big fantasy

Chapter 343 Lightning, Zod, Annie.

Secluded private island on the West Coast of the United States.At this time, the sun is shining on the beach, the sun is warm, the sea breeze is blowing, groups of seagulls are flying high, leaving a piece of chirping sound in the vastness of the world, everything here looks so beautiful, like a perfect pair of seagulls. Like a landscape painting.Of course, the finishing touch is the beautiful woman sitting on the beach with her arms around her knees and quietly looking at the sea.

It's just that the woman seemed to have encountered some difficulties, and her brows were tightly frowned, with a hint of sadness on her supposedly charming face, which made people feel distressed.The breeze was blowing against her cheeks, and from time to time, the strands of hair on her forehead were messed up, and the long black hair was flying with the wind.But in Qiao Jin's eyes, this slightly lonely but small figure has been magnified infinitely in his eyes, and it has been enlarged to the point that Qiao Jin's sight can no longer accommodate any scenery.

Yes, you stand on the bridge and watch the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs.

At this moment, looking at the lonely figure of his mother Anne, Qiao Jin felt bitterness in his heart.

"Go, contact the Red Devil and ask him to take Zod's body away." Jokin stared intently at the far distance, the woman holding her knees and quietly watching the sea, sighed softly, "The Flash Forget it, after all, it’s a friend.”

Jokin does not intend to hand the Flash over to the White Queen. He and the Flash are members of a trench and a team.Jokin thinks he has an obligation to help Barry the Flash. Of course, this is also the promise Jokin made to Diana. After all, for so many years, there is a "promise" that has fundamentally supported Jokin through the ups and downs. this vocabulary.As a standard atheist, Jokin believes in "promises."

However, Jokin had forgotten that the double Jokin was, in a way, Jokin himself.Therefore, after hearing Qiaojin's order, the avatar Qiaojin didn't seem to hear it at all, or rather.The avatar Qiaojin didn't think about it at all, and he also looked at his mother distressedly, for a second, two seconds.In the end, he took a step forward and walked down the mountain...

"Damn." Qiao Jin directly withdrew his avatar Qiao Jin, with a trace of strange emotion in his heart, he shook his head helplessly.Using psychic power, he informed the waiter in the villa, "Contact the Red Devil and ask him to come and take away Zod's body. In addition, put the body outside the courtyard."

These so-called waiters were, of course, the female killers of the League of Assassins brought back by Jokin.After such a long time, the work quality and efficiency of these emotionless killing machines are very high.Doing his best and obeying Annie's orders completely made Jokin very satisfied.

At this moment, two waiters are taking care of Isabel carefully, and one of them is bandaging the Flash's wound.To the waiter's surprise, Flash's wounds seemed to heal very quickly, especially those skin wounds, which had scabbed over and stopped bleeding.

The remaining waiter obeyed Qiao Jin's order and searched for the communication equipment.Start calling Hellfire in Europe.

"Wait." Qiaojin suddenly felt a twitch in his heart. Fiora was reformed by the White Queen, although she struggled in pain for so long in this world.Qiao Jin and the White Queen have long been inseparable from each other and are connected by blood.However, I still have to keep what I should do. Back then, Scarlet Witch's advice was still vivid in my memory.Jokin has successfully transformed Death Wolverine.Well, it's not too late to transform General Zod this time.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself, you go and put the Kryptonian's body away first." After Qiaojin gave his order, the waiter went down to carry out the order.

With a flash, Qiao Jin skipped the winding mountain road and a lush deep forest, and appeared beside his mother Anne.

"Mom, your child went to save the world just now. Although the protagonist is not me, I have fulfilled the role of 'spectator' very well. Are you going to give me a kiss as a reward?" Qiao Jin tried to use a relaxed tone, He sat down next to Annie, and smoothed her long hair that was blown by the wind but not in the mood to tidy up.

Sure enough, for parents, perhaps the best medicine is to hear the voice of the child and see the child return safely.Annie turned her head and looked at Qiaojin with a little surprise. That sincere smile diluted the haze that shrouded her brows. The child pressed it down, and soft lips kissed Qiao Jin's forehead lightly: "Welcome home, child, are you hurt?"

From the surprise at the moment of reunion to the worry that followed, it took only a few seconds.Qiao Jin shook his head with a smile, and said, "Don't you know my level?"

"You little brat." Qiao Jin yelled, and his ear was pulled as expected, only to hear Annie say angrily, "Since there was no signal on the TV, I can't find you anymore. Watching you being bombarded, penetrating buildings, that feeling..."

