big fantasy

Chapter 280 Target! 5 Corners!

"Stop...stop..." Captain America lowered his head and said a word tremblingly.

"Captain, what did you say?" Spider-Man, who was in tatters and was badly injured, was swinging a few broken metal limbs. One side of the mask was torn, and half of his dusty face could be clearly seen.At this moment, Peter Parker was looking at Captain America in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief.

"All soldiers obey the order! Stop!" Captain America looked up, looking at the devastated crowd, crying and screaming in the ruins, looking at the corpses of soldiers all over the place, looking at the scrapped sentinel robots everywhere, Captain America He gritted his teeth fiercely, "Stop it all, this is an order!"

All of a sudden, the soldiers of the West Coast Avengers led by Captain America stopped their movements. On the opposite side were the New York Avengers soldiers, military soldiers, and a few sentinel robots who had suffered heavy losses and were struggling to support them.

Diana floated down and helped Arthur out from the deep pit, only to see that the blood from Arthur's mouth had already been frozen, and under the crystal clear frost, the deep red color was particularly dazzling.The members of the Justice League looked at each other, and the new Avengers headquarters had been destroyed. Although they didn't know what was going on, what happened to Iron Man, and where Iron Man flew to in the end.However, the headquarters of the Avengers, the base camp of the sentinel robots inside, was completely destroyed.There is no doubt that the brains of the Avengers were shredded, and the Justice League's goal was accomplished.

A group of superheroes cleaned up the remaining sentinel robots. Diana looked complicated. Looking at the silent Captain America, her sharp eyes gradually softened. She sighed helplessly and said, "The road to heaven , is always full of thorns, and your leather boots are destined to be stained with blood, but as long as you stick to the belief in your heart, you will never deny yourself. Human warrior."

Spider-Man yelled, "What are you doing, Captain, what the hell are you thinking!? We're about to win, no. Actually, we've already won!"

Holding a high-tech gun in each hand, the Falcon slowly flew down, frowning and asked: "Captain, are you kidding!?"

Daredevil hunches slightly.Listening attentively, it seems to be feeling the emotions of Captain America.

A group of ordinary soldiers of the West Coast Avengers also stopped their movements and looked at Captain America, the core character of their side.

"Look around us, look at the ruins, look at the countless corpses, we are no longer fighting for the people, we are all for ourselves. We are just fighting for the sake of fighting." Captain America lowered his head , For the first time, choking appeared in the words of this man of steel.This is a big deal. A man who is strong enough to a certain level cannot cry casually, let alone a superhero like Captain America.

"Captain, what are you doing!? If you surrender, we will all go to jail!" Natasha sat in a corner of the ruins, holding the headset with one hand, and said in a deep voice.That beautiful and moving face was stained and stained at this time, and the disheveled look made people feel distressed.

"Don't fight anymore, I won't let them arrest Captain America." Captain America walked step by step towards the only remaining enemy soldiers.As he walked, he took off the hood he was wearing on his head, "They are going to arrest Steve Rogers, not Captain America. This is a different thing."

"Please. Captain, please." The black widow hugged her knees, buried her pretty face deeply in her arms, and kept begging.

Captain America left the hood on the ground, revealing that handsome face, at this time.Hot tears gushed out of his eyes, one after another of horrific scenes, one after another piercing begging or insults, but the tiny stones hit his heart heavily like a sledgehammer, accompanied by those hot tears , Steve Rogers said tremblingly, "Soldiers, evacuate the battlefield! This is the last order..."

On the opposite side, several military soldiers retreated subconsciously, only to see Steve Rogers walking towards them with his hands outstretched and his head bowed.

Cautiously, one by one on each side, the soldiers grabbed Steve Rogers' arm and retreated. The beaten soldiers also seized the rare chance to survive and quickly left the battlefield.

"Now, what should we do!?" Spider-Man was stunned by the astonishing scene in front of him, and after a while of reaction, his brain was still dizzy, and he asked stutteringly.

"Soldiers, retreat." The black widow buried her face in her arms, closed her eyes tightly, and gave the final order.A few seconds later, he opened his eyes suddenly, forced himself to be strong, and showed determination, "It seems that from now on, I am my own supervisor."

Spider-Man took two steps forward, picked up Captain America's hood that Steve Rogers dropped, and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

The people of the Justice League, after eliminating all the sentinel robots, left with the seriously injured Arthur.And the avengers on the west coast also retreated one after another, leaving behind a mess of ruins and an incomprehensible memory.

