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Chapter 1009 You Can't Dodge Cold Guns

Chapter 1009 You Can't Dodge Cold Guns
"I'm sorry, please forgive me, I don't dare to do it again!" Xi counseled super fast, Tiandao scolded him to be more ruthless than Tianmo, the more he was like this, the more worried he was.

Qin Fen looked at the phone and muttered fiercely, "You think it's beautiful, there's no such thing as cheap."

"How can it be so cheap!"

"Then you punish me!" Xi Bucai just went up, now for some punishment, raise it high and put it down gently to show that you will not die, and you still have a chance.

Bitch!Qin Fen smiled sullenly, and an idea popped into his head. The official account is also WeChat after all, so emoticons should be available. "This is what you asked for!" I didn't say anything.

Tiandao was very anxious, he couldn't get in the conversation just now, now that Qin Fen hesitated, he was finally free, Xi couldn't deal with it casually, it was related to the Spring Festival soon, so it's better to beat it, lest Qin Fen insist on it , As for Tianmo, Tiandao has made up his mind, let this guy go away quickly, because Tianmo has a heartbroken expression at the moment, and to put it bluntly, he has an immediate boss, which is not convenient to use.

"Simply, send this guy back, and at the same time find some trouble for Qin Fen to take Kunpeng with him, perfect!" Tiandao had a comprehensive plan in an instant.

That's it, Tiandao looked at the chef gloomyly, "Qin Fen, I can't interfere in the human world at will, I have to use WeChat as a bridge, but I can only blame you for using emoji. !" Tiandao let out a sneer, I'll make you have some fun, and start to activate after finishing speaking.

The sky is very gloomy, blocking the sun, and there is a strange fluctuation obscurely in the thick clouds. This fluctuation is still brewing. As long as it is completely complete, it can form a black hole, connecting the heaven and the human world. This is what Heavenly Dao can do. In addition, Chef's mobile phone has a Pangu axe, and with the WeChat coordinates, he can send the demon back to Qin Fen's mobile phone by means of emoticon recovery, so that he can take Kunpeng with him.

The gods and monsters below listened to Xi's conversation with Tiandao, and they also breathed a sigh of relief. It's a good thing, Xi is too powerful, and Tiandao's punishment can give him a warning, at least in the near future.

Everyone was looking forward to it, and the demon was gloating on the sidelines, and Xi was very nervous, not knowing what kind of punishment would be the next one.

Tiandao is also looking forward to it, and it is so close that it will be invisible.

Qin Fen looked at Xi, and threw a lightning bolt.

Then and then there is no more of Nima's!The sky was already gloomy, a large number of clouds were summoned by Ying Long, then used by the Heavenly Demon, followed by the Dao of Heaven, and now it was finally Qin Fen's turn.

The clouds suddenly flashed, and a large amount of purple brilliance began to emerge.

"Zixiao Shenlei!" Guanyin looked at the sky and said in a deep voice.That's right, Zixiao Shenlei, the iconic weapon of the Heavenly Dao. In this way, would anyone doubt that the Heavenly Dao was dissatisfied just now?

The one who doubts is the idiot, "It's really Zixiao Shenlei, I guess this is it!"

Many gods were yelling, and this punishment was basically reasonable, and the demon had a good time, okay, if you don't die, you have to be torn apart.Looking at Xi, he was very happy, and even made a mouth shape to the other party, "Xiao Mian, you are the one who wants to mess with me and doesn't even know who I am, are you getting mad now?"

Nima, Xi has a depressed face, boy, as long as I don't die, I'll kill you later!

Heavenly Demon doesn't care. After Kunpeng's matter is dealt with, I will flash away. You can find the uncle and talk about it.

Everyone was happy, Haitian's crisis was resolved, even Xi was punished, Tianmo was scolded, but only one person was upset.

Tiandao looked at Zixiao Shenlei disgustingly, with a painful expression on his face, because his fluctuations were also in the fucking clouds!
Originally, it took time for Zixiao to brew, but the same source of power comes from the way of heaven. There is a lot of space power in it.

The target of the split is Xi!

Tiandao's eyeballs almost fell to the ground at that moment, this time Zixiao is different from the previous ones, why is it different?Anyone who has read novels knows that this time he won't die, but he will travel through time.

What should I do if I pass through?Cold salad, but the evening is gone!Tiandao's complexion instantly changed to the bottom of the pot. He just thought that Xi should be fine, damn, he screwed himself up!
"No!" Tiandao looked at the screen and let out a cry like killing a pig!It was too late to stop.But he still sent out a purple sky habitually.I hope that the same sex can repel each other and neutralize each other.

I'm going to be unlucky, seeing the lightning strike, Xi closed his eyes.

Haha, the demon gave a low laugh, let's see how you die, and then, lightning turned around!

Tiandao's eyes widened, and an idea popped up in his heart, "If you care about it, you will be chaotic. The space fluctuation is aimed at the demon, so Zixiao, who has absorbed its power, should also focus on the primary goal. Good home!"

Lightning rushed towards Tianma, and before he could finish laughing, his expression was frozen, "Why is it Lao Tzu?" This sentence floated gently in the air, everyone looked at the sky stupidly, and Kunpeng disappeared!

Qin Fen didn't know, otherwise he would have asked why he was the one who hacked. No one knew that Tiandao had done something wrong, this time it was really wrong.

With a swish, Kunpeng entered the space passage, along with a bewildered Kunpeng.

The boss stared at Xiyan, and then laughed loudly, "I'm calling you a stern. Joy begets sorrow!"

Before he finished laughing, there was another thunder from the sky, "Isn't there another one?"

Also, everyone looked at the top of their heads, did they each hit [-] boards?
Tiandao bit his tongue with a poof, and he made this one.It is impossible to offset it, because one of them has been taken away, and now it can only be chopped off.Watching the second Zixiao absorb the strength and rush towards Xi without hesitation, Tiandao covered his mouth and remembered a song, the man hurts so much.

Xi also has the same expression as Tianmo, so it turns out that he still has his own share.

Just as he was about to resist, Lei Dian flashed a purple light on him, still the same, with a whoosh, he walked away gently without taking away a cloud.

Xi also disappeared, everyone in Haitian saw the disappearance of the two evil stars, and cheered thunderously.

"Oh, nice!"

"Haitian is saved!"

"Both Tianmo and Xi disappeared, thank you Heaven!"

"Thank God!"

"God open your eyes!"

Tiandao vomited blood. He didn't want to hear a word of thanks. He was staring blankly at the picture, bleeding in his heart.He kept muttering, "It wasn't Qin Fen that I took Xi away, it was me?" Xi can't go, now that he's gone, don't tell me, you still can't do it, because his laws are unique, Now that it is gone, it is still in the human world. It is not so easy to get it back, and it cannot be recycled.

Tiandao glanced at Qin Fen stupidly, "What should I do now?" It turned out that Qin Fen did not shoot the black gun, he planted a bomb himself.The way of heaven is in chaos, facing the mess all over the place, the way of heaven wants to cry but has no tears.

(End of this chapter)

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