big fantasy

Chapter 355 Absorb!Apocalypse ability!

"Really, did you win?" After Jokin chopped Apocalypse in half with the Reality Gem, he was still asking this question repeatedly in his heart.

There is no way, because Tianqi's reputation is so great, and he was killed by himself like this, which made Qiaojin feel that he was really living in a dream.

For a long time, since Qiao Jin recovered his memory, he has been brooding over the easter eggs of "Reversal of the Future", and the appearance of the apocalypse has always been a serious worry in Qiao Jin's heart.Especially after Qiao Jin plunged headlong into 1973, in that subversive world, Tianqi instigated the White Queen and Qin Gree, and easily played with the world in the applause, which undoubtedly made Qiao Jin even more afraid of Tianqi Existed, but now, Apocalypse, just dead...

If it was Qiao Jin before, of course he couldn't compete with Apocalypse.However, Qiao Jin has always felt how fierce and powerful the enemy is, but he has never realized how far he has grown.I have never realized how far the White Queen has grown.

Tianqi was able to instigate the White Queen and Qin Gelei because they were emotionally unstable and the power of the phoenix was greedy and greedy.And in this country, the White Queen has the Soul Stone given by Qiao Jin, and she has perfect control over the power of the phoenix. With her current strength, it is absolutely not a problem to single out Qin Gree and the White Queen to subvert the world. .

What's more, in this world, there is also a mutant who does not exist in the subversive world, Jimmy!With careful preparation, careful planning, combined with absolute efforts and grasp of timing, everything has already become a foregone conclusion.

It is an undeniable fact that Apocalypse was not killed by Qiao Jin, the gem of reality, but by the painstaking efforts and careful planning of Qiao Jin and the White Queen over the past few years.

Looking at Tian Qi's body that was still rapidly aging, Qiao Jin hurriedly asked Jimmy to evacuate here. After a while, Tian Qi was estimated to have no bones left and turned into ashes!Where can I absorb Tianqi's ability? ?This is the best of the best, and Qiao Jin still remembers a sentence he once said: the apocalypse is forever.After inhaling, you can ascend to heaven!

The White Queen was obviously also aware of this problem, and with a wave of her hand, with the help of the Phoenix Force, Jimmy spun and flew out.After bouts of dizziness, it took a while to stop in mid-air.

The four knights under Apocalypse are well-known, but they are facing one after another opponents who are not inferior to them at all.Deadpool.Venom Spider-Man, Death Wolverine, and Kryptonian Goddess Fiora.

Among them, the one with the biggest difference in strength level is Fiora's. However, Fiora did not succeed at this time, because Superman was making trouble!Find Fiora.

The White Queen winked at General Zod, General Zod raised his eyes, flew out, and rushed towards his old opponent.

Qiaojin, on the other hand, knelt beside Tianqi's extremely old corpse.His hands pressed against his blue skin.

"Don't feel like a dream. We have come here step by step. We have paid countless blood and sweat to get to where we are today. We even struggled to climb out of a road in the constant front line of life and death. You You deserve him and these abilities, you deserve it." The White Queen, a wise woman, can understand everything about Qiao Jin.She knows Joojin too well to even need psychic abilities.With just a simple look, a single movement, she could know what Qiao Jin was thinking.

The White Queen sighed softly, as Jokin always does.Perhaps, in repeated setbacks, Jokin's confidence was hit very hard.Qiao Jin said nicely, saying that he should always remain humble. Thinking about it from another angle, this is a manifestation of lack of self-confidence.

but.This cannot be completely blamed on Qiao Jin, because the White Queen knows how many ups and downs Qiao Jin has experienced along the way, and how many setbacks he has suffered.The relatives around him died one after another, but he was helpless.The family members around were hurt one after another, but he could only hang his head helplessly.

The Canadian military base, the Alcatraz incident, the betrayal of comrades-in-arms, the heart attack of the ninja master, Reverse Lightning stretched out his poisonous hands to Anne, the Sentinel crisis, the upside-down world, the superhero civil war, these are all famous, and there are countless incidents, Jokin was unable to lift his head slowly amid repeated setbacks.

Qiao Jin became what he is now, not crushed by reality, and still struggling tenaciously, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.As for the self-confidence that a strong man should have, that kind of pride from the inside out, let him find it back slowly.

People can't be arrogant, but they can't belittle themselves...

Jokin is such a child who went from one extreme to another.

While thinking about it, the White Queen gently landed in front of Qiaojin's kneeling body, and held Qiaojin's head in her arms with one hand, clinging to her flat belly, and gently rubbed him with the other hand. hair, said: "This is not a dream, this is what we deserve. Don't have any doubts about yourself, Jokin, listen to me, you are strong, you are really strong. Looking around, in the whole world, I You can't find someone who can slip through your hands, you shouldn't question your abilities, and sometimes, you should learn to be arrogant."

