big fantasy

Chapter 307 Battle!Ronan!

"Hey, don't be afraid." Isabel withdrew her palm, and when she saw Groot huddled in a ball in the distance, her love suddenly overflowed, and she reached out and patted Groot on the shoulder.

"Let's go." The little raccoon who caught up later covered his mouth and nose with his little paws, jumping and jumping over the corpse exuding a burnt smell.

"Ah, ah, ah!" With a roar, the enemy's black general was still alive, and tried very hard to get up, but under Dex the Destroyer's shot, a big hole was pierced in his chest .

"I'm going to cut off the power." As soon as Gamora finished speaking, a tall, bulging alien woman jumped out in front of her.There are turbulent waves on the chest. Since Qiao Jin's aesthetic point of view is still at the aesthetic level of the earth, this blue-skinned alien woman is not beautiful in Qiao Jin's eyes, but her figure is definitely first-class.

Facing a sea of ​​scorched alien warriors, this woman jumped out to block the Guardians of the Galaxy alone. There is no doubt that this alien woman either has a low IQ, or has very strong confidence in her own strength.

"Nebra, my sister, I beg you, you know what Ronan is doing." Gamora obviously knew the person blocking the way, she spread her hands to show her friendliness, and took the lead, walking forward.

"Hmph." The alien woman named Nebula snorted coldly, and threw a whip kick at Gamora.

"Leave this to me. You go to cut off the power. After the power is cut off, the safety door will open automatically. Ronan must be behind the safety door!" Gamora obviously didn't want Jokin and Isabel to take action.When fighting with Nebula, she actually stood in front of Nebula intentionally or unintentionally. It can be seen that Gamora did not want to kill her sister, but wanted to instigate the rhythm of rebellion.

Qiao Jin also saw what Gamora meant. Qiao Jin didn't care about the woman's own family affairs. Under the leadership of Xingjue, everyone rushed forward.Behind him were the endless roars of two alien female men. With that voice, it is estimated that Xingjue's lower body will become "hard" if he stays in this place for a while.

Qiao Jin was also yelled at by the two women, and rushed out following Xingjue's footsteps.

"You rush forward, Rocket (little raccoon), you lead the way, and kill them with Jokin and others. Dex and I will cut off the power." Star-Lord immediately issued an order, and within a short time, he made a very correct decision. I have to admit that Xingjue still has two choices for his decision, but he was stopped by a soft female voice.

"Or, we can go directly to the safety door, and then I will open it for you." Isabel stretched out her hand, and directly fixed the bodies of Xingjue and Dex who were about to leave in the air. With a wave of Isabel's hand, the two The man stumbled and flew forward.

"Are you sure?" Xingjue looked at Isabel in disbelief. He was very aware of the strength of the Ronan battleship. If the power supply was not cut off, the safety door would be very difficult to smash. This is simply an impossible task. .

"Don't worry, he's still here." The corners of Isabel's crystal clear lips raised slightly, drawing a beautiful arc.

"Well, I choose to believe in this beautiful girl." The little raccoon laughed and ran out jumping up and down.


"Nova Empire!" In the safe room, Ronan held a strangely shaped long-handled warhammer in one hand. The side of the warhammer was inlaid with a purple power stone, emitting a faint light, which was breathtaking.

Ronan Wei'an's body stood proudly. Through the glass window, he looked through the chaotic battlefield in the sky and saw the land below. His hoarse voice was as arrogant as ever: "Nova Empire! You deserve all your sins!" Die! The poor and pathetic peace agreement will not save your planet, it will only increase my anger, and then, let me crush you with my boots!"

While roaring, Ronan raised his face slightly, looked contemptuously, and raised the power hammer in his hand with one hand. In an instant, purple light flashed, and waves of frightening energy shot out, and the extremely thick light beam directly He rushed out and swept away the chaotic battlefield.The effective defense network that Nova Empire had just organized was instantly destroyed by Ronan.

In the blink of an eye, everything was wiped out.Ronan is indeed a strong man who makes people turn pale!Although this is due to the power stone, just because Ronan can control the power stone is enough to show that Ronan is the strongest among the strong!

Ronan smiled disdainfully while listening to the endless screams. The army of the Nova Empire below had no ability to resist under his attack. He could only watch as Ronan's giant battleship approached the Nova Empire's army step by step. surface.At this time, in the Nova Empire Military Command, the commander-in-chief looked at the battlefield that had been shrunk countless times before him, and his face had completely changed.Watching the enemy approaching step by step without any resistance, such an act of conquest can really break people's hearts.

Click, click, click...

