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Chapter 1045 Merit assessment, what the hell is Qin Fen

Chapter 1045 Merit assessment, what the hell is Qin Fen

Damn your grandma, Taiyi immediately understood that if the leaders don't go, the people below will be embarrassed if they go, what if they are put on small shoes?But who is the Great Emperor Yinshan?
Taiyi thought for a moment, isn't this f*cking Duke of the East?
Huang Long also understood, "What should we do now?"

what to do?Taiyi was crying blind, the teacher didn't intend to invite Qin Fen, did he?The consequence of not inviting is that no one will come to the underworld, Yuanshi will lose face, if the earth can't come, if the Tathagata gets mad, Yuanshi will still lose face.

please?I'll go, isn't Yuanshi ashamed?Please tear up your rivals, no one will say that Yuanshi is grand, they will only say, you are also afraid of the cesspit, this is to bring the relationship closer and ease the conflict.

Both left and right were ashamed, Taiyi lost his mind for a while, Huanglong looked at him stupidly, he couldn't get his head around this matter, let alone how to deal with it.

Taiyi was in a dilemma, and he didn't dare to ask Yuanshi for instructions. Huanglong couldn't figure it out, and muttered, "Isn't the master a saint? How could he forget that Qin Fen is still the Great Emperor of Yinshan! As usual, as the emperor of Yin, he must participate in the competition." of!"

You are paralyzed!Taiyi's heart twitched.No wonder your cultivation base is not high, you are heartless, I just flattered you, is it interesting for you to pour cold water on me later?

That's right, I said that the saint is exhaustive, but the saint also has a nap.Can you speak nicely, buddy is getting irritable.

"Well, ignore him for now, I'll think of a countermeasure later!" Taiyi sighed, and had to report it if it really didn't work. "You go and look up the monument of merit and virtue first, and see who are outstanding people this year. They are not high-ranking people, but they are also invited! This time, the teacher means to do a big job, and there must be no omissions!"

Daoist Taiyi rubbed his temples after speaking, feeling troubled, how to deal with the affairs of the underworld?
Living without heart and lungs is not tiring. Daoist Huang Long is similar to a chef. Anyway, he is not in charge of this matter, he is just an errand runner. There is no need to worry about Qin Fen's problems. Brother Taiyi should worry about it.

He walked to the side, raised his hand a little, the space changed instantly, and a tall stone tablet appeared.

The two characters of merit and virtue in the letter, one person is as high as it is, is the most mysterious treasure in the heaven, the monument of merit and virtue.

In addition to recording the deeds of gods and deeds of meritorious deeds, the merit monument is also the basis for the distribution of merit by the way of heaven.

Its existence can be said to be the cloud data of the heavens. The lives of all the creatures on it are recorded. It is clear at a glance whether they have done good or evil, whether they have made meritorious deeds. Provide reference for judges to judge cases.

At this moment, Huanglong summoned the stele of merit and virtue, just to look at the data on it, who are the outstanding figures this year.

Raise your hand a little, a golden light flashed on the merit tablet, and a figure appeared immediately, with text descriptions on it.

After reading the introduction, Huang Long's heart trembled.

"Qin Fen, the Cowherd and Weaver Girl Meeting on Qixi Festival broke the city rules and opened a new page for the equality of men and women in heaven!"

Nima!This is no good, after Huang Long said it was just one point, change it.

Taiyi also saw it, but he pretended not to see it, feeling uncomfortable, what the hell is Qin Fen the first one this year?

"Qin Fen, you deserve credit for seeing through the demon clan's conspiracy on the Ghost Festival and ensuring the Heavenly Court's control over the underworld!"

Your uncle, Huang Long looks a little bit aggrieved, it's still this guy, change it!
Taiyi didn't speak, just drank his tea in silence.

"Qin Fen, Tianting reformed education, established schools, established compulsory education, and laid a solid foundation for the development of Tianting!"

In other words, it was this grandson again, Huang Long was so tired.Taiyi is even more tired, damn, three of them are this bastard.

"Qin Fen, hold a blind date meeting to ease the conflict between the two religions."

Huanglong's embarrassing expression made Taiyi not much better.

"Qin Fen founded the library, opened the first of its kind in heaven, brainstorming and sharing experience!"

Huanglong was speechless, and Taiyi was speechless.

"Qin Fen, resolve the Jingwei matter, the relationship between Yan and Huang will ease, and the human race will prosper!"

"I don't believe in this evil!" Before Huanglong could speak, Taiyi couldn't take it anymore, so he stepped forward and pushed Huanglong towards me.

"Qin Fen founded Haitian Lanxiang to teach the skills of the monster race. There is no one to teach, and the merits are immeasurable!"

"Qin Fen, teach Avalokitesvara to become a Buddha, Ksitigarbha to become a Buddha, the merit is immeasurable!"

"Dong Wanggong has insight into Xi's plot, prevents the other party from escaping, and benefits the common people. His merits are immeasurable!"

"Qin Fen, the Great Emperor of the Yin Mountain, established the Six Realms of Humanity, and his merits are immeasurable!"

"Qin Fen, the Great Emperor of Yinshan Mountain, established the six realms of hell, and his merits are immeasurable!"

Taiyi's face was flushed, and he continued to play spells. The merit tablet was changed again and again, just like swiping the screen, and Qin Fen's achievements on it were also the same as swiping the screen.

Anyway, after coming and going a dozen times, there is no one else, all the names and characters are only one, Qin Fen!

"I don't believe it!" Taiyi became irritable, "Could it be that Qin Fen is the only one doing personnel affairs in the huge heaven?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the monument of merit taught him to be a man every minute.

"Lu Ban has a clear heart, found his original heart, and vowed to pass on his skills to benefit the common people, a gift from God!"

Haha, finally found someone who had nothing to do with Qin Fen, Taiyi's eyelids twitched, the name sounded familiar.

"Senior brother, it's finally not Qin Fen!" Huang Lei said happily, and Taiyi subconsciously nodded.

Then, then there is no then.At the same time, they saw the last line of small characters, "Inspired by Prince Dong, Qin Fen's merits will last forever!"

Damn it!Taiyi changed dozens more, and all of them had the mark of the sea of ​​bitterness on the back.

They changed fifty or sixty times, all of which were related to Qin Fen.

Taiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "There is no more reason for heaven!"

Huang Long looked at his senior brother speechlessly, "Fifth senior brother, it seems that Qin Fen is really the only one doing things this year!"

You pig!Taiyi didn't know what to say, so he changed it again, "There is no heaven, so there is no earth fairy world?"

Swipe, "Zhen Yuanzi opened a book and said that he was instructed by Qin Fen, the prince of the East, to benefit the living beings, and his merits are immeasurable!"

There is nothing to say about this Nima!Taiyi doesn't want to change.Come and go, co-authors are all Qin Fen!Exhausted.

"Brother, Qin Fen is the only assessment on the monument of merit, what should we do? Could it be that it is not based on the monument of merit?" Huang Long was a little confused.

I don't want you to remind me, this is the end!The New Year Tea Party is the core of merit, and Tiandao Nong also has references to it. If you don’t follow the merit tablet, how can you block the mouth of the world?as usual?That's a fucking joke.

Now there is only one name on the merit tablet, Qin Fen, would you like to invite me or not?
Tiandao also cried blindly, "Announcing support for Yuanshi so early, I suddenly have an ominous premonition that something will happen again!"

Ps: Calvin, there are only 2 chapters, so I can't write them.

(End of this chapter)

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