big fantasy

Chapter 379: Both Righteous and Evil?

Of course, Diana has her own concerns when she thinks about it. After all, joining the Justice League is not only about having strong strength, but also having a righteous heart.

In fact, Qiao Jin didn't even know if he had a righteous heart, and he even bluffed and lied, and his actions seemed to be very decent in the eyes of the world.This made Jokin somewhat ashamed.

But after all, the fact is here, Jokin killed Tony Stark, no one knows except Doctor Strange and the White Queen who returned to the present in the future, and Doctor Strange never said it.The biggest stain on Qiao Jin will no longer exist. Taking a step back, even if everyone knows that Iron Man's death was caused by Qiao Jin, but after all, that was the situation at the time. Standing in a different position, Qiao Jin For the interests of the race, a considerable number of people will support this matter.Politically opposed enemies are never right or wrong, there are only winners and losers.

Apart from this incident, everything Joaquin did, from the defense of New York against the invasion of the Chitauri army, to the footsteps of Greece resisting the global rule of Ares, the god of war, to the attempt to establish the World Tree in London The dark elves, who fell into eternal darkness, worked desperately, and when the sentinels ravaged the world, they took the lead, dedicated themselves, and fought fiercely against the Hydra.In the end, when Swallowing Star came, Qiao Jin really worked hard to kill Swallowing Star, one of the five great gods of the universe, together with Silver Shadow.

All of this shows the fact that even Superman has to admit that Jokin is really a decent character.

Superman's disapproval of Jokin, on the one hand, is that Jokin accepted Zod and Fiora, and on the other hand, he also disapproved of Jokin's ruthless methods. Kim really didn't find anything wrong with it.In a word, the resume is clean and the root is red.

These are of course visible to the world, and there are too many invisible ones, such as the Nova Empire.Jokin kills the warlord leader in an attempt to exterminate Nova's Ronan.Such as subverting the world, Jokin plunged into 1973 in an attempt to make the world a better place.undeniable.Qiao Jin has selfish intentions in doing all these things. He is here to make friends with the Nova Empire. He gave the Nova Empire the power stone to make them stand up for him. He entered 1973 to let his family live in a beautiful world. .But let's not talk about these selfishness.From an objective point of view, everything Jokin has done has benefited the Nova Empire.At least their homeland was not destroyed, at least the Power Gem was in their hands instead of destroying the galaxy in the hands of Ronan.

Qiao Jin's life is a life of pain and struggle, and it is definitely a life of struggle. He has his own firm beliefs, and under such beliefs, he has done many things.Most of them are benefited and recognized by the world from an objective point of view, so no matter whether Qiao Jin is out of selfishness or not, the final result and him are recognized by the world.

And the latest hunt for Spider-Man, no matter what the process was, the result is something no one can argue, that is, Jokin let Spider-Man go and chose to let the past go.Now.Jokin once again helped Wonder Woman, helped her get rid of the influence of the Red Skull, and even helped the entire Paradise Island restore its proper order. He once again became the benefactor of the Amazon family.These are real and real and cannot be questioned by anyone.

So of course Diana chose to believe in Jokin, so of course Diana felt that Jokin was qualified for the position of Vice Captain of the Justice League.

"I approve of him, but he doesn't approve of me." Jokin said with a smile, and glanced at Superman out of the corner of his eye.

"Huh?" Diana was slightly taken aback, "I don't recognize you? What qualifications does he have?"

Obviously.For Diana, Superman is still an outsider, and Jokin's identity is the vice-captain of the Justice League, and he has rescued and helped the benefactor of the Amazon family many times. Hearing that Jokin was questioned, she looked at Superman in surprise.

"Don't blame him. His heart is more kind than Barry's. I guess he can't understand my methods. People are always different." Qiao Jin explained.

All this was heard by Superman, his face was full of complex expressions, he silently glanced at Jokin, and did not speak.

"Who is she?" Diana didn't choose to dwell on this issue, pointing to Fiora standing behind Jokin.

"A person who tried to destroy the earth a while ago is now accepted as a subordinate by me." Qiao Jin didn't mean to lie, and told the truth directly.

"You're crazy, Jokin, you're playing with fire!" Diana was still wondering who this cold, arrogant, heroic woman was. She was completely abused by Fiora just now. This is an indisputable fact, and she has always been proud. She was going to inquire about Fiora's background, but it turned out that she came here to destroy the earth, no wonder she was so strong!

"Come on, we are all playing with fire. Each of us has the power to destroy the world. The difference lies in how we use it, just like your queen mother said. She joined Hellfire and became my subordinate. I don't I don't intend to let her bring pain to this world, on the contrary, I am going to use her powerful strength to maintain this fragile planet." Qiaojin said softly, "At least she helped me just now and pulled you out of the abyss Come back, are you right?"

"This..." On the one hand, Diana felt that what Jokin said was very reasonable, but on the other hand, she was very afraid of Fiora's previous identity. Like Superman, she couldn't tolerate such a situation. The villain is by his side.

"Don't be too distressed. If Superman doesn't come to make trouble, I don't think you two will have any intersection with Fiora in the future." Jokin said softly, and Fiora trembled. She wanted to kill Superman ,really want.But Qiao Jin said just now that one day when he can destroy Superman head-on, he will allow himself to seek revenge from Superman.I don't know when such a day will come. Maybe, there will never be such a day. After all, the growth speed of Superman is beyond the reach of Fiora.

"Let's go, I can't go back to the headquarters yet." Qiao Jin directly interrupted the topic, with different ideas and methods, there is no need to persuade the other party.It is very difficult to put one person's thoughts in another's head, so the politician and the teacher are two professions, one is questioned and the other is respected.Of course, in this magical world, psychic abilities can also put their own thoughts into each other's minds, but Qiao Jin does not intend to control Wonder Woman and Superman. He is not a person with a strong desire to control, not even an ambitious person. Everything he is doing now is to survive.In essence, Qiao Jin is not a villain, although Qiao Jin himself does not believe what he said...

Seeking common ground while reserving differences, Jokin stretched out his palm to Diana, and Fiora obediently pressed Jokin's shoulder, and Jokin stretched out his other hand to Superman, saying: "This time the Justice League really has something to say." The powerful people are back, how about trying not to fight alone, but to find a group of like-minded people to work together? Leaving aside me, I believe that other members of the alliance will be very recognized by you."

Superman was silent for a while, and stretched out his hand to grab Jokin's arm. That strong and powerful hand made Jokin feel the malice of Superman, so he just grabbed it. Why are you doing so hard?Do you look strong?

But having said that, you have to join the Justice League. In today's fragmented Avengers and the days when Thanos will appear in the future, you should help out in an organized and disciplined way...

Jokin doesn't feel that he is using the Justice League to accomplish his goals, because Thanos' goal is not Jokin, but the world.Even the entire universe. Therefore, the two behaviors of personal survival and saving the world are perfectly superimposed. Jokin naturally wants to make the Justice League stronger and become the world's most solid backing.


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