The villain also has spring

Chapter 1136 6.28 Invasion of Barge Prison

"You... find me, sir." Old Huck couldn't believe it when he asked.

"Yes." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

"What can I do for you?" Old Huck didn't feel that Wu Chen wanted to trouble him.Because, if Wu Chen wanted to kill him, it was as easy as pinching a fly to death, and he didn't need to come forward at all.

It has to be said that having this insight shows that there is still a reason why old Huck can live until now.

"It's like this..." Wu Chen roughly said that he wanted to go to the barge prison through his smuggling boat.

" don't need to tell me this at all." Old Huck trembled all over, speaking in his usual humble tone.He clearly felt the threat of death, which was approaching step by step.Are you going to be murdered?

"Of course." Wu Chen said with a smile: "As you said, it is actually very simple to do this. The reason why I told you is that I don't want you to be silenced after being used by me. Therefore, my people will pretend to be In your image, sail to the barge prison. During this period, I will provide you with a safe house to prevent possible risks."

"Shidao's skyscraper?" After quickly digesting Wu Chen's words, Old Huck suddenly caught something.

"Yes." Wu Chen nodded happily.Old Huck's conditions can be fully afforded by him, it's nothing.

"Sir, I want to go by boat." For some unknown reason, old Huck suddenly made up his mind.

"Why?" Wu Chen told him his plan, the purpose is to avoid risks.Not only to ensure that the old Huck will not be involved, but also to ensure that he will not leak the news.Therefore, providing old Huck with a secret safe house before the plan is completed is based on the above two considerations.

It is true that Wu Chen is a good person, but he is by no means a bad person.Guaranteeing your own interests is of course the premise.At the same time, trying not to hurt others is also a factor he must consider.Who told him to think more comprehensively than others?

"Sir, I want to take a risk. For me...with an old acquaintance." Old Huck said his thoughts.

No reward for no merit.Old Huck wants to fight for a different second half of his life for himself by helping Wu Chen complete the invasion of the barge prison.It has to be said that Wu Chen's appearance is probably his last chance to change his tragic fate.

He has to hold on tight.

"What kind of old acquaintance." Wu Chen was also weighing the risks.

" old woman." The moment old Huck spoke, a trace of human warmth suddenly overflowed from his whole body.

Wu Chen immediately understood. "Okay, I promise you. No matter what the result is, I will provide you and one of your old acquaintances with a safe haven."

"Until...we come to the world." Old Huck added nervously.

"Forever." Wu Chen said firmly.

"Okay, sir." Old Huck didn't have any worries.If someone told him forever, old Huck would just snort in his heart.However, the man in front of him told him forever, so it must be forever.Because every word he said can be fulfilled.

Old Huck, who seemed to be back in the gang time, cheered up, and began to talk about some secrets about the barge prison: "I will tell you, sir. Every time I enter the barge, I can feel a deep feeling. Fear. It's as if the whole person has been seen through."

He does not mean that.Wu Chen's heart moved, and he sent a voice transmission to Mrs. Spider Web: "So, that warden is a mutant with mind reading skills?"

"Very likely, master." Mrs. Spider Web also agreed with Wu Chen's judgment: "Fortunately, we didn't let anyone pretend! It's no wonder he dared to smuggle instant noodles. Having mind reading skills makes him confident. Old Huck can't play tricks at all. "

"Then what should we do?" Wu Chen regretted talking so much to old Huck.If he didn't know the plan, he wouldn't be vulnerable to mind reading.

It seemed that Wu Chen was worried.Old Huck said calmly: "Sir, as long as I think, no one can read the voice of an old fellow like me. No one."

There was a mysterious confidence in old Huck's firm eyes.

However, Wu Chen's semi-godly intuition clearly told him that everything old Huck said was true.How could an old ordinary person not be seen through by a powerful mutant with mind reading skills?

It was Mrs. Web who said what all New Yorkers like old Huck said: "Life has crushed him as hard as a rock."

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable Wu Chen felt, and he couldn't help nodding happily: "Okay. Then I'll leave everything to the old man."

"Yes, sir." Old Huck saluted respectfully.He still abides by his duty and does not get carried away.Wu Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart, no matter how powerful a free life is, it cannot withstand the erosion of rights and the ravages of time.

Mr. Xia, who had been standing quietly behind Wu Chen, began to move boxes of lucky instant noodles to the trolley.When all the instant noodles are loaded on the ship, Mr. Shrimp will go to Staten Island first to obtain the permanent asylum promised by Wu Chen.As for this grocery store that has been in business for a lifetime, someone will take care of it for him.No need for him to worry.