"I'm fine now. This little pain is just physical, not even a muscle injury." Qiao Jin said with a smile while comforting Annie, "What's more, the one who hit me That guy, after a while, will become our bodyguard."

"He's not here, we are the safest." Annie shook her head slightly, and said softly, "Just like you took away my mutant ability back then, I lost my mutant status and my powerful strength. Instead, I became the safest person. I can only watch my children fight so helplessly and powerlessly, and cannot provide any help."

As she spoke, Annie's words became softer and her tone became more bitter. It was a sense of guilt from the inside out and a sense of powerlessness from the heart.

"Actually, I don't know whether what I did was right or wrong. Maybe I didn't worry about your feelings, but have you ever thought that I lost you once. You are alive now to support me to move forward As long as you are safe and sound, my heart will not be disturbed, my whole body will not collapse, and my faith will not collapse." Qiao Jin lowered his head and whispered softly.Regarding family and responsibility, Qiao Jin is definitely not talking about it.After such a long journey, everyone can see what Jokin has done.He seldom even expressed it so bluntly, but this time, he saw Anne's self-blame, her guilt, and even her resentment, which was not aimed at Qiao Jin, but at herself.This made Qiaojin a little bit at a loss, and the words he said lost his sense of proportion.

"Joe..." Annie was a little speechless, but was interrupted by Qiaojin.

"So, now, are you willing to tell me, who is this 'she' that Isabel said 'she will die'?" Qiao Jin restrained his emotions, looked at his mother with burning eyes, very solemnly said, "I didn't see any predicted works in Isa's studio."

"Stupid child, this is a misunderstanding. The 'she' that little Isa said was not me." Annie was taken aback for a moment, and then guessed something. I am afraid that her child thought that the person who would die was herself, but She hid the paintings again.

"If it's not you, who else could it be?" Qiao Jin was also stunned. The action that could make Isabel risk her life, except for Annie, would be...?

Annie nodded, and from Jokin's expression, she knew that Jokin had guessed the right person: "Wanda."

It turned out to be Scarlet Witch! ?Is it really possible?Qiao Jin has his own judgment in his heart, which is stronger than Professor X, Magneto, Phoenix and other well-known masters in the world. All of them have fallen. Before they died, no one dared to believe this fact.However, in this cruel world, everything seems so realistic.And the Scarlet Witch is basically the only few remaining characters who have reached the pinnacle.There are probably very few people who can cause her harm.Even, those who can kill the Scarlet Witch can be named and called out!

Superman?Or the apocalypse?

In Qiaojin's cognitive range, there appeared two legendary characters. As for those hiding in the dark, Qiaojin couldn't think of what kind of relationship the Scarlet Witch would have with them for a while. Yes, not to mention conflicts.

"A person with a red skull face. After Isabel left, I looked for his information. People from S.H.I.E.L.D. said that it was a Hydra leader named Red Skull." The "S.H.I.E.L.D. People", nothing more than Little Quick Silver and Little Scarlet are similar to the eyeliner left by these hellfires in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Red Skull? It turned out to be him." Qiao Jin frowned. Last time he had a real battle with Red Skull. Maybe Red Skull himself is not that powerful, but a group of controlled generals under his command, Indeed, it has the power to destroy the world.

"Can you show me those paintings?" Jokin asked softly, standing up.

"Well, you silly boy, I just put it in my study, and those waiters didn't dare to enter without my permission, so they didn't know where those paintings were." Annie reached out and took Jokin's arm.

Qiao Jin also let out a helpless "hum", and his body disappeared in a flash.

"Um, by the way, which floor is your study on?" You can tell how big Qiao Jin's heart is by asking this sentence. I'm afraid that in this villa, except for the restaurant, Qiao Jin only knows Where are their bedrooms?Of course, it was impossible for him to forget Joakim's collection room.

"Master." In front of the garden, Qiao Jin was talking with his mother when a waiter came over with a phone.

Qiao Jin took the satellite phone, but there was a familiar voice, which turned out to be his own...

On the other end of the phone, Jokin, the avatar, cursed: "I said, you damn guy, you don't need us, but the three of us are all armed with Kryptonian armor. Kryptonian guns, you don’t want these anymore?”


Thank you for the reward of 400 starting coins of Dragon Warrior.

For the late update, Yu can only apologize. Maybe everyone thinks that November is a holiday, which is good for writing. However, Yu must be on duty... I am sad...


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