big fantasy

Chapter 288 Gain and Loss

Time, three months later.

Qiao Jin and the White Queen stood side by side, connected by the power of the phoenix, surging back and forth between the two, the crimson fluid energy constantly flowing on the two, the picture is extremely beautiful.

"It seems a bit unethical to do this. This is digging a grave." Qiao Jin curled his lips. At this time, his body has completely healed.Last time, when helping the shadow self-destruct, it was also linked with the Phoenix Force, which made Qiaojin unable to withdraw and was finally blown upright by the silver shadow.The explosion was not a joke, it was a blow that Yinying tried his best to kill them all, so Qiaojin was also miserable.

Fortunately, the overdrawn body did not last long. As the energy that Jokin touched from the silver surfboard slowly dissipated, Jokin's abilities and various physical characteristics gradually stabilized. With the help of self-healing ability, Qiao Jin healed out of control, as if breaking through a shackle, and finally, the speed of recovery was horribly fast.

It is worth mentioning that Isabel was chaotic due to her concern. After Jokin was rescued by the Scarlet Witch, she couldn't help but feel distressed. She stepped forward and touched Jokin's body, which caused some strange things to happen between the two. , Yes, transforming the human body from the molecular level is not a joke. Back then, Isabel directly obtained Jokin’s ability, a silver electric current, and a shiny diamond skin. Then, the whole person became a fire diamond People are a thousand times more beautiful than Qiao Jin.

However, in the eyes of the Scarlet Witch, such a scene was very unattractive. Under the surge of power, the Scarlet Witch directly pushed Isabel away and threw it far to the beach. The Scarlet Witch was very panicked, for fear that Isabel would Another explosion caused Qiaojin, who was already seriously injured and unconscious, to be injured again.Facts have proved that the Scarlet Witch's judgment is correct. Isabel, who has just acquired the ability, is in an extremely unstable physical condition, and has many abilities that she cannot control at all. On the beach, she only sees streaks of fire, accompanied by flashes of brilliance. The silver electric current is running wildly. One second here, the next second is already tens of meters away. The whole beach is full of fire drill figures. The explosions lasted for a long time... Fortunately, This is a private island with no village in the front and no shops in the back. If it was in the city, someone would have called the police a long time ago, and it is estimated that the level of the official police would not be low. This is a terrorist attack... In the end With the help of the White Queen, Isabel stabilized slightly.

For a whole hour, Isabel, who had stabilized a little, wanted to return the ability to Jokin, but was stopped directly by the Scarlet Witch. No one knew what would happen next time she touched Jokin.Isabel was also helpless, and couldn't help but scratched her arm fiercely. After confirming again and again that she had no self-healing ability, she breathed a sigh of relief.For this "self-abuse" child, Anne was also angry and distressed, and gave little Isa a hard look... As for the White Queen, another "wife" of her own child, Anne, as the mother, There is also a feeling that can't be explained. I don't know how to treat the White Queen. Anne always feels that the White Queen is very dangerous, but she can see the deep bond between the White Queen and Qiao Jin.

Time went back to the present, with the help of the White Queen, and with the help of the Phoenix Force, Qiao Jin felt that his body was very full, his energy was very abundant, his condition was very good, and there were no sequelae. Standing in front of Magneto's tombstone, Jokin's sentence "digging the grave" was exactly the proposal of the White Queen, which allowed Jokin, who had lost several abilities, to acquire Magneto's abilities.

"Don't think too much, this is just for you." The White Queen smiled and patted Qiaojin on the shoulder, and secretly admired: "Sure enough, no matter what kind of accident you are facing, what kind of accident is it? Such setbacks, I don’t look discouraged at all.” If a normal person, after gaining several abilities through hard work, loses them due to an accident, he will probably be very sad, or even devastated, after all, this is survival. The capital that came down.

But Qiao Jin, who was unusually free and easy, didn't feel too frustrated, because he was used to it. There is a saying that goes well, as long as you get used to it, you can get used to it.A joking language, in Jokin's place, has become the truth.Have you experienced fewer setbacks and tribulations?When have you ever failed yourself?In the face of any situation, you must have a strong heart, or be neither arrogant nor impetuous, nor discouraged, these are not just words.

