The villain also has spring

Chapter 303 2.11 How can the difficulty not be upgraded

Thank you for the monthly ticket of my favorite Adi Wang, and the rewards of Heyue Zhiling, Law, and Slowly Killing Pigs.


Glancing at En Nayi, who never thought it was a big deal, Wu Chen gritted his teeth and said, "It's done!"

"Announcement: Player No. 20150326-Y has decided to privatize Hong Kong in the story world of Luanwu Millennium! Transformation begins: completion rate 1‰..."

It turned out to be an announcement!

Camilache, who just got out of the ice, suddenly became mad with jealousy to death!

"Have you heard it all! Hong Kong is going to be privatized for thousands of years! Do you still pay attention to our three major groups? No, not at all! Damn, he is slapping his face!"

"Camila, don't worry, he can't win." The one who spoke was the initiator of the whole plan, the leader of the Galactic Lancers: Schulte Chen.

As soon as the announcement came out, Wu Chen's address book flashed non-stop.

Most people scold him, but there are also many people who support him.For example, the anti-hammer players who were liberated by him naturally stood by his side.Of course Die Wu is too.However, Wu Chen eagerly clicked on the headshot of the mercenary leader Morpho:

"Add money."

Simple and clear, Wu Chen happily replied: "It's easy to say."

The announcement is only for players, and the aborigines cannot know it.And Blink, who has been by Wu Chen's side all the time, doesn't know either.

"Ennai, how do you move this submarine base to Hong Kong?"

"First of all, we must completely control this base, and after confirming the ownership, pass zero transfer." Ennayi thought for a while, then pointed to the Weijie on Wu Chen's finger and said: "Actually, it is also easy to transfer in and out through the electronic world in Weijie." Can."

"It's quite difficult to send the entire submarine base in with a laser gun. This uncontrollable risk is too great. Let Ling solve it." Wu Chen thought for a while and decided to give up.

It is no problem to transfer some small items in the electronic world, but it is quite difficult to implement such a large submarine base.In other words, the laser light can't illuminate the entire base with all its strength.

The process of persuading the White Queen was far simpler than Wu Chen thought.First of all, as the logical image of the base brain, serving human beings is the first purpose.Secondly, when the original rules and order of the base were completely destroyed by the Red Queen, Wu Chen, who had liberated the entire base, automatically had the highest authority.So when the new owner of the base asked her, the White Queen agreed with little thought.

With the consent of the White Queen, Wu Chen immediately started the homogenization.

The price of the White Queen turned out to be an astonishing 100000 points.Although it was 10 times the punitive offer for forced removal, the price (rounded) of the fourth-level mutant already explained everything.

One hundred thousand points is really nothing to Wu Chen now.

Transfer payment without blinking twice, and get a super AI: White Queen.

As for how to move the former Soviet undersea base far away in Siberia to the deep sea in the outlying islands of Hong Kong, this depends on Master Ling's power.Because for the omnipotent Mr. Zero, three-dimensional is scum.

The exit has also been redesigned as an offshore exploration platform, and the nearest island is Da Yazhou (two uninhabited islands that meet relatively close together).After Ennayi assisted the White Queen to redesign the firewall and core code of the base, the base was reactivated.In the clone factory, Wu Chen also witnessed the spectacular scene in the movie for the first time.There are too many clones hanging in the hatching room by the spiral conveyor belt one by one.And these disposable consumables, which were originally used as the Resident Evil reality show, are about to release huge light and heat.

A virtual reality battle network will soon be established, and a beehive dormant cabin similar to The Matrix will soon be established.These clones will be awakened after receiving basic training and personality shaping in the virtual world, and then sent to the electronic world in Wu Chenwei's world. The developed gene enhancer... If you are lucky enough to awaken the powerful Omega brain wave, and then equip it with Su Yueming's MT transformation mecha...

Wu Chen slapped his forehead, I'll wipe it off and go again!This seems to be a complete violence system wow!

Before you know it, are you ready to fight a plane war?

Therefore, as the most basic clone factory of the rioters, it was guarded by Ennayi, who knew the key.Even the two uninhabited islands of Big and Small Yazhou were secretly guarded by heavy soldiers.

The fortress in the air is hidden in the clouds, the entire Hong Kong Island is surrounded by reinforced concrete walls, and there are submarine fortresses under the water surface, and the three-dimensional intersection of sea, land and air is protected 7/24, plus Wu Chen's white swan and the sky eye of outer space The satellite, with such layers of defenses, Wu Chen finally dared to heave a sigh of relief and returned to Su Yueming's building.

Now this building, which abandons its beautiful appearance and is reinforced by layers of gold-titanium alloy, Cybertronian architecture, and shelter technology, is Wu Chen's wartime command center.

In order to prevent enemies with similar teleportation abilities from breaking into the building, Ennayi also designed a powerful laser grid.Of course, the laser has immunity for important people like Wu Chen.

After the intelligent brain of the building read Wu Chen's biological information, the defense was lifted the moment before he passed.Wu Chen passed all the way without hindrance, and arrived at Su Yueming's luxurious office.Nvnin and Nirvana from Jagged Five Elementary School are now Su Yueming's personal bodyguards, and when they saw Wu Chen coming in, they hurriedly nodded in greeting.Su Yueming, who was concentrating on watching the real-time dynamic map of Hong Kong, didn't know much about Wu Chen's situation. She thought that she did this to defend against the invasion of Biohazard.Didn't know that Wu Chen had started privatization.

