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Chapter 1115 The Counterattack of the Four Great Ghost Emperors

Chapter 1115 The Counterattack of the Four Ghost Emperors

"Your Majesty, please give an order!" Zhang Tianshi also came to join in.

The four ghost emperors looked at him disgustedly, and shouted in their hearts, you traitor!If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!
give an order?Qin Fen didn't know what to do for a while, it was necessary to manage and divide those irritable ghosts, but this would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Seeing that Qin Fen suddenly lost his mind, the four ghost emperors were overjoyed.Not to mention Qin Fen, even these old fritters don't know how to deal with it now. It's basically inertial thinking when it bounces up and down. But what everyone fears the most is how long can it be kept down?You know, the harder you press on the spring, the harder it will be played in the end. Once it exceeds that speed, the final outcome will definitely not be so harmonious.

"I'm so worried about you!" The four ghost emperors were happy at the same time.

"What do those ghosts want?" Qin Fen couldn't make up his mind, but instead asked about his needs.

"Ask for more entertainment facilities! Increase the food and increase the number of reincarnations!" Lu Juan said like a few treasures. As a judge, he dealt with ghosts the most, because this position is determined, neither high nor low, but as Qin Fen's assistant , he needs to do everything in detail, even if his status has been improved.

Increase the number of reincarnations?Can you decide for yourself?Qin Fen had an embarrassing look on his face!The Six Paths are still being rebuilt, so there is basically nothing to talk about.

But among the three appeals, this one is probably the most important, but Qin Fen really has no right to speak, let alone him, even Hongjun can only stare blankly.The logistics are not resolved, and the relationship between supply and demand is not balanced.

"Opening football events, basketball events, adding recreational chess, besides mahjong, adding chess, go, and military chess is really not enough. Contact the Bull Demon King and open KTV to the underworld! Want to improve food? Yes, call Lan Xiang to come over When the class starts, let me learn, and do it yourself!" Qin Fen's eyes twitched!I am satisfied with you!

"KKKKTV?" Lu Juan rolled his eyes. Do we still need a waitress?He has heard of this thing before, and has seen it before. Recently, Lao Niu has not been popular in the world of earth and immortals. The new entertainment items always have a huge freshness, attracting many monsters and gods.

But this place is not suitable in the underworld!

Dongfang Ghost Emperor was happy, you are fooling around, he glanced calmly, his heart was full of joy, opportunities always appeared inadvertently, and dealing with Qin Fen was not as difficult as imagined.

"I think it's the same. What you do is not destroying the atmosphere. The Bull Demon King is opening the door to do business, but we are not here!" Dongfang Ghost Emperor came so fast that he almost said that you want to mess around again.Don't blame him, at this moment he is anxious, he just wants to find trouble with the chef, and when the opportunity arises, how can he not take it?
But as soon as he finished speaking, Qin Fen counterattacked subconsciously, "Stupid, I don't know that it's a mass retailer, our selling point is not girls, we just sing, and provide them with a place to vent their anger. It's okay to yell, yell Tired, how do you go about making trouble?"

Stupid!I'm going to Nima!Dongfang Ghost Emperor was sweating profusely, his body trembled, and his stomach felt a little uncomfortable. Today he was caught by Qin Fen as an elf. Because he was too ugly, he was fed a meal of stinky tofu and then threw it away. The box of waste oil went down. The whole person was not feeling well, and I was in a hurry on the way here before, and I didn't have time to go to Hua Tuo and others to take a look.

Now when I get nervous, when the chrysanthemum is collected, my stomach hurts again.

Quantity sales?Lu Pan blushed, then looked at Dongfang Ghost Emperor strangely, and wanted to say, thank you dear!Originally he also disagreed, because he didn't understand, but looking at it now, fortunately, my buddy didn't rush to say it, Dongfang Ghost Emperor, you are really a good person.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, not ordinary stupid, everyone's heart twitched, and they lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Ksitigarbha also bowed his head and said, "Amitabha! Your Majesty's mind is really unpredictable!" It's still the same sentence, buddy is not stupid, but fortunately he didn't act as a striker, ghost emperor, you are troubled.

I will go to your grandma!The Dongfang Ghost Emperor looked around speechlessly, "If you don't dare to step on thunder, why don't you think I'm a ****?"
That's right, you are really stupid, the four yin gods looked at each other sympathetically, if you weren't stupid, you wouldn't have died in front of the boss today, and if you didn't, you wouldn't have died, don't you know the truth clear?

Although everyone doesn't know what a mass merchandiser is, but you understand the meaning, it is just to provide singing, that is simple, as for other chess and go, they are no strangers, they have seen football and basketball, but only in Tinker Bell in this book.

