big fantasy

Chapter 56 Nick Fury

Qiaojin held the iron fence with both hands, played a flower in the air, and landed on the generous shoulder of the abomination very quickly, holding the iron fence with his back hand, aimed at the eyes of the abomination and stabbed down!

"Ahhhh!" roared like a beast, and under the fierce struggle of the hatred, Jokin missed, one iron railing pierced through the hole, and the other pierced the face of the hatred, but the extremely hard skin The iron railing was bent directly!

"Damn little bug!" Hateful and angry, seemed to be very dissatisfied with the little guy squatting on his shoulders!Turning back is an elbow.

In the nick of time, Qiao Jin lightened his body, jumped in mid-air, and snatched the fierce giant elbow dangerously. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, his arms stretched out, the spider silk stuck to the ground, and he yanked his hands fiercely. With the momentum, the knee was aimed at the hatred that staggered a little because the attack was missed, and the knee smashed into its face mercilessly.

After landing steadily, Qiaojin didn't have time to think, arched his legs, kicked his feet hard on the ground, aimed his fist at the chin of the abomination, and rushed up like a rocket... Qiaojin's strength is no joke of!

Boom!The mighty body like a hill was directly thrown into the air by Qiao Jin!He fell heavily on the ground again, his heavy body seemed to cause the ground to vibrate slightly, and for a moment, rocks and soil were splashed and dust was everywhere.

"Oh! My God!" In the distance, Peter Parker opened his mouth wide, and looked at the sudden scene in shock. He stretched out his hands, and the spider silk shot out, quickly dragging Jojin's body back in mid-air!

That is, the second after Qiao Jin's body was pulled back, another huge body like a hill rushed over!Hulk!

"Oh, my God! It's unbelievable, man, you have to teach me two hands!" Peter Parker caught Jokin who was flying upside down, and rubbed Jokin's head excitedly.

It's no wonder that Peter Parker is so excited, he has wrestled with the abomination for a long time, of course he knows the level of abomination's strength.And the picture just now is too visual!A small person directly blasted a huge body like a hill into the sky!

"It's just a flash of inspiration. I'm not qualified to be your teacher. Let's exchange ideas more often." Qiao Jin stood firm, patted Peter Parker's shoulder, and said gratefully, "Just now, thank you."

"Thank you, I should, ahaha!" Peter Parker raised Jokin's left hand with a smile, and gave him a high-five forcibly.

"I really should thank you." Jokin said while looking at the battlefield. At this time, Hulk was crazy!In fact it has been going crazy.Boom-boom rage smashed against the abomination, every blow seemed to smash the earth through!

At this time, Hulk was really furious. No one had ever treated him like this, and he had never beaten him so aggrieved!I was actually restrained!It was subdued!This is a great shame for a guy who only has fighting and anger in his mind!It didn't care if the hatred was mad or not, it punched the hatred lying on the ground, its knees hit the hatred's chest fiercely, its left hand, right hand, left hand and right hand, raindrops of fists constantly bombarded the hatred's head.While beating and roaring, the more you beat, the more vigorous you are, and you can't stop at all!

Following Hulk's fist, Peter Parker covered his eyes with his hands, and kept stepping back in a funny way, very rhythmically, muttering in his mouth: "Uh, ah, it hurts, ah, it hurts, uh... "

Qiao Jin swallowed, this guy, isn't he a bit too aggressive?

Peter Parker, who was still being funny, suddenly changed his expression. Although his face was covered by a hood, his expression could not be seen, but his solemn tone could be heard: "Maybe, we have new troubles, and Dr. Banner will become our new Enemy?"

"Dr. Banner? The green Hulk?"

"Um, I'm a leaker, don't tell anyone." Peter Parker didn't reveal the embarrassment of revealing the secret in his tone. The appearance of playing a flower.

"Peter, you must be joking with me." Jokin frowned, watching Peter Parker's movements, and felt that the matter was serious, "Isn't this Hulk one of our own?"

Peter Parker nodded: "Not sure, it has lost its mind now, after killing the abomination, it is likely to attack us."