After loading all the instant noodles, Wu Chen finally reminded Old Huck, remember, you must put Lingdie in a box.If the instant noodles are unpacked in advance, Lingdie will have to show up in advance, and the whole plan will face the risk of failure.

Can't unpack in advance, old Huck said he fully understands.

The old pier is on the north bank of the East River, and Rikers Island is in the river near the south bank, which belongs to the river center island.The Sea Pug, which has loaded a load of instant noodles, set sail on time and will cross the river and arrive at the barge prison around midnight.

The East River is a navigable strait connecting Upper New York Sound to Long Island Sound.The waterways are busy and there are countless ships.Don't have too many fishing boats like the Pug Dog on the Sea.In addition, Old Huck has been transporting seafood and aquatic products for decades in this busy waterway, and he is a familiar face that everyone knows.Water patrol officers generally do not embarrass them.

This is another important reason why the warden took a fancy to him.

Old Huck naturally knew the patrol boat's routes like the back of his hand.It will not hit the muzzle easily.Always avoid the patrolling police and reach the barge prison safely.This time is no exception.Seeing the Pug on the Sea approaching slowly, the stern door of the giant barge opened with waves.Inside is the dock cabin, with many police rubber boats docked on both sides.This is also a necessary security measure for chasing and transporting criminals.Similar to the dock of the landing ship, the dock of the barge prison is also flooded, and small ships can directly drive into it.

As the Sea Pug slowly moved in, the monitoring equipment in the dock was turned off one by one.The stern door closed next.

Several prison guards led the police dogs and approached quickly.

Holding the steering wheel with both hands, old Huck took a deep breath, and slowly, slowly relaxed.A strong prison guard jumped onto the side of the ship and slammed open the cockpit door.Old Huck calmly opened his eyes as usual.

"Hey, old dog, how's the road going?"

"It's a little bumpy, but luckily the dough isn't broken." Old Huck nodded with a smile.

After carefully looking at old Huck's expression, the prison guard who didn't notice any abnormalities immediately whistled at his companions and jumped off the boat.

The prison guards who led the police dogs around the fishing boat several times did not notice it either.This is indeed a boatload of lucky instant noodles.

"Safe!" They greeted each other, and the armed prison guards in charge of guarding the upper deck of the dock immediately lifted their combat readiness and entered the regular patrol mode.

"Work!" The prison guards untied the tarpaulin and threw boxes and boxes down.It doesn't matter if you catch it or not.Anyway, they collect money in pockets.As for what's in the bag, it doesn't matter.The broken ones are still in the bag, and there will be no shortage of noodles after all.Besides, the prisoners who drank all their soup and water would never waste a little bit of the instant noodles they bought at a high price.

Of course, this is done to save time.

Just as old Huck said to Wu Chen, as soon as he entered the barge, he felt the tension of being watched.As if in an invisible dark corner, there was always a pair of eyes staring at him.Habitually lighting a cigarette, old Huck leaned back comfortably, and began to recall the scene of his old friend holding on to the wooden light pole and being fucked hard by the bald man from behind.

At his age, especially for low-level New Yorkers who have experienced his experience, being able to live is the greatest satisfaction.Other than that, look no further.Therefore, when he saw that his old friend had taken on a big job, his first reaction was to be happy for her.Looking back, I am still happy.

Only happy.

Because of this 50 yuan, the old friend can live comfortably for a day.

Memories are always long.

It even grew so long that old Huck dozed off in a daze while leaning against the back of his chair with a cigarette in his mouth.

It will take a long time to unload all the instant noodles from a boat.When the sleepy old Huck was awakened by the loud knock on the window, he saw the prison guard's face full of contempt and sarcasm: "Go back, old dog."

"Oh, good." Old Huck stretched his waist, wiped off the saliva at the corner of his mouth, and grinned at the prison guard outside the window.

"Get out!" The prison guard, who was disgusted by his series of actions, threw the money bag into the cockpit, turned around and jumped off the deck.

Old Huck weighed the weight of the purse, cheerfully started the fishing boat, and sailed backwards out of the barge prison...

Watching the old fishing boat sail out safely, the prison guards subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.I can't see the light after all...

The police dogs sniffed wildly around a pile of messy instant noodle boxes, but found nothing suspicious.In other words, it is not so easy to do anything in the small instant noodle box.

Most importantly, the warden seems to have the ability to foresee danger.If there was any problem, old Huck and his Sea Dog would never get out.Therefore, the safety of the barge prison does not depend on those high-tech electronic devices, but on the superpower of the warden.

This does not seem to be a secret among prison guards either.

Upon receiving the order from the warden, the prison guards immediately started loading the trucks and sending the instant noodles into the storage compartment.

As the trolleys carried away the instant noodles stacked on the deck, the monitoring equipment quickly restarted, and everything returned to normal.