I have never eaten pork but I have seen pigs run, neither of which is troublesome, it is nothing more than a field, a ball?That's a ball, well done.

"That's right, these are energy-consuming!" Jizo smiled strangely, or how could the teacher have a lot of bad ideas, and he was tired of playing, and even made a fuss.

Everyone nodded understandingly, there is no way out of this idea!
"In this case, let's go back!" Dongfang Ghost Emperor stood up and said, he was going to go back and report to Huang Feihu.There is also a countermeasure to this.

"No!" Qin Fen stopped immediately!
"Didn't Your Majesty think of a way?" Dongfang Ghost Emperor smiled disdainfully.You still want to beat Lao Tzu's idea to no avail.You must know that although their group of people belonged to the underworld, they were also under the two-way management of Mount Tai, and they did not need to be responsible for Qin Fen alone.This is the Dongfang Ghost Emperor's confidence. The position of his duties has long been determined by God, and you are not the only one who has the final say.

"There is a way to alleviate it, but the indicators don't cure the root cause. The more people in the underworld, the better. They are prepared to deal with emergencies!" Qin Fen will not compromise. He is here, so don't think about leaving easily.There are bad people here.

"Didn't Your Majesty invite the three great celestial masters to help you?" Dongfang Ghost Emperor insisted. He will not give Qin Fen face at this time. He must keep the Taishan lineage, otherwise he will be eaten by the chef after a long time. How did the few of them explain to Huang Feihu, and how did they gain a foothold in the underworld?
"But they are not from the underworld! You are!" Qin Fen lit a cigarette and said leisurely.

"But we are not permanent residents of the underworld either!" Dongfang Ghost Emperor replied.

The other three immediately attacked together, "That's right! Don't make a mistake, Your Majesty. The ghost emperors of the four directions are in charge of the surrounding area of ​​Mount Tai. Mount Tai was in ancient times. There is a saying that the center of the emperor is the center of the emperor. Mount Tai has a tradition of offering sacrifices to heaven, so it has the greatest influence, determined by the way of heaven. , The ghost emperors of the four directions are patrolling around Mount Tai to ensure the stability of the world and not be deceived by evil spirits, this is the rule of heaven!"

"It's limited by the rules of heaven, please think deeply, Your Majesty, it's not that I don't want to wait, but I can't!" The Southern Ghost Emperor immediately added.I just don’t want to stay here, you bite me, it’s God’s will, you can reason with God, don’t embarrass the people below!

Qin Fen, who was at the top of his sentence, did not speak, and the surroundings instantly became quiet.

It is not unreasonable for Yan Luo of the Tenth Palace to speak, and the four judges dare not speak. Moreover, the rules of heaven are the rules of heaven, and they are not transferred by personal will. If you want to change, you have to think long-term.

Everyone secretly glanced at Qin Fen, wanting to know how he would solve it. The four ghost emperors are determined to leave now, and you can't keep them.

The atmosphere at the scene reached the freezing point in an instant, and the four ghost emperors rose up together to resist, leaving no room for it.

"Could it be that Your Majesty is too busy recently, you have even forgotten this!" Western Ghost Emperor squeezed it right, you are busy, and you don't come to the busy hell, so you know you are in a hurry now, right?What do I think you should do?Is the rule of heaven so easy to reverse?Do you think this is Jingwei's reclamation of morality?This is the rule, no one?No one, you go to report to Tiandao to expand enrollment?It depends on whether you have the ability!
Heavenly Dao Yile, I specifically disagree, this is the rule of Fengshen, and it is in line with the process, "Qin Fen, let me see how you mess around?"

Good guy, it's time to tear up again!Ksitigarbha was speechless. Apart from being a cesspit, Qin Fen was also the number one tearing king in the heavens. He was torn by gods, Buddhas, demons, emperors, and even saints. Men, women. He also tore it up, didn't pick anyone at all, and now he's going to tear it up again.

The hall was quiet and quiet, everyone stretched their necks, ready to see how Qin Fen would tear it up, how to tear it up, you know, Qin Fen's tearing up every time was earth-shattering, chicken feathers and duck blood, I don't know what will happen this time?
"Okay, since that's the case, let's follow the rules of heaven!" Qin Fen lightly exhaled a puff of smoke.

Jizo took a mouthful of tea and sprayed it out, isn't that right?Yama of the Tenth Palace roared unscientifically.Boss, you are pure man!

The ghost emperors of all directions are stunned, why don't you get mad?Getting mad, getting mad actually can't solve the problem, but it will make it bigger. They were looking forward to it. Qin Fen suddenly softened, and they couldn't react for a while, but Qin Fen threw the cigarette butt behind and laughed!

(End of this chapter)

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