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Chapter 1056 The Secret of Magical Software

Chapter 1056 The Secret of Magical Software
Seeing that Xiao Peng was unable to negotiate, Qin Fen walked up and looked at Tan Jun with a calm face, "Hello, who made this arrangement, why did you put us so far away?"

Director Liu was taken aback, and Qin Jun also looked at Qin Fen with a surprised face, and then looked at Xiao Peng with confusion, "Who are you?"

"I am Qin Fen, the team leader of the Three Gorges!" The chef simply introduced himself.

Director Liu understands that this is the person in charge, but he can't help it. The exchange meeting was held in a hurry, mainly because Qin Fen ran away, and Jed couldn't help it. The group quickly agreed, but the Huaxia government is determined to use its strength to expand, firstly to improve the image of the city, and secondly to attract business and investment. This sounds good, it is not a traditional industry, nor real estate, but a high-tech robot.

When the leaders of the city heard this, they immediately made a decision, and if they wanted to do something, they would simply play bigger.

But in this way, the problem of reception has naturally become a severe test. When domestic enterprises heard that several groups in Europa were sponsored to participate, they immediately geared up. In addition, there was a publicity in the market, and I went there. Some domestic military industries could not sit still Yes, this is a good opportunity to see foreign technology.

Although it's not a real military industry, it's just a simple robot arena, but you can see the whole picture at a glance, and immediately expressed your willingness to participate, and even formed an exchange group with some universities, and the trend is getting bigger and bigger.

Not only many schools want to participate, but also many enterprises are not far behind. As a result, Jed himself did not expect that this building was turned into the sky by Nima's leadership team in Shanghai, from a variety show to a Large-scale enterprise exchange expo.

When he heard that the city was the organizer, Jed almost spurted blood.

Three Gorges University was invited by Jade, and it was a bit tricky, he was always embarrassed to say, I want to fight Qin Fen one-on-one?

Speaking of this, their boss will lose face, because you have a company and a laboratory as a backing, how dare you compare this with a chef?To be so blunt, it's not that other people have no brains, it's that Jade is a pig, why should the TV station pay to play with you?Even if you sponsor it, it doesn't make sense.Therefore, Jade has comprehensively considered various environmental factors.Be logical, naturally.

Since you can't say that, you can only save the country with curves. Jed used his connections to get through the English column team and wanted to do a robot exchange competition in the university.But everyone in Europa has participated, and there are many colleges and universities in the United States. Only the mysterious East has not been played yet.So, this time, he proposed to record in Huaxia weirdly.

This caters to the curiosity of the majority of European residents. They don't know the country of Yanhuang, so they naturally have an expectation.Coupled with Qin Fen's popularity in Europa, there are quite a few people following her. Does the TV station need to hesitate?unnecessary.

Then there is no problem, but here comes the problem again, if it is a university, how can Qin Fen participate?Jed was also troubled at the time, because the chef was not in this circle, so he used his connections at the school to contact several universities in China, and let out the rumors, saying that Qin Fen was able to fully realize the ancient mechanism technique, and he was very grateful Interested, want to see and see.

The leaders of several universities heard this, oh, this is new, and the other party's status can't help Qin Fen to make a fake hype. They thought to themselves, give it to an honorary associate professor who is affiliated, and take a look at mechanism art and modern mechanical dynamics by the way. What's the difference.

As a result, Qin Fen received quite a few calls yesterday.But he declined, and among them was Mordu University.

But Jed still felt unsafe. He came up with a bad idea, adding an unknown university, China Three Gorges University, without him, Qin Fen's hometown, maybe someone could persuade him.

If it really doesn't work and Qin Fen can't come, after the recording of this program is finished, he will also invite Qin Fen alone.

In fact, this is exactly what Qin Fen wanted, to draw the world's attention to China and promote cultural heritage, but he didn't expect the unprecedented scale of this time.

