"Xi Xi, Lei Lei...Gong Zeyu and the others invited us to go to the wine tomorrow to participate in the pk match between the King of Dance and the Queen of Dance, will you go?" Mu Yulu asked tentatively

"Will that kid Shunxiluo go?" When Han Xinlei heard about Gong Zeyu and the others, she would be the first to think of her family's Shunxiluo... As expected of a child who values ​​sex over friends

"Then Leng Chenxi will go too!" An Zhixi blurted out what the hell, why did he suddenly blurt out his name!

"It seems to be..."

"It's great!" Han Xinlei exclaimed, and hurriedly ran into the room to sort out the clothes to be worn tomorrow night, and she must wear something sexy. Lolo from the awesome family...


Switch to the camera...

_____ VIP dormitory (male) at Irisno College ゆ

"What! Yu, you invited Han Xinlei and the others to the wine to participate in the King of Dance and Queen of Dance pk competition?" Shun Xiluo, who was only interested in playing video games, suddenly threw herself on Gong Zeyu and shouted

"Boy, don't you like that girl Han Xinlei? There is only Han Xinlei all day long!" Gong Zeyu questioned with years of experience in courting girls.

"Fuck you, how could I like that stinking girl who is rude and willful!" Shun Xiluo became angry when she mentioned Han Xinlei, and made a lot of mistakes.

"Yeah... so you care about people so much" Gong Zeyu said playfully

"It's you, don't you think you are interested in Mu Yulu... I think you are serious about her today, oops... Are you really in love with her?" Shun Xiluo deliberately changed the subject.

"You two are too disrespectful. You brother, I ran with that fierce woman for a whole day today and you didn't care about me. You actually took advantage of my absence to pick up girls. Even if you pick up girls, you don't want me!" Leng Chen Xi counted down one, two, three to rush at the two of them, to overwhelm them, to suppress them and not plan to get up (Xixi: Those who don’t know them think they are gay...

Xi, Luo, and Yu said in unison: Xixi, I think you think your life is too long?

Xixi said in a very gray and embarrassed way: Er... I can't afford to offend, can I still hide...)

"Cough cough cough... Hey! You're overwhelming me..." Shun Xiluo stretched out her hand and called for help, but in fact...it didn't crush him at all, the one that was crushed was Gong Zeyu... Gong Zeyu He didn't call anything, but he called quite powerfully!

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