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Chapter 1075 Man-made ending, Haotian Tower comes out

Chapter 1075 Man-made ending, Haotian Tower comes out

Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbha went up with anxiety, the Buddhist side was bustling, and the other two Bodhisattvas and eighteen Arhats began to shout softly.

"Haotian Tower, Haotian Tower, Haotian Tower!" It seems to give the two people more confidence, hoping that the power of everyone's wishes will bring them good luck, and if they can be drawn, they will give it away.

Yuan Shi glanced lowly and didn't speak. Guanyin and Jizo are very popular. As soon as they went up, many people also booed. Yanhuang people are like this. Feel the atmosphere at the scene, so when there was a sound from the Buddhist gate, many people also booed.

"Haotian Tower, Haotian Tower!" A huge wave was driven and rolled in the entire Yuxu Palace.

After going through a series of lottery draws just now, most people's chances have been used up, so if you can't get one, why don't you want someone else to get one?It's like drawing a car. The onlookers have no chance and don't want the organizer to take advantage of it. Isn't the prize given out for people to draw?What's the point of that.

In this heart, the eyeballs of most of the gods are red. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get it, as long as someone gets a little joy, it’s okay. The huge waves are sounding one after another. , Even the monkeys are dancing, as if they are smoking.

The turning time was very short, and it came in a blink of an eye. Guanyin shook his head and walked down.

Taiyi was also a little regretful, and called out the prize, "One golden pill of three turns!"

Avalokitesvara went down, but he didn't win again. The more he failed, the more everyone looked forward to it. Seeing the ground hide, the shouts in their mouths became louder and louder.

"Bodhisattva, Haotian Tower depends on you!"

"Yeah, let everyone see and see!"

Countless shouts filled Jizo's ears, and he was also very nervous, but unfortunately, nervousness was useless, the ball flipped over, swished, and there was another bottle of qi pills!

Nima, many gods cursed in a low voice.

"It's a pity, I don't know who will win today?" Many gods are still looking forward to it.

But you have nothing to do, this is not a fraud by the way of heaven, except for the chef who has done something, no one else has really touched it.

There is a saying that the treasures of heaven and earth are home to those who are capable. Everything here has a meaning and is related to aura. That is to say, you are destined not to get it. If you don't play tricks, you are also blind.

So even though no one wins the lottery, no one will curse the way of heaven because of this. In a word, there must be something in fate sometimes, and there is no time in fate to force it!It's all God's will.

The last few lottery drawers also started to come to the stage, but without exception, no one was drawn. They were all very common things. The wishing stone was still very eye-catching at the moment. No one in the Haotian Tower got it, and the wishing stone seemed to have become an absolute legend.

When the last person, Ziwei, came to the stage, everyone had given up hope, because looking around, there were still a lot of items, and it was hard to get the Haotian Tower compared to climbing to the sky.

"I don't think His Majesty Ziwei has much chance. In terms of aura, he is not as good as Jizo and Guanyin!"

"Let's not talk about these two, who is Dong Wanggong, he didn't get it, I see Xuan!"

Everyone is talking about it, and now there are few people booing, because booing is useless.

Yuan Shi took a step back indifferently, as long as the tea party passed smoothly.

Ziwei didn't care. No one else had a chance, and he didn't have a chance. I saw Qin Fen arrive just now, and I didn't think about it. If you don't give it, your reputation will be in vain.

Ziwei wants face, so many people can't get it, and his heart is like a mirror. This thing should not belong to him. This is his luck. He thinks he can't compare with Qin Fen and Guanyin. I don't expect to get it, it's not my own anyway.

"Do you think Ziwei has a chance?" Zhen Yuanzi regretted not getting one.

Laojun and mother shook their heads at the same time, "Innate treasures are not something ordinary people can have. Saints have them, but not many. Why? I think you understand better than me!"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, "Luck is not enough, naturally it is not worthy of the magic weapon of luck, this thing has the power to choose the master, even the way of heaven is difficult to interfere, the cause and effect are too deep!"

