Hongjun didn't pay attention, not only him, almost everyone didn't pay attention, wasn't it just targeting Huang Feihu?What's the big deal.

But the facts will definitely deflate everyone, Qin Fen himself is at a loss.That's right, use the Xiaxie mirror platform, sign in, test the function of Xiashuiyue mirror, and at the same time disgust the Quartet Ghost Emperor.

For these four, Qin Fen was unhappy, for his own selfishness, he gave up his business, and they were all like scumbags. The chef despised them very much, but due to the rules of heaven, he couldn't just let them take down their posts.

The rules of the sky are the rules of the sky, the gods are destined, it is not that simple to win the official position, and one more thing, it is even more difficult to change the official position, one radish, one pit, or one less will have a negative impact on the system of the heavenly court. Therefore, the power of the heavenly rules is basically unbreakable.

Since it can't be broken, a pure man like the chef will definitely not sit still. I can't kill you, aren't you passive and sabotage?Okay, I just let you sign in, and then run back, I can't tire you to death!

This is Qin Fen's conspiracy. After all, he has the final say in the underworld, and he can't help but the other party refuses to agree. Unexpectedly, a sign-in leads to a post responsibility system!

Shuiyue mirror is the evil mirror platform. At this moment, I recognize Chef Qin as the master, and he is linked to the supervision of the six departments of the underworld. Signing in is just punching in. All the staff's work is under Qin Fen's supervision, so the way of heaven will be conscientious. Let me encourage you.

Rewards from the Dao of Heaven are also inevitable. Don’t forget the ability of the mirror of evil, the balance of the six realms, rewarding good and punishing evil, and judging past and present lives. Naturally, it has the effect of merit and virtue. This is the eye of the merit monument.

Since he has meritorious deeds, he will be rewarded naturally. After a round, Qin Fen flew into the air. The backstage of the Tiandao system could only make an assessment based on this matter and gave a notice. The notice came out, reforms appeared, and the system malfunctioned. There was a subtle change.

The chef didn't expect this, he looked at the sky stupidly, and was speechless in his heart.He was speechless, and everyone in Yinshan Great Hall naturally burst into tears.

"Isn't this somewhat effective?" Qin Fen said shyly.

Nima, don't be too arrogant when you say this. Dizang looked at the teacher and wanted to persuade him, "Boss, do you want to be so arrogant and overly modest? Is this somewhat effective?"The sky is falling!This is change.

No wonder Qin Fen is modest, he didn't even think about it, but just said in his heart, I seem to have done something big again!This pit was dug, why can't I remember a few episodes!
"You control a hair, when did you control it?" Tiandao was not convinced.

After Qin Fen finished speaking, the four ghost emperors hadn't closed their mouths yet. They wanted to argue, but the Heavenly Dao who started throwing money above his head told them a fact. If you don't accept it, you will also be given bonuses!Have the ability to lead everyone to a well-off life!

They can't do it, not to mention grouping up meritorious deeds, even doing it alone, after so many years, there is no good entry point, now that Qin Fen is domineering in the underworld, the eyes of their subordinates are all red, and many people even started to sign in, The bones of the four ghost emperors were all crisp.

"It's over, it's over, the general situation is over! Boss, what should we do now?"

The Western Ghost Emperor Liushenwuzhu, Tiandao came out to slap Qin Fen in the face and told them how awesome Qin Fen's policy was, but that slap didn't hurt at all, because despair brought infinite numbness!The four ghost emperors didn't think about saving face at all, but about the future. The Taishan lineage is destined to become Qin Fen's food.

"Come out! I can't help it! I can't help it!" No matter how nervous the third child is, the Dongfang Ghost Emperor is staring at the sky with dull eyes at this moment, his expression is numb, his grief is greater than his heart's death, Qin Fen can't stop it, and Lao Tzu can't stop him from having diarrhea Ah, what else can I do?
He felt his ass was hot, so hot that he didn't dare to leave his seat!It was so embarrassing, the Dongfang Ghost Emperor's face was about to bleed, and he turned a deaf ear to the third child's words.

"Teacher, you are humble, reform, this is a big event, the underworld will usher in a new look!" Ksitigarbha dedicated his whole body to the underworld, and now he is very excited.

The same is true for Yama of the Ten Temples. As for the Judge Yinshen, he was too happy to speak for a long time. With this change in the underworld, his status will become more important, and their status will also increase, which is a great thing!
modesty?Qin Fen was even more embarrassed. How could he be modest? He really didn't expect this to happen.How do you tell me to pretend now?Could it be that, haha, I guessed it a long time ago. If so, what if there are changes later?Qin Fen is not stupid now, he can cheat himself out of his tricks, it is not safe, in order not to be slapped in the face by himself, the chef should be more cautious, so as not to be ashamed.

"In fact, it is to check in and check everyone's work. Those who are capable will be rewarded, and those who are ineffective will be criticized. Our work is a process of criticism and self-criticism. Only in this way can we make progress, right? It's no big deal!" Qin said. Fen often watches TV and learns a routine. He is very cautious and calm, but as soon as he finished speaking, a banner appeared in the sky.

Countless creatures looked at the sky and cried blind at the same time.

"That, that's the list of gods! Look, look, there's a crack in the list of gods!"


"This is impossible?"

Dizang has a strange expression on his face, damn it, the list of gods is broken!Tiandao's eyes turned red, "You know what the hell you've played this time? You're crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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