Apart from prison guards and doctors, most of Barge's staff are prisoners.In other words, the prisoners have a self-sufficient, very robust operating system.From the cook to the laundry, it's all done by prisoners.

Those who manage the material warehouse are also prisoners.

The boxes of instant noodles brought in will be transported and stored by them, and registered.

Self-defense?In front of the warden who can see through everything and the ubiquitous surveillance, the bloody lessons of his companions have taught the prisoners to manage their own hands and feet.Return the instant noodle boxes to the warehouse intact.After the inventory was completed, the last cleaner to leave turned off the power and locked the cabin door.

Lingdie is not in these instant noodle boxes.

Because, although she can molecularize her body, she cannot conceal her own weight.So as early as the fishing boat was pulling into the barge dock, she sneaked into the bottom of the boat.Police dogs cannot smell water.And the warden who has the ability to read minds obviously can't read the voice of the spirit butterfly connected to the Ω Curtain Network.Even under the cover of the curtain, he couldn't even sense the existence of the spirit butterfly.This is like the absorbing principle of invisible materials.If he couldn't reflect back his mental power, and couldn't form an effective mental circuit, he couldn't sense the existence of the spirit butterfly.

And the indiscriminate absorption of the external spiritual force field is also the terrifying power of Wu Chen's guardian constellation - Scorpio.

The molecularized spirit butterfly makes all monitoring equipment useless.

Relying on the internal structure of the barge prison that TT40 sorted out for her in memory, Psylocke successfully sneaked into the prison control room.It quietly emerged from the wall, and then slowly approached from behind. Lightning struck and knocked out the prison guard on duty.

Then quickly inserted the computer wizard's hacker USB flash drive, and soon, the entire intranet in the prison was under the control of the computer wizard.

Endo Suko deftly disarmed the electronic alarm set in the monitoring room, and informed the butterfly through the super-distance effect of the quantum communication ghost.Psylocke immediately activated the laser light on the monocular, engraving an electronic grid of grids on the ground.Send everyone in one by one.

"Good job." Wu Chen encouraged with a smile.

"Thank you, master, for the compliment." Lingdie smiled sweetly.

Without Wu Chen's order, the computer wizard has already started to search the prison database to retrieve the detailed information of the prisoners.And through the quantum communication terminal in the hacker's U disk, it is transmitted to the white swan remotely.Organized and classified by TT40, locked the target.

"Master, Rhapsody Rachel Argosy is being held in a reinforced cell in Block C4. I have marked the route." TT40 transmitted the message to everyone in the X team.

"Okay, TT40." Leaving the computer wizard in charge of monitoring, after scanning the body data of the unconscious prison guard with the monocular, Spirit Butterfly immediately activated the optical camouflage and transformed into the appearance of the prison guard.Just like that, he swaggered out of the monitoring room and walked towards the C4 surveillance area.

It doesn't take too many people to deal with similar incidents.Besides, walking in the prison, I did not see groups of prison guards.

Lingdie alone is enough.

When TT40 sent more holographic figures of prison guards, Wu Chen, Mrs. Spider and others also obtained their own optical camouflage, and walked out of the monitoring room at intervals.

Don't panic when you meet a real prison guard, just use your eyes to signal.The person on the other side did the same.With the support of TT40's powerful real-time computing, every expression is guaranteed to be real and natural, exactly the same as the main body, without flaws.

The power of optical camouflage can be seen.

Soon, Lingdie arrived safely in the C4 prison area.

The armed guard nodded slightly, and Lingdie took out the ID obtained from the guard in the monitoring room, and leaned lightly on the gate.

The prison door did not open in response.The guard wearing an electromagnetic protective helmet subconsciously turned to look at the butterfly.

On the surface, Lingdie remained calm, but in fact she was secretly on guard.Time passed by, and just as she was about to give a thunderous blow to the gun-wielding guards, the green light to pass slowly turned on.


Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Including the computer wizard in the control room.Fortunately, she gave Lingdie the ID card access in time, otherwise it would be really bad.

The moment the door was slowly opened, the guards with guns immediately closed their masks.The electromagnetic protective helmet can maximize the screen to avoid the music invasion of Rhapsody.Seeing Lingdie enter, the gun-wielding guard who had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly realized: "He didn't wear a helmet!"

One hundred dense and one sparse.

Because of the protection of the screen, Psylocke does not need to wear a protective helmet.And the guards in the monitoring room don't need to wear them, of course!Therefore, this optical camouflage on her body obviously does not have a helmet!

Fortunately, the guards with guns didn't see through Lingdie's true identity, so the first reaction was to rush over to remind his companions who were walking into the reinforced cell!

"Hey buddy! You forgot your helmet!"

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