"You have been disciplined for too long, how can you become arrogant." Qiao Jin shook his head with a smile, and replied aggressively. At the same time, he also avoided the sharpness of the White Queen's words, while absorbing Seeing Tianqi's ability, she took a deep breath, and there was always such a familiar fragrance in her arms, "Did you forgive me?"

"You..." The White Queen scolded with a smile, this Qiaojin really didn't know what to do, last time he didn't open which pot to pick up which pot, but this time he came again, some things are in the past, it's the past. Make it clear and clear.The White Queen can't tolerate a little sand in her eyes to her subordinates.But for Qiao Jin, she could choose to make a little compromise on the relationship between the two, but Qiao Jin insisted on facing the difficulties. Isn't this sick! ?

Qiao Jin smiled, quietly feeling the powerful energy in his body. Yes, Qiao Jin absorbed the saber-toothed tiger, and he already had the super power and body healing of the saber-toothed tiger.However, there is also a difference between mutant ability and mutant ability, and the comparison between Tianqi's super power and body healing and saber-toothed tiger is completely different!

You know, Tianqi's physical strength and strength.But the level that can confront Superman's killing blow head-on!Can it be compared with the strength and physical strength of a saber-toothed tiger?

"Oh, my God, if Jimmy didn't have Jimmy at such a speed of healing, no one would be able to kill him..." Jokin murmured in his heart.This is no longer the category of the body's self-healing. It is not a question of a quick recovery after a cut on the chest and back.But missing arms and broken legs can grow back quickly!This is really against the sky!

Beyond that, Jokin's sense of being connected to everything around him is back.Yes, mind control.Jokin used to have this ability, and later gave it to Isabel, and now, from Apocalypse's corpse, Jokin got this ability again.

Similarly, although it is the same mutant ability as Qin Gelei's mind control, the strength of its mutant ability is not comparable to that of Qin Gelei. Qiao Jin remembers that in the movie, Qin Gelei had nothing to do.Take a small needle and it's within your reach.At least before he became a black phoenix, he didn't show too strong mind control, at most he controlled individuals.However, in the easter egg of "Reversal of the Future", Apocalypse showed his face once. At that time, he built a magnificent pyramid in a few seconds... There is no need to repeat too much about this level of mutant ability right...

Teleportation, super stamina, and flight all seem to overlap with Joakim's original mutant abilities, however.Except for teleportation, the other two are still very useful. After all, Apocalypse's super endurance level is very high, and Jokin is willing to accept flying.After all, Jokin can't fly and can only use the Phoenix Force to complete flight mode.

And another ability also caught Qiao Jin's attention, which seemed to be a kind of force magnetic field. Tianqi had used this kind of protective force field when he was fighting just now.But at that time, Qiao Jin didn't participate in the battle, and didn't see the intensity of Apocalypse.

The ability to absorb and release is a mutant ability that surprises Jokin very much. Jokin still remembers that in the older generation, that is, Magneto, when Professor X was young, and the Hellfire at that time, the black king was called Sebastian Shaw. The ability is the ability to absorb and release.He is a well-deserved fourth-level mutant, facing all kinds of grenade bombs without fear, absorbing what comes, and finally explodes as he wants.Especially at the end, Sebastian Shaw still seems to want to absorb the nuke...

This kind of ability is similar to Bishop's. Even if Tianqi's ability is reduced to the movie level, it must be above Bishop, at least on the same level as Sebastian Shaw's ability strength, right?Qiao Jin can't wait to try it out, absorb it, and see where the limit of his absorbing ability is, and how strong the released ability has reached...

In the end, it seems to be to transform other people's bodies.If Jokin's research is deep enough, Jokin can also have his own Four Horsemen.Regarding this, Qiao Jin frowned. It seemed that there was a lot to learn, and this was not a simple matter of transformation. It also involved a lot of knowledge and calculations, involving all aspects of the subject.Apocalypse's excellence is not limited to mutant ability, his knowledge reserve, and his high IQ are also unmatched by ordinary people.

"Hmm..." Qiao Jin's face was filled with a happy smile, but because he was in the arms of the White Queen, the woman didn't see it.

"What's the matter?" Hearing Qiao Jin's murmur, the White Queen asked with concern.

"There is a feeling that life has passed the level, and there is nothing left to ask for..." Qiao Jin looked like he had reached the pinnacle of his life...

The White Queen raised her eyebrows in surprise, and finally understood the meaning of Qiao Jin's words. It seemed that she hadn't seen Qiao Jin so happy for a long time.

It seems that Qiao Jin really got a big tonic this time.Qiao Jin, who has always been gloomy recently, showed such a contented and happy expression, which made the White Queen smile from the bottom of her heart: "Why, is he the biggest fear in your heart?"

"Emma!" Qiao Jin was slightly taken aback, opened his eyes, looked at the White Queen with dissatisfaction, and said, "It's hard for me to be happy for a while, and you have to throw me into the cliff?"

"It looks like someone else..." The White Queen nodded thoughtfully, rubbed Qiao Jin's hair lightly, and said, "Huh?"

Halfway through the White Queen's words, a bright light flashed in the sky...


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