big fantasy

Chapter 339 Battle!war!

Jokin's current team status belongs to a mutant king, with six peak-level human fighters and more than [-] elite-level fighters, all equipped with Kryptonian equipment. As long as General Zod does not come back, Jokin Can turn this place upside down!

In fact, Qiao Jin did exactly that. The avatars had their own missions, and they formed a group of three and began to search around.Inevitably, several of the groups encountered the steely man, who was also the only combat-capable guy on the spaceship, and these groups were destroyed one after another.But the rest of the teams never stopped searching, but they couldn't find the so-called sample library.

"Captain, the escort team of the aircraft group has arrived, followed by an alien plane...huh?" In her mind, Little Scarlet stopped before she could finish her sentence, leaving an exclamation word at the end ,"my God......"

"What happened?" Qiao Jin flashed his body and reappeared in the high sky outside, but found that the shock wave of the high-tech spaceship under his feet had been turned off, and the group of planes in the distance was escorting Superman's spaceship Hurrying here, what is surprising is that behind this group of human fighters is another huge alien technology spaceship, but this spaceship seems to have been severely damaged, and there are still waves of similar explosions inside. Red lasers like radium rays.

Qiao Jin froze for a moment, such a scene is rare.Among all the mutants at present, Cyclops Scott is dead, and only Deadpool has this ability. Of course, another person cannot be forgotten, that is Superman.Superman's skills are essentially different from laser beams, that is his heat vision (there are many translations, don't take it seriously).

Finished?Superman is back?This speed is really fast. It hasn't been long since he rushed to the southern Indian Ocean until he came back now...

"Stop! Stop!" General Zod even rushed back to the spaceship that came after that, even if he was struck by lightning.His whole body was numb, General Zod couldn't even fly, he could only rely on his momentum, and fell headlong into the spaceship.He yelled, "Carl! Stop it, here is our Kryptonian life chamber, if you destroy this place, you will destroy the entire Kryptonian planet!"

Superman's heat vision faltered slightly.The crimson eyes were extinguished, staring fixedly at the trembling General Zod, and roared: "Krypton should be a thing of the past!"

While roaring, the thermal vision exploded again, shattering everything he could see.

Superman, worthy of being Superman, has a way of killing relatives. In order to protect the earth, he directly destroyed his Kryptonian life reproduction mechanism... In fact, General Zod is also deceiving Superman, as long as there is Superman.Then the code of life will always flow in his flesh and blood, then Superman can completely create a nation by mating with women...

"I'm going! It's going to explode!" Qiaojin was shocked when he saw the planes approaching quickly. He didn't want to be sucked into the black hole, so he hurriedly entered the high-tech spaceship and connected all his clones with psychic power. , "Has anyone found the Kryptonite stone, hurry up, tell me the location, this place is going to be destroyed."

The result is of course self-evident.None of the avatars found the Kryptonite stone, because the Kryptonite stone is not here at all.Qiao Jin also shook his head helplessly. The spaceship has almost been rummaged. Could it be that the Kryptonite is really not here?Things have come to this point.Qiao Jin also had his own inner judgment, and left directly, and the surviving members of the two groups on the spaceship also jumped out of the spaceship like dumplings.

far away.The huge transport plane directly dropped another Kryptonian spacecraft, and under the eager gaze of everyone, the two spacecraft collided.The two spaceships have the same source of power. When the two alien technologies collide, the scene of distorting time and space reappears, and the suction force recovers all the messy objects in the air, whether it is people or all kinds of ordnance , and even the planes that flew nearby were all sucked into the black hole.

The next moment, the sky and the earth were wiped clean, as if nothing had happened here, the huge spaceship was gone, if it weren't for the dilapidated streets below, those crying and wailing crowds would have been very sad. It is hard to imagine that such a dangerous event has ever happened here.

Seeing that all his plots were destroyed, General Zod was also completely angry...

Over there, Thor crawled out of the ruins, looking for his enemy, General Zod, but he didn't expect that the angry General Zod was fighting Superman in full swing.

"He's mine!" Thor roared, flying up to attack indiscriminately, and the fierce thunder and lightning directly enveloped the bodies of Superman and Zod.Among the few weaknesses of Superman, there is the weakness of almost zero magic resistance. Thor was shocked, his whole body was numb, and he fell directly in the air.

General Zod was relatively better, but it was only a little bit better. His body couldn't help himself, and when he was trembling all over, he was thrown into the sky by Thor's hammer...