That's right, it was because of this that Hongjun took out this thing without hesitation, just take a look at it, and forget it if you make up your mind.

"Hey, I took this thing out just to quell the meritorious incident at the tea party! Except for Qin Fen, no one in the audience had a chance!" Tiandao said gloomyly, and judging by the number of meritorious deeds, only the chef's grandson had it. Opportunity, who told him to dominate the list?Kai Tian is always this bastard, he must have enough energy, but unfortunately, he ran out of smokes!And he did his own tricks.

Tiandao cheated to suppress Qin Fen's winning rate, which was the purpose. Otherwise, Qin Fen might really have taken Haotian Tower away.

Once he suppressed it, he indirectly suppressed the winning rate of this magic weapon, everything is connected.Tiandao watched Ziwei come on stage very calmly, and even started to order balls without any pressure.

He is not stressed, and Ziwei is even less stressed.But outsiders don't think so. Qin Fen studied the wishing stone for a long time and didn't find out how to play it. He simply didn't want to. Now that he saw Ziwei on stage, he suddenly remembered that the words he drew were also his own, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Fen stood up and shouted, "Haotian Tower, Haotian Tower!"

When he shouted, many lower-level gods were favored by him, and this was the last person, and the soy sauce party onlookers became excited again and shouted. "Haotian Tower, Haotian Tower!"

All of a sudden, a huge roar sounded from Yuxu Palace again, and went straight to the 33rd sky. It seemed to be infected, and the Buddhists were also shouting. Naturally, Sun Houzi was not behind, and even Zhen Yuanzi started to wave his flag and shout.

Yuan Shi didn't care about it, there was no harm anyway, not to mention that Ziwei couldn't get it, if it was drawn, it would also increase the strength of his own people, he still doesn't know that Ziwei has betrayed her again.

Tiandao didn't care even more, and looked at the monitor disdainfully, "It's useful if you just call it out, why do you need the police?" That's right, not to mention Qin Fen's yelling, even the whole heaven's yelling is useless, even Qin Fen's yelling is useless. Fen Shang also lost this luck now, because he wasn’t the one who drew it, and the cause and effect were entangled. Even if Qin Fen got the draw, he would give Ziwei a blessing of luck, but Ziwei and Haotian Tower had no cause and effect, so it was impossible to win. It's all within the calculation of heaven.

The ball slowed down, and a red light shot towards the Haotian Tower, countless people shouted excitedly, is it going to hit?
Tiandao smiled sullenly, "Dream!" He didn't do anything wrong, but unfortunately Ziwei's background is not good enough, even if he is blessed by Qin Fen, he is not good enough, the red light flashed, and he moved away as soon as he saw it, countless people jumped in their hearts and sighed One sound, it's a pity for your sister.

"It seems that no one can get it this time, so let me just say, such a treasure, just come out and have a look!" Laojun said regretfully.

Many great powers also thought so, but there was only one person who didn't. Qin Fen was still shouting, his mouth still full of enthusiasm, "Haotian Tower, Haotian Tower!" , A purple light flashed fiercely.

A wishing stone disappeared, a red light flashed, and with a whoosh, your uncle's came back again.

Tiandao was shocked, "You are paralyzed, this is impossible!"

Tiandao watched the red light hit the Haotian Tower for a while, and his heart was full of bitterness. What, what is this trouble?He couldn't figure out what happened to Qin Fen, but he knew something about Ziwei and Qin Fen. After all, he heard Ziwei's conversation with Gou Chen in the hall just now, but he still didn't care, because if he was dead, he would drag Qin Fen's strength, Ziwei was also a bit short, and she couldn't get it, so Qin Fen still couldn't get it.

But what the hell is this now?It's won, Ziwei is drawn!
"Fuck, Her Majesty Ziwei has drawn it!"

"This is the destiny!"

When Tiandao heard this sentence, he had an urge to beat someone. Others didn't know, but he knew that Ziwei didn't deserve this Haotian Tower. It was the fucking Qin Fen. The destiny belonged to your sister.Lao Tzu didn't agree.

(End of this chapter)

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