"Enough!" A tall figure rushed out and shouted at Hulk who was constantly bombarding: "Bruce! Enough! Stop! Enough!"

"Huh?" To everyone's surprise, the crazy monster stopped, and the dying Abomination under him let out a series of wailing sounds that seemed to be there, and it could only be seen from the ups and downs of its body when it was panting that it was still alive. live.

"Bruce, this is not you, this is not what you really want to do, stop." The tall and beautiful woman walked forward, it was a courage that is different from ordinary people, and it is a love that few people can understand. A love that puts life aside.

Hulk slowly got up, looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar woman in front of him, and then at the dilapidated street scene with bright lights, and roared to the sky, as if he was venting his emotions, or like a beast announcing himself is the king.

With a thud, the iron fence in Peter Parker's hand fell to the ground, and there was a trace of rejoicing in his voice: "This result couldn't be better." It could be heard that Peter heaved a sigh of relief.

The fighter jets sent by the military arrived at the right time, just like in the movie every time the police appeared at the end. Under the loud orders of the relevant leaders, the fighter jets almost caused another disaster. Fortunately, they received them in time When the order came, I went back the same way.However, these fighter jets still disturbed Hulk, and the huge body fled away quickly.

"Dude, put on a nice pose." Peter Parker heaved a sigh of relief, still looking carefree, holding Jokin's shoulders, when he saw the images of two Spider-Man on the big screen that was not destroyed in the distance At that time, he smiled and said to Qiao Jin, "Our victory tonight is very brilliant, saving a whole plane of people! And you just stole the limelight, you have to treat me to ice cream!"

Qiao Jin's expression was full of helplessness, fortunately he was hidden under the mask!Gently pushed Peter Parker's arm away: "Who wants to show off? It's not to help you, hell. This is the last time I wear the black spider suit. Don't ask me for such things in the future. It's so fun to fight with you Oh, it's so out of the way, I can't stand it!"

As he spoke, Jokin shot a strand of spider silk and flew out of his body.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't go, enjoy the cheers for a while!"

Peter Parker shot out a spider thread, and Jokin's body floating in mid-air was suddenly stuck, and Peter Parker pulled Jokin back.Holding Qiao Jin's shoulders, facing the helicopter in the air, he made a gesture of scissors.

Jokin: "..."


After changing their clothes, Jokin and Peter Parker managed to find a pizza shop that was still open.

In the shop, Peter Parker and Jokin were sitting opposite each other, each holding a piece of pizza in his hand, and they were eating endlessly.

"To be honest, thank you very much for coming to the rescue." Peter said inarticulately with his mouth full of pizza.

"I have very few friends." Jokin shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly, "Comrade Spider-Man, now a group of people are waiting for your help, can you still eat pizza?"

"After eating this, I'll go right away, um, um."

"It can be seen that the cooperation between the two of you is surprisingly well-timed." At this moment, a tall black man came to the table of the two of them, wearing an eye patch, leaving a solitary eye that was a bit cloudy and couldn't see. Seeing through the man's inner thoughts, wearing a black windbreaker and leather boots, he looks like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, which is incompatible with the bright lights in the pizzeria.

"Peter Parker!" Jokin turned his head and glared at Peter Parker. He had played tricks on him last time, but he did it again this time!Does Peter have the word "friend" in his heart?

"It's not me, it's not me, I don't know why the boss is here!" Peter Parker hurriedly waved his hands, and it could be seen that Jokin was really a little angry!

"It has nothing to do with this kid." The black man sat next to Peter Parker carelessly, and extended his palm to Jokin, "Nick Fury, the current leader of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Jokin frowned, remained silent for a while, and finally stretched out his hand and shook hands with the black man in front of him.

Nick Fury smiled, straightened his clothes, and picked up a piece of pizza from the table casually: "Would you like to tell me about the large-scale anomaly that occurred around the world yesterday morning? First, the variant People are attacked, and later turned into human beings to be attacked, in my impression, I am afraid that only your principal has this ability!"


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