The villain also has spring

Chapter 970 5.45 Flames, Ice and Snow, League of Goddesses

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"With me?" The Snow Goddess confirmed again.

"Yes, with you." The Fire Goddess nodded solemnly.

"I feel a powerful force covering the world. This powerful force is devouring our world. This force, which I have never seen before, comes from you?" The Snow Goddess continued to ask.

"Yes." The Flame Goddess didn't need to hide.

The Snow Goddess fell into a long silence.

Wu Chen seemed to feel a little crisis, so he said first: "Goddess, please listen to me."

"Speak, my child." The Ice and Snow Goddess was still full of trust in Wu Chen.

"The purpose of my coming to this world is to restore the Tianmai..." Wu Chen talked about the journey along the way: "I have seen many giants and ancient gods that have been relegated to history. I even saw The dead Xihuang. They gave everything to protect this world. I think the original intention of your hunter organization is also the same. Therefore, it is also my responsibility to protect this world. Speaking of which, this world has long been ruled by various powerful people. Coveting. The demon god who rushed out of the Nine Nether Abyss is one of the many coveting. But now, does the ancient god still have the power to stop the demon god again and drive them out of this world?"

"My child, what's the difference between the Goddess of Fire and the Demon God?" asked the Goddess of Ice and Snow.

"The biggest difference is that the Demon God is also her enemy." Wu Chen said in a sentence: "And the enemy's enemy..."

"It's my friend." The Snow Goddess understood.

"Yes, goddess." Wu Chen nodded cautiously, trying not to make decisions for the goddess.

"In order to fight against the invading demons, I am willing to make a covenant with you." The Snow Goddess quickly made a decision.

While Wu Chen was excited, he was also slightly worried.Why is the goddess so easily persuaded?

The Goddess of Ice and Snow clearly understood Wu Chen's thoughts: "My child, you don't know what we lost in that battle."

It turned out that the ancient gods represented by the Ice and Snow Goddess suffered heavy losses in the battle between gods and demons that took place in the age of mythology.He even did not hesitate to join forces with the foreign protoss to fight against the evil spirits that were destined to invade again.So it can be seen how tragic the battle of the ancient gods was.

"Okay, Your Excellency." The Flame Goddess said: "I will transfer my power to you through my master. So that you can wake up as soon as possible."

"Okay." The Snow Goddess nodded happily.

Obviously, 'through Wu Chen' is the most important guarantee.So the Ice and Snow Goddess turned her gaze to Wu Chen: "My child, do you know what to do?"

"I know." The lord understood.

Just as the matter and energy of the two worlds are transferred to each other, the rules must first be reshaped.When the original divine power of the goddess of fire from another world is transmitted to the goddess of ice and snow in Qinzhongjie, the rules must also be reshaped.

How to do it, Wu Chen already has the answer.

Standing between the two goddesses, Wu Chen gently spread his palms.The spiritual energy that kept flying out of the palm gathered in mid-air to form the golden creation talisman from Emperor Xi.

That's right, Nengfu is the core of the rules of the whole world.

The Goddess of Flame injects her divine power into the talisman, and then transfers it to the Goddess of Ice and Snow. This is a complete reshaping of the rules.

The location of divine power transmission is naturally Wu Chen's small universe.A small universe that can accommodate 8-star main gods, even if it can accommodate all two 7-star goddesses, there is no problem at all.As a result, the Flame Goddess ignited raging flames all over her body, and the talisman Wu Chen held in her hand was immediately surrounded by raging flames.In the baking of the fire, the golden color is quickly burned away and becomes as transparent as crystal.Although the talisman changed color, it did not change shape.It is still a simple shape similar to oracle bone inscriptions.

Absorbing the surging divine power from the Goddess of Fire, the Creation Rune began to emit colorful light.The colorful divine light disappeared out of thin air just as it left Wu Chen's palm.Immediately afterwards, it enveloped the Ice and Snow Goddess, forming a dense cocoon of light.

Although from the perspective of reshaping the rules, the divine power refined through the creation talisman is completely harmless to the Ice and Snow Goddess under the rules.But don't forget, the Goddess of Flame bears Wu Chen's spiritual imprint!Although speaking from the position of God, the demigod-level Wu Chen is not an opponent of the 7-star Lord God at all, but from the perspective of the sanctuary, Wu Chen, as the lord of the sanctuary, has an overwhelming advantage over the characters in the plot!

So not to mention the flame goddess, even the protoss in the two protoss pedigrees of Chimera and Electronics are also his taboo!

In other words, the rules of Wu Chen's sanctuary cannot be resisted by this creation talisman, nor can it be converted.The spiritual imprint from Wu Chen carried in it will be passed on to the Ice and Snow Goddess intact.

As a copy world in the plot world shrouded by the shelter, Qin Zhongjie has no resistance at all to the rules from the shelter.

So, when Wu Chen's metal skull brand was engraved on the center of the Ice and Snow Goddess' brows, and then slowly disappeared, the Ice and Snow Goddess and the Flame Goddess finally passed Wu Chen and became the same camp.

Not only the divine power from the Goddess of Fire, but the entire universe began to shoot starlight towards the Goddess of Ice and Snow!

The constellations, stars, and even those beautiful nebulae in the small universe are the spiritual energy released by the life core of the female partner who is connected to Wu Chen.Just like absorbing the spiritual resonance waves of believers, the powerful spiritual energy from Wu Chen's other female companions is also of great benefit to the Ice and Snow Goddess!What's more, that dazzling white hole also began to release light to the goddess of ice and snow!These divine lights are coming from Wu Chen's Goddess Alliance!

After the light cocoon covering the Ice and Snow Goddess's body became denser and thicker, the Ice and Snow Goddess finally broke out of the cocoon and was reborn after absorbing enough spiritual energy!

