The villain also has spring

Chapter 374 2.47 God's Hand

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Never underestimate a madman.

This is an important experience that Wu Chen gained in the world of American Girl Commando.

The ugly dwarf in front of him has unprecedentedly powerful spiritual power.The light-emitting diodes on the top of his head kept blinking, indicating that his cerebral cortex was violently discharging.In order to prevent the occurrence of power surges and damage the fragile brain nerves, the excess power is output to the discharge device on the top of the head!

As the amount of discharge continued to rise, patches of dense and ugly hard spots began to appear on the dwarf's body!

These are round or oval white and off-white plaques about the size of the cap of a little finger, with convex edges and a sunken center, resembling a round fire outlet, and the scars are hard and dry.

Mei Kanxiet told Wu Chen that it was a 'current spot'.Current passes through the skin, and the typical burns formed due to the effect of current heat (below 120°C) are also called current marks.

Under the light of the human body bulb, many parts of the dwarf's body looked like melted cheese, and the existence of skin could not be seen at all.

Meikan Xiute told Wu Chen again that those were the marks left after the 'electrical burn'.Electric burns can not only peel off the epidermis, crack and fall off the muscle tissue, and disconnect the limbs, but sometimes even injure the bone, making the bone tissue melt into bone pearl particles.

This is an electric shock injury that is more terrifying than the current spot.

When the electric chains on the top of the dwarf's head began to shine, many reddish-brown branch-like 'lightning strike patterns' appeared on his chest and back!

The whole person seemed to be transformed into a colorful electric shock mouse, baring its incomplete fangs like a file at the female assassin!

zzz zzz!

A bolt of lightning struck head-on, and the female assassin subconsciously raised her shield, but before she could raise her arm, she was shocked and frozen on the spot.

Faster than lightning!

Wu Chen is not surprised, because the blue wolf Branca in Street Fighter can discharge electricity.It's just that, unlike Blanca's pure biological electricity, it seems that the lightning released by the dwarf is also mixed with 'private goods'!

His 'brain waves' seemed to have invaded the female assassin's brain with this electric shock!

"Damn it, it really is a soul eater!" Meikanshut said angrily.

"Can it devour people's souls?" Wu Chen frowned.

"Well! They are the most perverted fanatics, with firm and chaotic beliefs! If you want to defeat their spiritual invasion and keep your consciousness from being polluted, then you need to have stronger beliefs than them! But, except for the Machine Order The exorcists, no one can be more fanatical than them!" Mei Kanxiet's eagerness was as fast as her speech.

Wu Chen followed her gaze to the field, and saw that the two people looked like sculptures, their eyes facing each other straight.Except for the flickering electric arc above the Grunt's head, the field was silent.

However, Wu Chen read from the trembling eyelashes of the female assassin that she was in a very bad condition!

In fact, it is very simple to break the Guru man's spiritual invasion. As long as you kill him now, or smash the discharger on top of his head, so that the powerful and evil brain waves cannot be continuously released, the crisis of the female assassin will naturally be resolved.

But this is a one-on-one duel, unless you admit defeat, no one else can intervene!

Wu Chen also read Queen Night's anxiety from her rapid breathing.It seems that, as rumored, she and these subordinates are like sisters.

Wu Chen sighed, opened his eyes slightly, and a bunch of mental pulses slammed into Guru's mind!

The cluster light tube on Guru's head suddenly lit up, and then exploded!

Electric snakes flew all over his body, and the ugly Gulu was burned to charcoal by the electric current he released.

"Huh—" The female assassin who successfully survived the brain wave invasion opened her eyes with relief.

Needless to say, she won this time by a thrill.

"Damn it!" The ghost gripped his wrist heavily, victory was really only a little bit away!

"Bastard!" Naturally, the most painful thing was the bloody hand.In order to get a Gulu man, he spent more than half a year of painstaking efforts!The energy and resources spent in the process are bloody when you think about it!

The female assassin Atalante heaved her chest and gasped violently.She knew she was lucky, and it seemed that someone secretly helped her!

However, her own consciousness, which was invaded by the distorted consciousness of the Soul Eater, did not realize who was helping her at all.

"Atalante!" Madam Silver Hand ordered, and the female assassin immediately turned and walked back to the team.

Mei Kanxiet immediately leaned over and gently held her trembling palm.Wu Chen clearly felt a wave of warmth.Meikanxiet is also a powerful spiritual power user, but he has never discovered it!

With the warm comfort from Mecanxiet, Atalante, who was severely overdrawn physically and mentally, gradually regained his calm.

No wonder Mrs. Silver Hand brought the powerless Meikanxiut here, who turned out to be a super nanny!

"Holy shepherd?" Wu Chen asked in a low voice.

"Spiritualism." Meikanxiut replied softly.

"Spiritualism can also soothe the spirit?" Wu Chen was curious.