Taking a step back, Isabel has gained some strength improvement, which is also very good. The world is becoming more and more dangerous, and the level of disasters she faces is also increasing.Some ordinary mutant abilities can no longer meet Jokin's needs.

For example, diamond skin, which can't meet Qiaojin's needs for war at all. Only pure and powerful abilities, such as the power of the phoenix, such as infinite gems, are the goals of Qiaojin's future growth. , Qiaojin, who already has enough skills, has already recognized the path he should take in the future.He wouldn't worry about such a small matter.

With the Time Stone, the mutant ability of super speed is also infinitely weakened. Of course, it cannot be said that it has no effect, but all of this is within Jokin's tolerance.Isabel obtained super speed, diamond skin, fire diamond skin, and mind control abilities from Jokin. Now, Isabel's strength has been abruptly improved by a large amount, and she has made an absolute qualitative leap. After some time, when she is able to master the ability proficiently, there will be a strong person in this world who will make everyone fearful.

In fact, Qiao Jin really wants to give Isabel the ability to control fire. The fire diamond skin plus fire control ability is a perfect match. Qiao Jin really loves Isabel, and really wants to make the girl stronger, at least keep up with his own pace.However, the mysterious power has dissipated, and the whole body has stabilized.Even if he didn't stabilize, Jokin didn't dare to touch Isabel, who knows what reaction he would have.

"Go, absorb it, Magneto's ability is also good, although it is not as good as Jean Grey's mind control." Can control metal (of course, Qin Gelei's ability has also weakened a lot, and I have never seen her control things at the atomic or molecular level), but it is better than nothing.Compared with mind control, the White Queen regrets that Fire Diamond is in her body. The power of that ability is no joke.Basically, it belongs to Jokin's most powerful output ability.

"By the way, didn't you say that Silver Shadow is here with you? Maybe we can use him and his surfboard to make some fine-tuning." Qiaojin watched several subordinates digging graves, always feeling very uncomfortable, maybe Because he was a Chinese in his previous life, he always felt very taboo about digging graves.

Qiao Jin can be regarded as a bitch and set up a memorial archway. Even Nima's corpse has been "blasphemed" countless times. Do you still care about a grave?

"I made an agreement with him, and he left temporarily." The White Queen looked at Qiaojin with a smile, like a secret, and refused to reveal anything more, "By the way, what are you going to do next?"

"What are you doing?" Qiao Jin squatted down, stretched his palms in, pondered for a while, and said, "I got a lot of information through that surfboard, I want to take an interstellar trip, and I'm going to find other Infinity Stones."

The White Queen's eyes lit up, she nodded in appreciation and said: "Well, the boring civil war here is over. There are no trivial things to get involved in your hands and feet. It's time to improve our own strength. I support you."

"Hmm..." Qiao Jin stretched out his hand and said, "I'm going to wash..." As he spoke, Qiao Jin's body flashed and disappeared without a trace.

The White Queen shook her head with a smile, and waved at several subordinates, signaling them to tidy up and put the "things" back in place.

Here Qiao Jin has decided on his "star travel" journey, looking for infinite gems, strengthening himself, and sprinting for the so-called final stage in his mind.On the other hand, the United States is in dire straits every day. The Justice League finally found the reason for Jokin's disappearance. Light, after all, this is a major event done by members of his own alliance, which is very in line with the purpose of the Justice League.Therefore, Diana specially expressed her respect to Jokin, and gave Jokin a lot of holidays until he recovered.Of course, this is just a verbal reward. Even if Diana doesn't give him a vacation, Jokin doesn't plan to return to the team...

In addition to the Justice League, the Amazons and the Atlantis have maintained stability in the United States and wiped out all sentinel robots.Another major event has also affected everyone's minds. After Captain America surrendered, under such a chaotic situation, the US government is still working hard, trying to use various means to express to the people that the country is still alive. Working hard, various departments are still returning to the right track, trying to divert everyone's attention through the news of Captain America Steve Rogers, and focus on the news about Captain America's trial.Unlimited reduction of the fact that the Pentagon was bombed.

And today is the day when Captain America was escorted from New York to Washington. After three full months of ups and downs, Captain America finally walked out of the heavily guarded "lounge", ready to accept his due trial .However, no one would have imagined that when the authorities were trying to make something big and try Steve Rogers by slapping his face to make him fat, someone brought a "trial" to Steve Rogers in advance... .


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