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Chapter 1014 The Miraculous Mechanism

Chapter 1014 The Miraculous Mechanism
That's right, Qin Fen didn't use complete accessories this time, but parts. Of course, he would be very excited to make a mechanism independently for the first time. Besides, when he was riding a horse, which man would not be embarrassed, he shook his head and said Talking, driving.

He was almost whipping the horse's ass with a whip. This posture, in line with the previous statement, made all the security guards feel disgusted. It's really a toy.

People who don't understand are always preconceived and self-righteous, so they took a deep look at the chef, and the other party's cooperation with Benedict just now, intuitively aroused a sense of disgust, Qin Fen dared to swear , in his eyes, everyone is equal, so what's the big deal about asking the old man for a favor?
He didn't think there was any disrespect, anyway, he was doing serious business, what is needed now is to help each other.

He thought so, but it was not in the eyes of outsiders.

Several security guards left with Benedict V, and two of them returned to the car, continuing to monitor the car radio for replies. The night is terrifying, and no one knows what will happen, but Benedict insisted on not leaving, and they had no choice but to Can wait for help.

"Hello, hello, we are a search team here, is this His Majesty Benedict's convoy?" A deep male voice came from the radio.

"Yes, yes, our current situation is very critical. A large number of people are trapped and supplies are in short supply. It may be difficult to survive for a while, and the weather is unpredictable. Today is really a hell!" The security guard looked at the sunset in the sky speechlessly, Fuck, it was still snowing heavily when I came out.

"Please wait patiently, today is indeed a hell. We will arrive as quickly as possible, and we have dispatched drones, please keep talking!"

"Okay! What's the name?"

"Jed, my name is Jed, and I am currently controlling the drone to search along the road!"

"Okay, got it, for God's sake, find us soon!"

A security guard breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and said to his colleagues, "This is the best news I've heard today, and finally a reliable one came!"

"Yeah, at least it's high-tech, not some wooden toy like Qin Fen's! Now that I think about it, I think it's a joke. What's the use of that thing?" Another security guard looked down upon it.

"That's right, I don't know why His Majesty still looks at him differently, is it because of that big Trojan horse?" No.1 security guard snorted.

Jed on the opposite side showed a disdainful smile as he listened to the conversation between the two. How does the wooden toy compare with my drone?Are you kidding me?And the name seems to be an oriental, does he know what a robot is?A toy, indeed.They probably can only fiddle with those carpenters.

Jed is a senior mechanical engineer. He was originally a university professor. Later, he participated in a very famous TV show in England, Robot Arena, and was favored by a weapon company. He has an amazing talent in mechanical design. Don't underestimate the robot war, which contains a lot of military technology, coupled with his unique design concept, after winning the gold nut of the big ring for three consecutive times, he began to flourish.

With a smooth career and a happy family, it can be said that he is a real technical winner in life. This type of person is born with a kind of pride in the field.

Qin Fen actually watched these kinds of programs when he was a child, and he was obsessed with them at the time. Every time he saw robots of various colors fighting to the death in the arena, and the shards flew all over the ring, his blood boiled with excitement.

And Jed is the best among this group of people. Not only that, he is also the chief designer of a military industrial enterprise by virtue of his own strength.Hearing someone talk about carpentry at this moment, of course he would have a kind of contempt, a sense of superiority in innate technology.

"I really want to see the toys this guy makes!" Jed muttered softly.Then he calmed down and began to search along the road.

Toy?Qin Fen looked at the assembled wooden horse and showed a weird smile. Today, I will let you experience the unique skills passed down by our Yanhuang ancestors.

He turned over and got off the horse, and Sun Yujie, who was beside him, had been sluggish for a long time, "What's the use of this thing? It's really not a wooden cow or a horse. I remember that thing should move." What's the difference between this and a rocking horse, but more lost four legs.

"Of course it's useful, but it's rare now. I'll get another one!" Qin Fen was very excited.

Benedict V brought food, and even waited for him with peace of mind. The chef didn't look back once, and it took another half an hour. This time, the speed was obviously much faster. The big tent The place was already fully occupied, and everyone looked at Qin Fen strangely. The security guard just said in his heart, isn't making one enough for you to play with?To actually make two, is this the willfulness that the East often says, play one, lose one, rich?

Several security guards were bleeding in their hearts. These two Trojan horses could be burned overnight.Now it's a decoration!

"Master Qin, we still have business to do. Can you help me out? Don't do this useless!" One of the security guards couldn't bear it anymore. You are crazy, and the boss is also crazy. We can only watch and accompany you crazy, How many things?

The subtext of this sentence is to ask you not to mess around. Sun Yujie, Benedict, and Qin Fen heard it. The chef frowned. He was not fooling around.Many things cannot be used in cold weather, but organs can.

"I'm doing something serious!" Qin Fen defended.

Make it up, you can continue to make it up, is this considered a serious matter?The security guards on one side were even more contemptuous. They all looked at the top of their heads. Don't you take a draft when you lie?

Sun Yujie didn't know what Qin Fen's plan was. Benedict was too confused to speak, and he also felt a little bored. Who are you?Saying a word is much better than making a toy.

Qin Fen also wanted to talk to solve the problem. If he could solve the problem by talking, he wouldn't be so tired that he almost fainted.

Seeing that everyone didn't seem to believe it, the chef didn't say much. He reached out and pressed a mechanism on the wooden horse, and the wooden thing shook its head and walked out of the tent.

For a moment Sun Yujie was dumbfounded, Benedict's eyes widened, can he move?Fuck.

The surrounding security guards went crazy looking at the wooden horses that could walk without human power. "Is this real? What did I see?"

"My God, I can't understand how this is done!"

"Black technology, definitely black technology!" A sci-fi fan shouted loudly.

The sound of tinkling and clanging sounded outside the camp, and all the victims around jumped away like frightened rabbits, looking at the wooden toys that walked on their own.He opened his mouth wide, "What is this? A robot?"

"You are blind, how can there be a robot made of wood, my God, aliens attacked the earth!"

For a moment, everyone was too scared to speak!

(End of this chapter)

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