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Chapter 108 Queen Mother?I actually refused

Chapter 108 Queen Mother?I actually refused
Lying on the sofa, leaning sideways, Qin Fen glanced at the TV. The video call was being connected on the phone screen. His heart suddenly became nervous and looking forward to it. As for what to expect, how could such an upright Chef Qin be everywhere? explain.

The night is quiet, the stars are shining brightly, the darkness of the night supports the beauty of the moon, the sky is high and the disc is hanging high, clean and clear.

The Longtan Lake community seemed extremely quiet, and Qin Fen was also waiting quietly with a quiet heart.

There are thousands of lights in the world, and the moon is hidden in the sky and the stars are few.

As soon as the seven fairies came out of the palace, they looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Yuelao followed behind them unhurriedly. When the cold wind blew, he immediately felt refreshed and refreshed. He was like an eggplant beaten by frost just now.

The Queen Mother lifted it up heavily, put it down lightly, and let it go down with that sound. He was refreshed when he said it, and it seemed that his heart knot had loosened a bit. He had been struggling since entering the hall. He didn't know what would happen if he jumped into this cesspit?
Sanqing is above, God open your eyes, Yuelao shouted again.No, it's Qin Fen who is too wicked!This can pass.

Unconsciously, he glanced at the Seventh Fairy who was making eye contact.

"Several fairies, is this the end of this matter?" He was still a little unsure, if the queen mother settles the score after autumn, wouldn't it be impossible to eat and walk around?
"Well, I'm in a good mood today, and I had a great time talking with Lishan's old mother." Xiaoqi gave him a strange look, didn't you have all the arrangements?Bai Suzhen started to help you lay the groundwork, what's wrong with you, I really want something to happen.

Evil door, really evil door, the queen mother is actually in a good mood, this is completely unscientific?Yuelao stared, that's, that's what Fellow Daoist Naturally said about black SI.

The queen mother was not furious!
Seeing Yuelao's confused face, Xiao Qi scorned the other party, he is really a pig teammate, don't guess what a woman is thinking.

"How is this possible?" Yuelao was about to go blind, that beautiful picture killed everything in seconds.He didn't even dare to think about it.

"Why is it impossible? If the queen mother is not in a good mood, she will not remove the plain cloud border flag, and let us sisters go to see Zhinu when we are free!" Xiao Qi added, pig teammates, women, you just don't know.

Yuelao was confused, I really don't understand, Bai Suzhen is like this, Lishan old mother is like this, Queen Mother is like this, so evil, naturally fellow Taoists are really unpredictable and insightful.

Hearing Xiaoqi say that the Queen Mother actually asked them to visit the Weaver Girl when they were free, it was even more frightening. Naturally, fellow Taoists seem to be able to turn decay into miracles and create miracles that are beyond the capabilities of others. Now he is about to become numb. You can’t be counted as a person, no, you can’t be counted as a god.

After saying hello, the seven fairies each flew towards their own residences, leaving behind Yuelao who was still in a daze with emotion.

The old fool looked at the direction of the Queen Mother's palace strangely, and a big question mark appeared in his mind, does she really like that black SI?I'll go, thinking that when the chrysanthemums of Yuelao tighten up here, he will flash away without saying a word.

In the dead of night, the queen mother's huge palace became deserted, she sent the maids away, and she walked into the bedroom alone.

Flipping his right hand, a strange black object appeared in his palm.

This thing is a bit weird, of course, the queen mother is not ignorant of its use, because her good friend Li Shan's old mother was wearing it and made her shiver.

The female fairy is also a person, or a woman, and everyone naturally loves beauty. Seeing Lishan's old mother SAO wearing socks and a close-fitting robe dangling in front of her, she was in a bad mood.

The eyes are full of that delicate black, which looks different from the current charm.

How should I put it, it's not that the female fairies dress conservatively, and the demon race should be bolder. In fact, there are some demon fairies in Heaven, and their dress is similar to before, but the color should be more plain, not so demonic.