Just like this, by accident, Qin Fen appeared on the list of participants, but the organizers didn't know that Jade's drunkard's intention was not to drink, but to Qin Fen.After all, when the challenge was sent out, it was for rescue. Not so many people paid too much attention to this, and the TV station didn't really care. Can mechanism skills compare with high technology?Do you think it's witchcraft?
At that time, the TV station interviewed only wanted Qin Fen's ratings in Europa.But I'm sorry, this company is not the one in the big ring, so naturally it won't hype the competitor's gimmicks.

Then everything went on in a weird way. Up to now, because of many companies' connections, play tricks, and force their way in, the surrounding hotels have been crowded.

In addition, what the local government thinks is about attracting investment, and the military industry of enterprises naturally ranks first, followed by prestigious universities, and then guests from all over the world. You must treat foreign guests well, this is an image problem.

The seven aunts and the eight aunts squeezed together, and the reception staff suddenly found that the surroundings were full, and the Three Gorges University and some unimportant people were naturally entangled.Such an arrangement is also reasonable in Director Liu's opinion!There is always a priority, right?

What's more, he is mainly in charge of the enterprise, not the university. The university is Qin Jun. He is not young. When he heard that the school wanted to hire Qin Fen, he was upset. He was still a junior high school graduate. Just a little worse than him?
How many schools want to come in, why can the Three Gorges?If it weren't for Jed's name call, he probably wouldn't bother to talk to the other party.

Now that the chef has rejected the invitation from Shanghai University, Tan Jun is even more bored. When he sees a real person, he wants to laugh in his heart. There is a problem if he doesn’t arrange people, but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t arrange accommodation and other things. It’s a big difference. If you save face, if you are serious, then your IQ and EQ are both problematic. This is the way of the officialdom, little shoe.

This is the reason why the king of hell likes to provoke little ghosts, and this kind of thing is not uncommon in Yanhuang, Qin Fen encountered it today.

If he persists, he will offend the organizer's city government, and even offend many universities. Others will not reason for you, why?This is due to the great power of human nature, and the purpose of the exchange meeting has changed, and the competition is no longer the focus. From the perspective of the Metropolitan Committee, such an arrangement is very natural.Is there no arrangement for you? Yes, it's just a little farther away.

So when Qin Fen spoke, Director Liu was a little unhappy, "Xiao Qin, you have to be considerate of our work difficulties. There are too many units here, not to mention universities and enterprises, but many cities have representatives. Regiment! Sorry."

This sentence is to tell you, stop.

Qin Jun chuckled, you don't want to, don't want you to go.

The chef was so choked up by this sentence, co-author, are you saying that I am making trouble for no reason?

It's too bullying, the other party's behavior is unethical, but there is a reason, the classmates behind him have a sore face, these old fritters are really not so easy to deal with, just one sentence rounded things up, and I apologize to you!
I admit the lack of work, but Nima just doesn't make adjustments, what can you do?

"It's too dark." A female classmate looked at it speechlessly.The sound is relatively small.

"Shh, be quiet!"

"What are you afraid of? They are all shameless, why don't we say a few words?"

"Yes, they are all schools, why should we go further away?"

"Then what can you do? This is arranged by the other party. You want to compete with those corporate military industries and government delegations from various places?"

The surroundings were completely silent when these words were said, yes, how do you argue?
Qin Fen blushed, how could I fight?Fighting for your uncle, buddy quit!

He looked at Tan Jun's sinister smile, and felt unhappy. This guy is in charge of the school. He must be playing tricks. You said you grew up with five people and six people, why are you almost like an animal?

He thought of this, I seem to have an elf GO, right? I took you in, can I find a SB in the wild and capture it successfully?Then summon a gay beast?

Qin Fen really couldn't come, so he decided to do something crooked. If you mess with me, don't blame your buddies for being cruel.

He picked up his phone and pointed at the Pokemon.

"The software is still being tested and does not meet the conditions for use in the public beta, please wait patiently!"

I lost your grandma, the chef looked at the screen speechlessly, something is wrong with this phone.Why can't it be used?

How can it be supernatural?No, Supernatural Variations has not been officially launched, it is just a trial version, and there are secrets in it!

(End of this chapter)

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