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Chapter 1012 The Last Mechanism Inheritor

Chapter 1012 The Last Mechanism Inheritor

A large group of people crowded around Qin Fen, and the victims beside him were stunned. What's going on?
They didn't know, and neither did the security guards who followed Benedict V. Sun Yujie, who came to inquire, looked at Qin Fen and his sister, who were also confused. The Queen Mother stood aside and frowned. Traces of the spell.

"Let me see?" the Queen Mother squatted down after finishing speaking.

The female ruffian frowned, isn't this the CEO of Kunlun Mountain?How did you get here?
The Queen Mother also stared at the female ruffian for a while, she was indeed similar to herself, strange!
It's a pity that the female ruffian is not such a casual person, "You don't seem to be a doctor, do you?"

"Aren't you?" The Queen Mother retorted, "If you're not a doctor, is it useful for you to hold him all the time?"

Qin Fen's eyelids twitched slightly, silence is golden, he didn't dare to move.

"If you're okay, please let me go! I'm a doctor!" Sun Yujie joined in without hesitation, her eyes rolled, and she seemed to be getting more and more interesting.Benedict V looked at the profuse sweat on the forehead of the three of them, aren't you sisters?Aren't you cousins?Shouldn't it belong to relatives?
He swished his nose and seemed to smell the strong smell of gunpowder, "I think it's better to set up a tent, carry Master Qin in, and others arrange rescue!"

This decision was unanimously approved by all.

Qin Fen was lying in the tent. He didn't know how long he had slept, but he felt itchy all over his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman standing in front of him.

Sun Yujie was looking at him with big eyes, Qin Fen just looked at him, and I went, the motherland is a beautiful place, no wonder the hospital is the most popular place, sickness is not the focus, the focus is on doctors and nurses, how painful it is Understand, he only knows now.

"What are you looking at? Are you comparing?" Sun Yujie smiled strangely.

When I asked this question, Qin Fen originally wanted to ask why you guys came here?And what is your surname, how could you be the younger sister of a female ruffian? Well, you don't need to say anything now, it looks like a family, and it's not a good thing. This is clearly sowing discord.

To provoke is to provoke oneself, to pluck is to pluck his heartstrings, not to mention discord, if this question is answered, the female ruffian will know it, and she will definitely play judo with him.

"I just woke up, please don't ask me such profound questions!" Qin Fen pushed the other party with his hands.

"How long have I been in a coma, what's going on outside?" Good deeds can't be done in half, right?

"It's not too optimistic. Benedict's convoy arrived and his men are helping to restore the road. Unfortunately, most of the cars here have stayed too long, lack of fuel, and there are many injured, as well as many old and weak women and children. Want to Withdrawing together is unlikely.

Moreover, Benedict and the others did not carry many supplies. Although the snow stopped temporarily, they did not know if it would continue. It would take time for the city's search and rescue team to find this place.Many people have different degrees of frostbite, and some are in poor health, which invisibly increases the rescue pressure! "When it comes to business, Sun Yujie is still very ethical.

"Didn't ask Grant for help?" Qin Fen didn't believe that the other party didn't have this ability.

"I'm calling for help, but the roads are impassable in many places, and it will take time! I'm afraid we can't afford to wait, and some of the injured can't afford to wait. You've been in a coma for about four hours now, and it's going to be dark. After nightfall, the temperature will be even lower. Heating is a big problem!"

Qin Fen nodded. It seemed that if he wanted to help others, it was not enough just to control the weather.

What can I do?The chef began to think, "What's your name?" Qin Fen jumped a little, and this question has always troubled him.

It was deceitful to say that the surname was Sun, and the cunning female doctor replied with three words, "Sister-in-law!"

Your uncle, is this the name? "What kind of stupid name is this?" Qin Fen took out his cigarette and had some ideas in his mind.

"You can also call me little padded jacket!" Sun Yujie smiled slyly.

"What the hell?"

"Don't you know that my sister-in-law is my brother-in-law's caring little padded jacket? By the way, I have popping candies and mints! It's a pity that there is no hot tea here due to the limited conditions."

Addict?Qin Fen was a little depressed!I can't have a good chat anymore, you weren't like this before,
Qin Fen shook his head speechlessly, and walked out of the tent. Sun Yujie took out a box of throat lozenges and put one in his mouth, "Do you really want to eat it?"

You did it on purpose!Qin Fen lowered his head and rushed out quickly. Once outside, the ground was still covered with heavy snow. At a glance, the scenery of the northern country was covered with ice, but there was no snow falling.

No wonder it is very difficult to rescue. It is very difficult for the snow to melt at this temperature, and it is not convenient to drive by car, even worse than walking, but the problem is that the physical strength cannot keep up with walking.

Moreover, many electronic and mechanical products are not guaranteed to be used normally due to sudden heavy snow and cooling.

Electronic machinery is not good, so what about organs?Qin Fen thought of something, wooden cows and horses!As long as I assemble it myself, I can replace the vehicle and transport a group of people out. Maybe there will be rescue on the way, so that I can seek medical treatment as soon as possible.It is also possible to organize a group of people to look for supplies, such as firewood and food. With agencies, transportation saves energy and can fight protracted battles.

His mechanical snake was too weird to be exposed. Thinking of this, Qin Fen immediately drove Sun Yujie out of the tent, took out various tools, and quickly assembled the parts in the ring that he had obtained before.

These are all for practice. The accessories made by Luban are simple and practical, not too complicated. The chef is confident that he can assemble three sets in a very short time.

After a while, the sound of ping-pong-pong came from the tent. Sun Yujie, who was standing outside, was a little curious, and looked inside from time to time. The female ruffian ran to take care of the pregnant woman. Escaped.

As if he heard the voice, Benedict, who had just appeased the people at the side, was finally free. When he saw Sun Yujie, he knew that Qin Fen had woken up. He immediately walked in with his subordinates in a hurry.

Qin Fen took off his coat and started working there with various carpentry tools.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way. Unfortunately, there are no friends here. Even Sun Yujie doesn't know what Qin Fen is up to?

"Where is Master Qin busy?" Benedict leaned forward with a smile, but Qin Fen had a problem, he was more serious when working, so he ignored him.

Start assembling on your own.

"What's your attitude? Your Majesty is talking to you!" The security guard next to him couldn't stand it anymore, what is His Majesty the Pope's identity.

It doesn't matter what identity, Benedict looked at the chef's face in a daze, like, too similar, exactly the same as the phantom just now.

Originally, it was illogical that there were so many accessories in this tent, but Benedict didn’t care. Who is he?

The security guard didn't think about it, because he was horrified by the chef's attitude.You can't take His Majesty as a cadre.

Benedict waved his hand to show that he didn't care, leaned forward, looked left and right, and found that what Qin Fen made was a Trojan horse.

Your Excellency's thoughts are indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people!Benedict didn't understand.

He was curious, and his subordinates were naturally curious too. In this snowy day, everyone is looking for firewood, so you can play with wood.

A guy is dissatisfied, how long will this burn, you spoiled me. "I said, Master Qin, what are you playing?"

Qin Fen smiled and raised his head, "Playing with toys!"

No, is it really a toy?The eyeballs of a few security guards bulged, and you are so heartless that there is no one else!
Sun Yujie, who had been watching outside, suddenly thought of something, "Could this be a mechanism technique, a wooden cow and a smooth horse?"

(End of this chapter)

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