To be honest, the Queen Mother is tired of seeing her usual attire. Every female fairy is similar, with minor differences.

But today, Lishan's old mother taught her a lesson. There is nothing impossible, but it is unexpected that Zuyi can still play with flowers.

In front of everyone, especially her friends and the Seven Fairies, the Queen Mother had to be reserved. Now that no one was around, she immediately took out the black SI carefully arranged by Qin Fen.

"This thing is quite special. Weaver Girl has a heart." The Queen Mother took the socks in her hands and pulled them. It felt good and elastic, and it was cold to the touch, smooth and delicate.

Looking at the sock queen mother, she couldn't help thinking of Zhinu, feeling a little melancholy, and sighed softly.

After finishing speaking, I was attracted by the black SI. This thing is really subverting the tradition. Let alone the heavens, even the monsters in the lower world don’t play like this. It’s also very good to wear. It has an alternative beauty that she can’t tell .

As the benchmark of female fairies in the world, one must not only be majestic, loving, and lead the group, but also lead the trend.

The Queen Mother couldn't help but feel a little moved.try?The Queen Mother couldn't help asking herself in a low voice, and her face became weird.

Boom, the video is connected, the mysterious light technique is activated, and the traffic is deducted by [-].

Finally connected, Qin Fen suddenly looked down at the screen.

I saw a smog and white air in the picture, like being in a dreamy fairyland, with gurgling water flowing around, singing and dancing gracefully, fairy sounds are faint, and the faint sound of phoenix crowing comes from the mobile phone.

As soon as the screen turned, after the white mist, the sound of water became more and more obvious, making it hard to see clearly.

Qin Fen hated it, PM2.5 and so on.

Time passed, and a tall figure gradually came out from behind the smoke.

Papa papa, light footsteps reached Qin Fen's ears.

The mist dispersed, and a woman in a simple red singlet revealed her true face.

A head of jet-black and beautiful black hair is scattered behind the head, and the body is well-proportioned. If it is more than one point, it will be too fat, and if it is less than one point, it will be too thin. The ratio is perfect in one word. The other party seems to be about thirty years old.

The pale skin almost blinded Qin Fen's eyes.

A pair of phoenix eyes are quietly looking around at the moment, frowning slightly.

What kind of face was that? Qin Fen felt that it was the most flawless face he had ever seen. There was nothing to criticize. It was like a masterpiece from heaven, extremely perfect.In Qin Fen's words, it doesn't look like it was raised by its biological parents.The proportion of facial features is completely comparable to that of Two-dimensional.

"It's strange, why I feel a little restless, as if I was being probed by someone."

The Queen Mother said in a low voice.

The sound is like flowing water, like a clear spring, like a yellow warbler, like a breeze, with ups and downs, fresh and natural, and you will feel a burst of comfort when you listen to it.

I'm going, can you still feel it?Qin Fen immediately calmed down. This was the first immortal he met who was aware of it. It can be seen that the opponent's strength is unprecedented!As expected of the Queen Mother of the West.

Seemingly not aware of it, the Queen Mother walked into the hall, raised one foot, and slipped a piece of black silk into it little by little. She pulled it slowly and gently, and the black footwear went up little by little. The Queen Mother looked focused. .

Qin Fen was also very focused.I kept shouting in my heart, but in fact I really refused!I just want to see what the Queen Mother looks like.


You always have to change when you come out to hang out. A friend's book has a lot of brain holes.

Thank you qertddd, engraved as, dizzy and happy, I don’t want to be plain, helpless clouds, cute pigs, lingyin2, watching the sunset under the stream, Junying disillusionment, Scay Yeying, Xingyu & Laozhu, Wang Zhengwei, here A reply, leader Zixue.Waiting for a big reward, do you still have tickets?what are you looking forward to
(End of this chapter)

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