For a moment, the light was as bright as day, even covering the bright background universe!

"Congratulations to player No. 20150326-Y, who captured the SSS-level world guardian—Ice and Snow Goddess, Nine-Heaven Xuannv, released the divine chains, released the spiritual siphon, and successfully merged into the Omega (Ω) White Hole Curtain Network... No. 20150326-Y Players get the allegiance of the world guardian, and the reaper rule captures 10000000 resource points! Enter the contract rules, and get divine props... Please maintain the current posture, position the time axis, position the space axis... Time node solidification starts: 1%, 2% , 3%..."

Nine Heavens Xuannv!

Yes!The Liuren style plate that the hunter is most proud of is not given by the Nine Heavens Xuannv!

Nine days are the image of dry gold, and the sex is just easy to move!Nine days away, you can deploy your troops!

According to folklore, she is a goddess with boundless magic power, also known as Nine Heavens Xuannv and Nine Heavens Madonna. "Shan Hai Jing", "Book of Songs" and other documents have their prototypes.

In Qinzhongjie, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who masters the art of war, kills demons and rescues dangers has been inherited in the same line, so it is logical to become the patron saint of hunters!

It is so, it is so...

Many places that I didn't figure out were solved easily.Wu Chen suddenly understood!Do not want to be happy!

That is the Holy Mother of the Nine Heavens...

As the Goddess of Flame and even the entire Goddess Alliance successfully connected with the Goddess of Ice and Snow, not only did the Goddess of Ice and Snow recover her divine power, but the erosion of Guqin by the Goddess of Fire was also successfully completed.The Goddess of Flame began to unleash her divine power, fully accepting the belief system broken by the fall of the ancient god.

So five of the seven guarding mansions, Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu, and the altars in the five giant cities, rekindled the divine fire that had been extinguished long ago.The Goddess of Flame began to respond to the believers, releasing divine power continuously!

That's right, the flame goddess is building her own kingdom of God!

Looking up at the bright moon and flowing clouds, the glamorous Goddess of Flame and the Goddess of Ice and Snow, Wu Chen felt so refreshed!

"Master, I need some helpers to be the spokesperson of Qinzhongjie." The Goddess of Flame, who has begun to receive the power of faith, is extremely happy!Compared with the Super Brain Otherworld where she is the only one, Qinzhongjie is so much more fun!

"Apostle?" Wu Chen thought of it.Just, please take it easy, don't mess it up.

Five tutelary forts require five envoys.With a thought in his heart, Wu Chen immediately had an answer: "Have you already been chosen?"

"Yes, master." The Fire Goddess replied with a smile.

"Then send them in..."

Before the words fell, He Qinghua, Ji Wushuang, Yingxia, Chishi, and traitorous concubine, the five qin spirits who were unconscious due to broken strings, were immediately sent into the world of the qin!

Bathed in divine fire, completely reborn!

"Master, there is someone you'd better meet." When leaving Wu Chen's small universe, the Goddess of Flame suddenly smiled and blinked.

Wu Chen's heart moved: "The Great Demon King of Flame Mountain?"


This is also the stalk that Wu Chen can't let go of.

The Goddess of Fire left first, but the Goddess of Ice and Snow was still there.

"Master, among the seven tutelary forts, there are still two hidden in the fog of history. You need to unravel the fog and bring them back to life." It turned out that this was what the goddess was worried about.After all, even though the Goddess of Flame assimilated the Qinzhongjie, those gaps in time and space are still there.The demon god can still pass through the cracks under the Nine Netherworld, constantly invading and poisoning the world.

The so-called fog of history obviously refers to the historical heritage that is not connected to the time loop.

And to unravel the fog, it is like the lantern bearer using a lantern to illuminate the dark cabin, connecting to the time loop of these dark heritages.

It's no wonder that only five of the seven township mansions responded to the call of the Fire Goddess.

The remaining two tutelary forts, as well as the city of gods of the goddess of ice and snow, are places of faith reserved for the goddess of ice and snow.Coupled with a powerful hunter organization, the goddess of ice and snow is probably no less powerful than the goddess of fire.

Two allies with equal strength and the same philosophy are the cornerstone for the consolidation of the alliance.

Wait for Wu Chen's consciousness to escape from his own small universe and return to reality.In the coffin, the goddess who was as fresh as ever opened her eyes slowly.

The cloud temples were slightly slanted, she was dressed in a seamless celestial robe, and the Nine Heavens Xuannv with bright eyes and benevolent gazes, the aura of the Virgin released from her whole body hit the Lord Lord's heart at once.

Although she was prepared, the moment Wu Chen fell into the coffin and was pressed down suddenly, the goddess' heart beat faster and her eyes fogged up...

"Congratulations to player number 20150326-Y, who has won the love of the SSS-level world guardian, the Ice and Snow Goddess. The second phase of the branch story mission "Day Face" of "The Great Villain Has Spring" is now open!Get evaluation: SSS!Enter the contract rules, please maintain the current posture, position the time axis, position the space axis...the time node solidification begins: 1%, 2%, 3%..."


Innate Divine Power: Ice Goddess

Nickname: Our Lady of the Nine Heavens/The Patron Saint of the Hunter

Name: Nine Heavens Xuannv

Affiliation: Wu Chen (Player No. 20150326-Y)

Status: uniquely bound

Race: Ancient God (primitive protoss in Qinzhong Realm)

Domain of God: Realm in the Qin

Relationship status: single

Time node: ancient times

Ability Assessment: ★★★★★★★

Immunity Level: ★★★★★★☆

Life support level: ★★★★★★★

Remarks: The Snow Goddess bestows endless courage and blessings on hunters.

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