"I have to admit, I really underestimated you." Qiao Jin looked at Saul blankly, and suddenly remembered a Chinese saying, "Tofu in brine, one thing is one thing."Qiao Jin remembered that in the comics, Superman had sex with Black Adam once. Facing Black Adam with thunder magic, Superman at that time was also cowardly.

Eh?In other words, I seem to have magic too. Ice magic source is no worse than any kind of magic in the world, and it is even the top existence in this world!

Jokin has lost a lot in his life, but he has also gained a lot.Mobilizing the ice magic source that was almost forgotten to be used from his body, Qiao Jin waved his hand slightly, and after a piece of freezing temperature, small ice crystals scattered away.

Huh... The surviving 3 Jokin avatars that fell from the sky, and the rest were directly sucked into the black hole because they ran too slowly.Little Crimson was stunned for a moment, she swung her fingers slightly, wrapped several avatars with magic, and sent them to the ground steadily. Looking at Qiao Jin who was armed one after another, heroic and majestic, Little Crimson was also looking at flowers. Blind, there are so many captains!

"The crisis is resolved." One of the avatars murmured.

"Well, the rest is the battle between Superman and Zod, but now that Thor has intervened, things are a little out of control." Another avatar said with a little worry, carrying a gun.

"This is beyond the control of our avatars. Tell me, should we rescue the civilians, so that we can also gain some favorability with Jokin." The last avatar, Qiaojin, asked after thinking about it.

"Good idea. Anyway, there are no enemies now except Zod, and we can't participate in the battle. It's good to do face-saving projects." A clone, Qiao Jin, hung the guns on both sides of his waist, and flicked the silver-black cloak. , turned over and jumped off the building.

"Then I'll go over there." The other clone left without looking back.

"By the way, thank you, Little Crimson. Remember to go to the main body Qiao Jin to receive the reward." The last avatar smiled at Little Crimson, while stepping backwards, while putting his fingers between his eyebrows, respecting a non-standard military force, he stepped down When it was empty, he fell into the building.

Little Scarlet is already stupid, what's going on...

And Qiao Jin, the main body, is also struggling. This plot seems to be unable to be maintained. Since the arrival of the Avengers, everything has been messed up.Moreover, Sol is going to be super-godly rhythm today!

"You damn lowly creatures, Krypton can't be rebuilt, so you don't even want to own this planet!" General Zod was furious, and his expression was exactly the same as that of Sol just now, and his eyes were extremely hot, just like Superman , he also has the ability of heat vision, and he started to attack everywhere indiscriminately.

The nearest Superman was directly blasted away. General Zod turned his head to Sol, his gaze became more intense. In the process of turning his head, it was inevitable that one building after another below was cut and collapsed. There were vehicles, and the crowd was cut in half.

Seeing that Sol was about to be bombarded and killed, Qiao Jin's heart tightened, should he save or not?If not saved, Thor may be seriously injured, so this may be a powerful turning point to maintain the plot.but......

Jokin finally sighed. The comradeship between him and Sol almost ran through all the time after he came to this world.

Jokin flashed and appeared in front of Sol. Although Thor was an Asgardian, Jokin was not sure if he could withstand such a powerful attack.With a touch of Qiao Jin in front of him, a giant war blade emerged out of thin air, and the crimson crystals were constantly rotating, forming an incomparably beautiful giant war blade.

Jokin rested on the blade with one hand, and held the handle with the other. The thermal vision slammed into the giant war blade made of ether particles. The knife was not broken, but the huge impact caused Jokin and Sol to strangle together. They became candied haws, and the two were directly blasted into the building of Planet Daily.With a loud noise, the people from the two Marvel camps finally disappeared temporarily.

General Zod looked back and saw Superman attacking again, and the two Kryptonians fought together again.

"It's been a long time since I felt this way, and I didn't even have time to use teleportation." Because he was blown away so fast, Qiaojin didn't even need to blink, and was literally blasted into the building.However, there is still a meat pad behind Jokin...

Saul was also dazed from being smashed, trying his best to push Jokin away from him, and shook his head vigorously.

Jokin seemed to be able to read the mental activity of this reckless man: Who am I?Where is this?

Qiao Jin's feet collapsed and flew into the sky, his silver-black cloak fluttered: "Sol, remember where I live?"

Jokin looked back at Thor while flying.

But seeing the anger on Sol's face: "I have to kill him today!" Saying that, Sol rushed out of the building...


Thank you Huangshu Shuhuang for the reward of 1888 starting point coins.


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