Ronan's murder continued, he was slightly stunned, and turned his head, only to see the extremely thick security door, which was trembling continuously, and various parts fell down, on both sides of the security door, the two The soldier who supplied the power with magic also had a dignified expression at this time, and slowly, from dignified, he became a little bewildered, and finally, his expression turned into a look of panic.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... Plop!

The heavy safety door was finally overturned with a muffled sound, and the collapse of the safety door obviously couldn't cause such a big air wave. Under the huge air wave, all the items in the room were overturned, in a chaotic Among them, a shell blasted out.

Ronan's pupils shrank slightly, and the next moment, the shell directly hit Ronan's body.There was another loud bang, and the safe place was so strong that it had the tendency to collapse. One can imagine the power of this shell.

There is no doubt that this shell was fired by Xingjue. The weapon on his shoulder is the Hadron submachine gun made by the alien weapon expert Little Raccoon!

"We succeeded!?" Dex was the first to smile, thinking about it in another way. If he was the one being attacked, he thought he would never have any hope of surviving.

Even Xingjue smiled slightly, but after a few seconds, the smile froze...

"A group of weak and lowly creatures." The figure of Ronan Wei'an slowly appeared in the dissipated dust, and he swung the power hammer in his hand fiercely, and an extremely powerful energy rushed towards his face, even Jokin and Isabel could not be spared , was directly rushed out.

Dex was slammed against the wall, and Xingjue was even more miserable, his chest was against the pillar, the hadron submachine gun on his chest was not broken, Xingjue's chest was almost torn apart... ...

"Ahhh!" Undoubtedly, Dex the Destroyer must have rushed forward without thinking, and he got up and rushed towards Ronan without hesitation.

Facing the straight-on Dex, Ronan showed a disdainful smile on his face. Seeing that Dex's tank was about to collide with Ronan's body, Ronan just raised his hand with incomparable precision. He grabbed Dex's neck and lifted Dex's heavy body in the air.

"I remember wrong." Ronan said with disdain, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "I do remember your family, their screams have been lingering in my ears, their pain, huh, I have always been Reminiscing carefully."

Ronan's palm kept clenching tightly, and Dex kept grabbing Ronan's strong palm, but it was of no avail at all. He could only wait for his own death for a second. voice: "Hey, Lan Pier, try this gun!"

The little raccoon carried a gun that didn't match its size on its shoulders. With a buzzing sound, Ronan was hit hard on the back, and Dex's body was also sent flying.

"Hmph." Ronan's defensive power was astonishingly strong. He just staggered two steps forward and swung his hand back. A huge energy directly blasted the little raccoon's thin body, smashing it hard. On the glass window, the extremely strong window has already been smashed into cracks, one can imagine how huge the energy is, the little raccoon has completely passed out, life and death are unknown.

"Waste, after all, waste, a group of lowly species." Ronan sneered, looking at Dex who was still showing hatred in front of him, Ronan stepped on it directly with his big feet, accompanied by the sound of bone cracking , Dex's screams resounded through the sky.

Ronan's style is the same as before, just like the last time he fought against Dex, Ronan was able to slaughter Dex easily, but he just knocked Dex unconscious and threw him into the chemical pool, watching the constantly emerging Bubbles, enjoying the pleasure of slowly torturing and killing people, this time, it's the same, but this time Dex didn't pass out, he was enduring pain that ordinary people can't imagine.

In the distance, Jokin helped Isabel up. What happened between the lightning and the flint made Jokin feel a little helpless. Because Ronan took special care of him just now, Jojin was hit hardest by the Stone of Power, and his whole body was dissolved. The energy also took a little time.

"Okay." Jokin shook his head, holding out a hand.

Ronan's big feet were still wantonly crushing Dex's chest, enjoying the pleasure of being ravaged, he only felt that the hammer in his hand was about to be released.

Ronan looked startled, and hurriedly grabbed the warhammer, but was carried by the warhammer to Joaquin.

"Inferior creatures, do you want to die!?" Ronan was in the air, and through the stone of power, an incomparably pure energy rushed towards Qiaojin fiercely, but Qiaojin's body in the distance was abrupt. disappeared.

Boom!With one kick, Ronan only felt his neck crooked, and his whole body was kicked down fiercely. The next moment, the top of his head was stepped into the heavy spaceship ground. If he was a normal person, his neck would have been broken by Qiao Jin at this time. He couldn't survive at all, but Ronan didn't die, his neck was bent at a strange angle, making people look a little bit sore.

Ronan, who has always been aloof and overlord, has not yet recovered from such a humiliating action. He only heard Qiao Jin's joking voice above his head: "Yes, I want to."


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