Here, Captain America felt guilty from the heart of the people's begging, roaring, and his own actions, and surrendered to the official, and far away from the earth, Jokin manipulated Tony Stark, constantly Booming Hulk.

"Send you a ride, goodbye, never see you again!" Jokin held Tony Stark's head tightly with both hands, controlled the giant sentinel, spread his hands, and the two laser beams were more amazing than before, blasting with incomparable precision. On Hulk's body.Following Hulk's unwilling, even helpless roar, that hill-like body was blown away, and in Qiaojin's sight, it turned into a star...

"Steve Rogers surrendered to the U.S. authorities." In his mind, the White Queen's faint words came. Long before, under Jokin's order, Tony Stark turned off the blocking program, and the White Queen I have been watching the battlefield here.

Qiao Jin was slightly taken aback, the power of the phoenix surged all over his body, and he even had a tendency to be uncontrollable: "They actually lost!? These trash!"

"No, not only didn't lose, but also won. However, your Captain America seems to have been greatly condemned in his heart, he surrendered himself, and retreated all the soldiers of the Avengers." The White Queen sneered, and slowed down. Said slowly.

"Surrender yourself!? Then he-damn, just surrender yourself. If you are not crazy, you will not survive. If you are not broken, how can you stand up?" Qiao Jin cursed fiercely, controlled the giant sentinel, turned around, and rushed to up the earth.

"What are you going to do?" The White Queen asked with great interest, as if looking forward to Qiao Jin's answer.

"I not only want to chop off the heads of the Avengers, but also the heads of this country's defense system! Only when the chaos is complete can there be a new order!" There is a fundamental difference between Jokin and Captain America.When he surrendered himself, Captain America said, "We are no longer fighting for the people, we are all for ourselves." Regarding this sentence of Captain America's heartfelt self-criticism, it is infinitely different from Jokin's values. fit.From beginning to end, Joaquin was fighting for himself.

"The Pentagon? The Ministry of National Defense?" The White Queen's eyes lit up. She seemed to like Qiao Jin's presumptuous appearance very much.The last time I saw Qiao Jin like this was when he was besieged on Alcatraz Island. I miss him so much.

"You're so smart, but it's a pity that there is no reward." Qiao Jin drove the giant sentinel, with flames soaring into the sky, and flew towards the earth.

"It seems that I don't want this giant sentinel." The White Queen sighed, but there was no regret on her face. Instead, she was very interested. There was a faint light in her charming jewel-like eyes, and she smiled lightly. Gently took off the helmet of the brain wave strengthening machine.She seemed too lazy to pay attention, because she had already anticipated everything that was about to happen.

Washington, in the Pentagon, is already in chaos.Constantly contacting various military bases, launching intercepting missiles, countless sentinel robots flew out, and the soldiers were ready for battle. This may be the most serious provocation that the US government has received since the war, because this is Washington, the capital of the United States!This is not only Washington, but also the Pentagon!And the Pentagon is where the U.S. Department of Defense is located!

Through their calculations, such a path, the goal is undoubtedly Washington!In the end, they even drove out the last giant sentinel in the military base.

In the sky, a giant sentinel descended vertically from a high altitude, and in Qiaojin's sight, the continental plate was also revealed, followed by various missiles, but under Qiaojin's control, they continued to fly Attack, dodge.The overwhelming sentinel robots went up vertically, one by one like death squads, they started the self-destruct program one after another, but under the huge laser beam, there was nowhere to hide.

There was a loud explosion in my ears, and there must be a gap in a hundred secrets. The giant sentinel controlled by Qiao Jin also suffered heavy injuries to varying degrees on its huge body.And Qiao Jin's eyes were indeed cold, and he went forward indomitably.It's faster...

Isn't it nice to sit in an office and control other people's life and death?Is it a bill to make mutants a tool just by talking about it?Did Nima develop a giant sentinel robot to imprison us?Forced force to force mutants to become slaves one by one?

"Since you don't cherish the hard-won victory, let's play something big. Only by experiencing it once can we remember what pain is. Let us establish a real new order in real chaos." The behemoth quickly Close to the surface, covering the sky and the sun, rushing towards the face, "I will let you feel the taste of death today, do you really think that no one will dare to touch you if you sit here!?"


Thanks to the bear boy for saving the world, God's grace is invincible, flurry of cockroaches_unlimited sword system each 100 starting coins reward.


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