"I'm just passing on my feelings to Atalante." Meikanxiut replied softly.

"Spiritual nourishment." Wu Chen understood.

"Thank you." It was Atalante who spoke.

"What?" Wu Chen hadn't reacted yet.

"It was you who saved me." Atalante slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know that there are only a few partners present. Based on Atalante's understanding of the companions, it is obvious that no one can reach the level of being able to activate the mental pulse, not even Mecanxiet.

The rest of the people wished for her death, so the one who rescued her could only be one of Wu Chen and Shining.Because Wu Chen saw Mei Kanxiut's spiritual comfort, he is naturally a master of spiritual power.In this way, the person who rescued her would most likely be Wu Chen.

Therefore, Wu Chen had nothing to hide.

"What did you do to him?" This was what Atalanta was most curious about.

"It's nothing, just give him a stimulus to make him lose control." Wu Chen roughly said.

"Okay." Atalante, who had mostly recovered, gently released Mecanxiet's hand.

The corpse was quickly dragged away by the trolley. After the ghost hand and the blood hand made eye contact, the blood hand dispatched another capable officer.

Also one of his most famous gold medalists, Jojo.

"He is... Qiao Qiao?" Staring at the ugly deformed man with four hands in the field, Wu Chen felt that he had been re-viewed again.

Meikanxiu pouted at the even more deformed iron helmet worn by the freak, and pouted: "The one on the left is Big Joe, and the one on the right is Little Qiao. Together they are Joe, Joe."

Only then did Wu Chen discover that the so-called 'iron helmet' turned out to be two metal heads pieced together!

"Two-headed people?!" Because they are conjoined twins, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao have half of their heads joined together since birth, so although it looks like a head wider than normal people' , In fact, two glued together!

"Well, the conjoined twins who underwent remodeling. Each had half their head replaced, so in a sense, they have the 'whole' robotic head that all cyborgs dream of."

Wu Chen has already learned in the eternal cemetery that the limit of brain transformation is [-]/[-]. If this limit is exceeded, humanity will be gradually lost, and it will become a robot or even degenerate into a living corpse.

However, this Siamese twin with four arms and two heads is a rare and precious sample in machine transformation.Remodeling the half brains that are connected together not only retains enough humanity, but also possesses powerful mechanical control capabilities!

"Let me do it." Seeing that Atalante still wanted to appear, another narwhal member spoke first.

Mrs. Silver Hand nodded, "Be careful."

"I know." Taking off her cloak, the red-clothed girl with long golden hair immediately burned all the men's dicks.

Wu Chen seemed to be disturbed by the throbbing deep in his memory again. He was also very impressed with this female assassin who walked step by step onto the battlefield with her back turned to him.

"Anastasia," Mecansiot said softly.

"The name means resurrection?" Wu Chen's heart moved, as if he had grasped something.

Hastily switched to the perspective of the energy body, and sure enough, this female assassin named Anastasia, covered in scarlet blood, is 100% a biochemical robot!

From the first moment of 'seeing' the female assassin, the mood of the double-headed cyborg was completely wrong.The two eyes separated by the connected head, the one on the left belongs to Big Joe, and the one on the right belongs to Little Qiao.

And the scarlet electronic eye embedded in the metal forehead between the brows in the middle is blinking at this time, showing signs of power instability!

The woman standing opposite him had blond hair and shawl, skin like creamy fat, and a bumpy figure. She was exuding a charming aura and strength from her whole body, her gestures and gestures.Even though she was wearing a veil, she couldn't see her face clearly.But the electronic brain of the double-headed cyborg believes that the face behind the veil must have a breathtaking and rare appearance!

"Am I not mistaken?" In that electronic eye, a spiral line indicating dizziness appeared!

"That's right, Anastasia is a robot, a cyborg, a programmer...all species from the mother body and the machine city, an irresistible and stunning charmer."

"Succubus?" Wu Chen smiled wryly.Since entering the Matrix, he has seen too many very unscientific plots in the sci-fi world.Surprisingly, he didn't feel the slightest conflict or discomfort.

Sure enough, although the two human eyes on the left and right were opened to the maximum, and they were full of bloodshot eyes, the electronic eye at the center of the brow was still full of spirals, completely out of focus.The transformed mechanical body is completely out of control, no matter how hard the human part struggles, but without the drive of the machine brain, the transformed mechanical body does not move at all!

A head of neatly combed, long blond hair that was as smooth as a waterfall bounced up and down with the female assassin's footsteps, giving off a soft luster.

Winding the fragrance, she walked to the opposite side of the double-headed reformed man, staring at the spiral thread in the electronic eyes that gradually stagnated, the female assassin stretched out her finger, and tapped the electronic eyes lightly.

The double-headed cyborg fell to the ground like a puppet with broken strings.

There was a bang from the modified mechanical head, a puff of black smoke came out, and the light eyes gradually went out.

That's... it's over?

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