Leng Meiren, whose world view has been magnified by Luan Wu for thousands of years, does not know that the world view behind Wu Chen is even greater.

"There's an accident in the sewer." These were the first words Su Yueming said when he saw Wu Chen.

"What's wrong?" Wu Chen then zoomed in on the underground pipe network.The sonar didn't find anything, so Wu Chen immediately switched to thermal radar.Sure enough, the shocking macula quickly spread along the pipeline.

"What is it?" Wu Chen asked Ennayi beside him.

"C virus biochemical pupae."

"How could there be so many..." Wu Chen was startled.Didn't the Red Queen escape just now?

"Recently, there have been reports of missing persons in various jurisdictions one after another, but most of them are tourists coming to Hong Kong, and most of them hold passports from Southeast Asian countries. So..."

"Everyone thought they disappeared on purpose, and were planning to stay and work illegally." Wu Chen sighed, a hundred secrets.

"That's right." Su Yueming stared at the densely lit yellow dots, with a more serious expression. "What should we do now?"

Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. A small place is actually crowded with 700 million people. Once the biochemical virus leaks...

Su Yueming didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Nanoworms?" Wu Chen asked Ennayi.

"Using such a large area, I'm afraid it will get out of control." Ennayi must have her reasons for worrying.After all, the accumulation of quantity will definitely lead to qualitative changes.In case the nanoworms that devoured the biochemical virus got out of control, the harm would be no worse than the biochemical crisis itself!

"I'll take the clone troop down, manually release the nano-worm swarms, and clean them up piece by piece." Wu Chen thought for a while.

"This is the best way at the moment." Ennayi has no better way: "I'm going to transform the transformation template of the giant scorpion, sister Blink, follow me."

"Okay." Subconsciously glanced at Wu Chen, seeing that he didn't make a sound, followed Ennayi into the elevator with a flash.

"Don't you save all the data..." Wu Chen whispered to the back of the two, "And it's still the same red alert as Ophelia."

Ennayi pretended not to hear.

Talking and laughing back to the white swan, Ennayi went down to the bottom deck with the twinkle.Blink is extremely curious about the more cool science experiment cabin.I also met the legendary three sisters of Alcie.How should I put it, the three of them are not much different from humans except for their silver skin.And because of the higher refractive power than the human body, the three sisters look more exquisite and textured.

"Mistress." The elder sister Alita hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Ennayi has always enjoyed this kind of complimenting greeting from bottom to top.But the mouth is as low as the smile: "They are all good sisters, please sit down."

The other two of the three sisters still sat down slowly after performing all the courtesy.

"What's the matter with the mistress?" Claulia put aside the work at hand and said with a smile.Claulia is currently researching and sorting out the data and information stored in the brain database of Shockwave obtained from KSI, and among them, the transformation technology of the 'Three Change Warriors' has attracted her great interest.When Ennayi came in, she was sorting out the relevant data of the three warriors.

"I remember, the crab monster is androgynous, right?" Ennayi asked with a smile.

"That's right, he was born with two gender templates, but he can only display one at a time." Claulia nodded quickly.

"That's good." Signaling Blink to sit next to her, Ennayi said with a smile: "You all know the abilities of Sister Blink. Find a way to transform the human form of the giant scorpion into her exclusive kinetic armor, provided that it doesn't damage it." Sister's super power."

"Okay, mistress." Claulia took the task.

Ennayi and Blink whispered and left alone.Seeing Arcie make a grimace that let out a sigh of relief, Blink suddenly smiled.

"Are you afraid of her?"

"We are used to the hostess on the mobile phone, every time we see her appearing in the shell of Seraphim, we will be very nervous." Arcie smiled and stretched out her hand, "My name is Arcie, you can call me Xiaoqian .This is our eldest sister, Alita, and second sister, Clauria."

"Hello everyone, my name is Blink." Compared with the difficulty of getting along with human beings, it feels great to communicate with Sister Arcee.

"The giant scorpion is the pet and right-hand assistant of Vertigo. It is a reformed protozoan." Claulia explained the situation to Blink: "The giant scorpion forms a body. The control power of the metamorphic particles is not high, so the deformed robot form can be described as horrible. In the eyes of many transformers, the giant scorpion hardly has life. Except for a little basic instinct in his core program There is nothing left. And in most cases, he behaves like a beast. He never speaks, hunting and destroying is all he lives. He doesn't like robot form, but prefers giants Energy spikes and drill claws in the form of a scorpion. With these powerful equipment, the giant manticore can travel through the hard ground at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Whenever he breaks through the surface and jumps up, the impact that falls on the opponent Not only the raindrops of mud, but also the incomparable fear. The giant scorpion can change freely between the giant scorpion and the robot. In the robot form, his two clamps can rotate and drill. In the giant scorpion form, The elastic-loaded spikes can penetrate all obstacles!"


Natural Rights: The White Queen

Nickname: White Queen

Real name: UMF-013.bak

Affiliation: Wu Chen (Player No. 20150326-Y)

Status: uniquely bound

Race: AI (Artificial Intelligence)



Country of Citizenship:--

Birthplace: Hive (Umbrella Hive Labs)

Relationship status: single

Time node: near future

Ability assessment: ★★★☆

Immunity Level: ★★★

Life support level: ★★★☆

Remarks: super administrator, super intelligent brain, human supremacy (lawful good).

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